Chapter 1

Do I Love My Enemy?(HIATUS)



"Can you stop following me already?!" Haejin stopped walking and turned around to see Chunji was right behind her. She then crossed her arms while her foot tapping the floor. Her face was clearly shown that she was annoyed by him. Chunji looked at his back to find if Haejin was talking to someone else behind him but no one was there. He looked back at Haejin.

"You're talking to me?" Chunji asked, pointing to himself.

"Do you see someone else that I'm talking to?! Of course I'm talking to you! So stop following me! " She glared.

"Me following you? Seriously this girl... " Chunji scoffed. "I'm not following you! For your information, my locker is right there so I need to go there." Chunji stated, pointing to his locker.

"How should I know?! Well, I never really want to know anyway." Haejin tried to hide the embarrasement.

"I don't even care if you know or not!" Chunji rolled his eyes.

" Oh just shut up! Your voice is so annoying! It sound like a frog, you know! " Haejin mocked Chunji.

" Mwoh?! What did you say?! " Chunji yelled. " Yah! Watch your mouth! "

" I can say watever I want! This is my mouth, not yours! "

" Here we go again.. " Ricky muttured while closing his locker door. He then watched the two eldery who were starting to argue as usual. " Don't they ever get tired? They just wasting their time. " Ricky let out a sigh. He was tired everyday watching his sister and his hyung fighting for just small matters. ' Sometimes, I feel like I'm more mature than  them. ' Ricky thought.

Other students were doing their own bussiness, not minding Haejin and Chunji since they got use to it.

" Hey, Ricky. " Changjo greeted Ricky as he approached him.

"Hey, Changjo. " Ricky greeted back while gaving a little smile. Changjo leaned against the locker while gazing at Haejin and Chunji.

" What is their topic for today?  " Changjo asked. Ricky also looked at them. Shrugging he answered, " I don't know. Something about voice I guess. "

Changjo just nodded. " Don't you ever want them to stop? " Changjo asked. Ricky chuckled. " Always want it. " They both then laughed.

" Don't you ever thought of how they both even become popular? " Ricky suddenly asked.

" I don't know. Well, noona is pretty while hyung is handsome. Also, they both are talented. So, I don't see why not. " Changjo replied while nodding to himself.

" Yeah. You're right but don't you see that it's so obvious that they have feeling for each other? Only they don't realize it. " Ricky said while mutturing the last part.

" I know. All the other students also thought that they seem cute together though they always fight. If only they could realize it. " Changjo sighed.

" Wait! I have an idea! " Ricky face brighten up all of the sudden. He grinnied cheekily at Changjo. Changjo just raised his eyebrow, confused.

" What do you mean? " Changjo asked.

" You'll see! " Ricky grinned wider as he walked off to Chunji and Haejin, leaving Changjo who was still don't understand.

" Aish. Shut up, player! " Haejin yelled at Chunji.

" Mwoh?! Yah! Ugly! " Chunji yelled back and that made Haejin more angrier since no one ever said that to her.

" Yah! Flirty! "

" Noona, hyung. Can you both stop? " Ricky stood between them and tried to stop the arguement. Chunji and Haejin gave a glare at Ricky.

" Shut up! " They both yelled at Ricky and then continued with their arguement. Ricky sighed.

" Okay, okay. I have an idea. How about if you two do a singing competition between you both? The person who lose will have to be a slave for the winner for 1 month. How's that? " Ricky raised his eyebrow while grinning. Chunji and Haejin thought for a sec. Without hesistating, they both nodded.

" Okay, deal. I bet I win. " Chunji said.

" You win? Like I would let that happen! " Haejin said.

" It been decided then. The competition is tomorrow, okay. Let the other students vote. " Ricky said as they both just nodded again.

Soon, the school bell rang signaling that it was time for them to start the lesson for the day. All the students went to their own classroom even Chunji and Haejin. Ricky walked happily back to Changjo who was waiting for him.

" What are you actually trying to do? " Changjo asked, curious.

" I'm getting them both to be together! "


A/N  : I hope it's good enough for you guys! Thanks for reading! ^^ Keep reading, okay?

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HyuHyunah #1
Chapter 9: Haejin and Chunji fighting! Update soon author-nim
Chapter 9: oh Chunji-ssi. he must be so sad. well even this is not real. but i can feel it. be happy Chunji-ssi. and wake up. she's infront of u.
crissue #3
oh my gosh! this fic looks interesting! i'm subscribing it :D
Chapter 8: new reader^^ Feel guilty too Chunji. poor him.
why those it happen on his birthday. he must be crying all day