Chapter 5

Stuck In The Moment

Chan doesn't want to go to prom. Chan doesn't want to go to prom.

These words continue to repeat in my head. That's a good thing, isn't it? Won't I not have to worry about other girls being competition?

Oh... wait a second! Remember that girl from his Bible study group? Yeahh. That one. What if he wants to take her instead? GAH. 

"You honestly need to get over this boy." Min said to me. 

"I think that if I got to know him, maybe I'd get over him? Maybe I'll realize his flaws?" Min rolled his eyes at me.

"We're having a belated Chinese New Year thingy... maybe you'll bond then?" He suggested. My heart dropped a little. A party - at a boy's house. 


My parents would freak out. Especially since they knew nothing of my friendship with Min, and plus the fact that he's an older guy. Just greaattt.

"Okay. Fine. Text me!" I said, turning around and leaving his locker. This is it. In life, you can't just stay halfway. Pursue something with 110% of your energy or otherwise give up and move on.

I have to do the first. I have to figure this out on my own. 

* * *

"So where is this 'party'?" My dad questioned me again as I buckled myself into the passenger seat of his fancy sedan. The leather smell always gets to me and my face furrows at the scent. 

"It's Shelley's neighbor's house. A bunch of Asians." I say as casually as possible, innocently inspecting the clear windows of the car. As suspected, not a single speck of dust.

"Will there be boys?" He asks, eyes focusing on the road. 

"Probably. It's a Chinese New Year party though, so I think everyone's parents will be there." I input lightly. "You can probably stay, too."

"No. The game's on." Seeing a safety line, I jumped on the topic switch.

"Rockets take on the Knicks today. Can't wait to see Lin finally getting revenge." I chuckled, grabbing on to this lead. We chat comfortably as I steer the conversation into safe waters - things my dad cares about. The ONLY things my dad care about - sports and my younger brother's athletic achievements.

When we get to the house, I breathe a sigh of relief since there are a lot of cars to prove as evidence to my father that this was indeed a New Year's party and not some gang of troublemaking teenagers meeting up on a Friday night.

"Stay out of trouble. Text me to pick up." My dad says, dropping me off and watching me go into the house. I previously told Min to have his older sister open the door so my dad wouldn't see any boys and I was glad he remembered to do so. I turn and wave to my father and shut the door, peaking out of the window to see that he had driven off. 

"Welcome to the party! There's food in the kitchen if you want. Most of your friends are in the basement." Mara said to me. 

"Thanks!" I head to the basement. This was the first time I had been in Min's house and it better be worth it. The excruciating process of asking my father if I could go to a boy's party and the uncomfortable car ride was enough to make me want to never ask for something again. Don't get me wrong - my father is my role model. I look up to him for everything.. but his rules, although they are all with good intent, can be just too much in this modern society.

I spot Min immediately and walk over to say hi. He uses his eyebrows to point at something and I turn around, a little confused before seeing Chan. Immediately my heart begins to race a million miles an hour as he heads towards me. As usual, he looks perfect with hair slightly gelled, a knitted shirt, and jeans. He honestly looks like a model and I'm sure my face flushes a darker shade as he finally gets to me. He gives me a high five, smiling that killer smile of his.

"Heyy Cassi. Didn't know you'd be here." The high five lasts a little longer than a typical one would, I notice.

"Didn't know you'd be here either." I respond, smiling. Lie #1.

"Oh, I brought my church friends!" He leads me toward a small circle of four kids and I take in everyone's friendly faces. I acknowledge Shelley enthusiastically and she gives me an all too knowing smile. 

Chan introduced everyone and I noticed how his face lit up just a little more when he said one girl's name. Jessica.

Sooooo. That's her.

He sits a little too close to her for my liking and laughs at the last joke she tells. I sit down in their circle and glance back at Min. He gives a sympathetic smile and I shrug my shoulders. I tell myself that I'm okay. Lie #2.


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Chapter 10: she doesn't need a boyfriend? haha poor kimbum!!
Chapter 9: sweet thanks for the update
Chapter 8: love the update!
thank you!!
Chapter 7: <3 thank you for the update! :)
very nice! Keep on updating pls.
SoEulmates fighting!
Chapter 5: wow good luck on your midterms!
very nice! Keep it up!