Chapter 4

Stuck In The Moment

Prom season is fastly approaching. 

Naturally, I wanted to go to prom with Chan. But of course, what choice do I have? I am only a mere sophomore. 

"Chan doesn't even want to go to prom, Cassi." Min informed me. 

"Why not?" I whined in a joking manner. I always joke around with Min. Sometimes, I think things would be so much easier if I just liked Min instead, but c'mon, you've already heard that argument. 

"I told you. He's a good guy." 

I furrow my eyebrows in frustration and disappointment. Why can't I put myself past him? Why can't I see other guys besides him? Why? I don't even know Chan that well to begin with!

Shelley doesn't understand my problems. She never does. We're in two completely different worlds. Shelley is all innocent and naive, and she cannot empathize with my concerns. I try to explain things to her, but she rarely can relate to my issues. My personal life and family problems, that is. I feel like she harbors secret feelings for Chan, but she continues to insist the opposite.

On the other hand, Laura doesn't want to listen to my issues, and sometimes I don't feel like telling her my problems anyway. We think on similar levels and all, but there is a barrier between us because of our differences. Since she's not Asian, it's sometimes hard for her to understand certain things. Around her, I act more white. I'm totally fine with that, but I always just feel more comfortable around my own similar people. 

"I'm telling you - he's not all you think he is." Min reminded me. I shoot him a glare but smile afterward. 

"Talk to you later then." I left his locker and sighed. Today was Valentine's Day. I love this holiday because it's such a cheerful day and everyone hands out fun stuff like candy and you can get flowers delivered and everything. Some people are depressed because they don't have a significant other, but I really think it's just a fun day. This world could use a lot more love. 

Every Valentine's Day, I am reminded that I spend yet another holiday alone. And to me, that's okay. After all, I'm only in high school. What more can I expect? I'm not looking for an epic romance, a brief fling, or a one night stand. Yes, I'm looking to love and be loved, but what can I expect from the guys in my school? 

Besides, it's important for me to stay focused on what's important right now: school. I need to get good grades and stay active in order to get accepted into those Ivy League schools. They're tough to get in, but I really, really want to. Maybe there I can find someone for me. 

But still. Think about it. By the time I graduate high school, I'll be 18. That's an adult! How can I be an adult with absolutely ZERO experience in love? I know lots of people do that, but at the same time... isn't high school about having fun? Shouldn't we enjoy our time on this earth and in this world? Life is too short not to take full advantage of every single situation. 

I promise myself not to waste a single precious second, but that's easier said than done.

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Chapter 10: she doesn't need a boyfriend? haha poor kimbum!!
Chapter 9: sweet thanks for the update
Chapter 8: love the update!
thank you!!
Chapter 7: <3 thank you for the update! :)
very nice! Keep on updating pls.
SoEulmates fighting!
Chapter 5: wow good luck on your midterms!
very nice! Keep it up!