Two Cute Idiots

Behind the scene

Ren's P.O.V.


Baekho was lying on his bed with an iPad in his hands. I decided to lay next to him on my belly also. I snuggled a little next to him and he being the hugging monster put one arm around my back flashing me a smile, and oh my god was it blinding. I snuggled closer to him and giggled, watching what he was looking at.

"Is there anything you want to see?" - he asked going on a Google home page.

"Nah, I'm fine." - I put my head on his shoulder. - "You smell good." - It came out of me as flirting and I hoped he didn't sense that.

He lift his arm and smelled himself under his armpit. - "Hey! I don't smell that bad." - he chuckled at me.

"Idiot!" - I punched his arm - "I said you smell good!"

He smelled his armpit again and said with a huge grin - "I don't smell that good either."

We both burst laughing, him getting punched again by me.

As our eyes were filled with tears from laughing so hard I turned my head toward him, he doing the same. My stomach was full of butterflies, they were flying all around my stomach. I flashed him a seductive smile and wanted to bit my lip, but that would be going to far, so I stopped myself.

"Ahhh~, you are really cute Ren! Our little Princess." - he started to tickle me and I was laughing like crazy.

"Wait, wait!" - I said pushing his hands away. - "I need to pee."

"Ahahahaha, we don't want any accidents, so I'll let you off this time." - he said it like he was a solder or something which made me laugh again.

"Ahhhhh, bathroom, bathroom!" - I ran to the toilet, closing the door with a loud BAM!


- - - - -


Baekho's P.O.V.


I heard knocking, got up from the bed and went to open up. I saw Aron and let him in.

"You wanna go with JR and me to the restaurant and then maybe somewhere else?"

"Yes. I am staring!"

"Good" - he put his arm around my shoulders. - "Where is Ren?"

"I'm here" - Ren came out of the bathroom blowing his nose.

"What were you doing?" - Aron said. I didn't even know why did he said it, since it was a stupid question. What is someone supposed to do in the bathroom lol and I saw Ren's face forming a sarcastic look.

"I was just planting the strawberries" - he said with the most sarcastic tone he could pull of and acted the scene out - him planting and watering strawberries. It made Aron and me laugh like crazy. We were holding our stomachs and tears were forming in our eyes.

"Ahahahaha, Ren you are priceless!" - Aron said in between his wild laughing.

"And your question was really stupid." - Ren said laughing too.

"So, where are JR and Minhyun?" - I asked

"JR will be waiting in the restaurant and Minhyun is not feeling well, so he is sleeping."

"Will Minhyun be ok?" - Ren asked concerned.

"Yes, he'll be fine. Now let's go, I'm starving." - Aron said and we all went to the restaurant meeting JR there, stuffing our face with food.

In the end we didn't go anywhere else. We stayed at the restaurant chatting and having fun, missing Minhyun.

It was 23:00 p.m. and we decided to go to our own rooms and sleep, getting fresh for the next day.




I feel like my english here was really bad. I'm sorry.

Again a short chapter... Really can't write it longer, dunno why =/

So Baekren is here =) A little bit, but still lol <3

Don't be a silent reader =3

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Chapter 18: Hwaiting ren and minhyun!!! Don't let your love escape! :D

Fighting authorinim too!! ^^
kijara #3
Chapter 18: You are doing great! I luv you're story.Hwaiting !
Chapter 18: you always end with cliffhangers!
JRs one sided love is very sad lol. poor JR. he's always the victim in like every nu'est story I've ever read.
Anyways, I have a feeling none are going to end up togetherXD because realistically, I don't think it will happen. BUT still hopeful!
shinoside #5
Chapter 17: Can't wait for your update!
shinoside #6
Chapter 15: I love this chapter because Baekho can't just say no to Ren. And the kissing part is just so sweet even though Baekho seem reluctant in the beginning. Love it when Ren .
setsukayatouji #7
Chapter 17: Is he killing his feelings???

This was confusing!

Update Plz :)
Chapter 17: you always stop at the most intense momentss /sigh/
Minhyun is killing his family? hmm is it because of his gayness? :P
Chapter 16: aaaah read the whole story so far and have to admit it's probaply one of the cutest baekren stories I have read. I like the way u have brought the pairs up and I'm eagerly lookig forward next chapters.(dont stop this yet its too good to end now,plz ^^)
Hopefully baekren will end up together soon(^_^)/
AlexandraLee19 #10
Chapter 16: whooaa I love this part (: JR is so cute haha /// and who is ittttt ~~~