The Moment

Behind the scene

Ren's P.O.V.


The silence was painful. I was trying hard to get myself together, but it was kind of impossible to do so.

After a while I got myself together, but was still scared to turn and see Baekho's face. Some time I would hear Baekho trying to say something, but would still in the end just stay silent. After probably 5 good minutes of silence, which seemed like an eternity, he finally spoke, and he said the worst 4 words that I could hear right now.

"Do you like me?"

I turned around in a shock and saw him sitting with his forehead resting on his palms, staring at the floor, looking... devastated. I could hear a loud CRACK. It was the sound of my heart. I stared at him with my mouth open and my eyes full of agony. I pulled myself together as much as I could and yelled.

"Of course I like you! You're my friend!" - he turned his head toward me and was just observing me.

"Why are you looking at me like this, you idiot? Why did it come to this?" - I was panicking. I need to make this somehow right. - "If you don't want to kiss me, so what! Why are you putting so much thought in it?" - I kept yelling. - "It makes you look stupid!" - I was breathing heavily from all the anger and emotions that were running through me.

His eyes were wide from shock and to my surprise he started laughing. He was laughing hysterically and it was my turn to look at him in shock. He dangerously got near me. I could feel his breath.

"So shall we?" - he had his signature happy face on.

"S-Shall we... w-what?" - I was looking at him with shock. I wasn't sure should I cry, laugh, scream, smile, be angry, happy, depressed or sad. To be honest right now, I just want to go away. This was too messed up.

"Well kiss. I was sure putting too much thought in it. Sorry for acting like an idiot.It's just a kiss anyway." - he flashed me a smile.

My jaw dropped and he started to laugh and finally backed off from my face. I was sitting there laughing nervously and just looking at him with a big question mark over my head. What in the world is wrong with him?

"So... are we gonna do it or not?" - he was wiping his eyes from tears that laughing caused him.

"O-OK" - I straightened my back and turned toward him. Ahhh, my face was again on fire. It's scary how your emotions can suddenly change.

He went closer to me, but ended up laughing. He did it around 5 times until I shoot him an angry glare. He finally prepared himself and was around 10 centimeters away from my face. We were just staring at each other for a while. My heart was pounding like never before. This was it, oh my god, this was it.

His face was more then serious and was observing my face ever so gently. His expression right now was everything but a joke. He was serious about wanting to kiss me, but his expression was of someone who is in love, or was it just my wishful thinking? Yes, yes it was. He looked at me the way I always wanted him to look at me, but I knew it wasn't real. It was in a moment and I knew the moment will go away as soon as it came. But for right now, he could have me fooled.

I slowly shortened the space to 5 centimeters, him finally closing it. He pressed his lips against mine, not doing anything, just resting them. I lightly kissed them. He pulled away a little and looked me deep into my eyes. Even thought we just bumped our lips together, I felt feverish. My eyes were watery, cheeks pink and my lips slightly parted. He examined my face once again and loudly swallowed, leaning for another kiss, but this time, it was a real one.




I hope you like it !! ^^ (and I hope it wasn't too bipolar ??)

The last part when they kiss, I was giggling and fangirling like crazy, it felt like I, myself didn't write it. Weird xD

Tell me your opinions on this chapter!! Thank you ^^

(Ohhh, btw. soon this fic is going to end.

(Ahhhh, I wish my use of english is better and my vocabulary too >.<)

Don't be a silent reader =)

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Chapter 18: Hwaiting ren and minhyun!!! Don't let your love escape! :D

Fighting authorinim too!! ^^
kijara #3
Chapter 18: You are doing great! I luv you're story.Hwaiting !
Chapter 18: you always end with cliffhangers!
JRs one sided love is very sad lol. poor JR. he's always the victim in like every nu'est story I've ever read.
Anyways, I have a feeling none are going to end up togetherXD because realistically, I don't think it will happen. BUT still hopeful!
shinoside #5
Chapter 17: Can't wait for your update!
shinoside #6
Chapter 15: I love this chapter because Baekho can't just say no to Ren. And the kissing part is just so sweet even though Baekho seem reluctant in the beginning. Love it when Ren .
setsukayatouji #7
Chapter 17: Is he killing his feelings???

This was confusing!

Update Plz :)
Chapter 17: you always stop at the most intense momentss /sigh/
Minhyun is killing his family? hmm is it because of his gayness? :P
Chapter 16: aaaah read the whole story so far and have to admit it's probaply one of the cutest baekren stories I have read. I like the way u have brought the pairs up and I'm eagerly lookig forward next chapters.(dont stop this yet its too good to end now,plz ^^)
Hopefully baekren will end up together soon(^_^)/
AlexandraLee19 #10
Chapter 16: whooaa I love this part (: JR is so cute haha /// and who is ittttt ~~~