Enemies Turn LOVERS ♥♥




          After the incident in the hallway with Heechul, I decided to go to my friends coz I’m really confused here. Since it’s already lunch break, I’m guessing they’re in the school garden. When I arrived there, I was right … they’re in the garden. When I got closer to them, I noticed there’s something wrong. Why? Coz they’re circling Joyce. “What happened?” I thought so I approached them.

          “Guys, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” I said as I looked at them one by one and I noticed Joyce is blushing furiously. I mean she already looks like a tomato and she’s also smiling widely. Okay ~ weird!

          “Meg! Finally, you’re here!” Jhane said giggling

          “You’re not gonna believe this” Hannah said

          “Okay ~ try me”

          “Well! You see …” Haidee started but paused and looked at Joyce, like a signal, if she should say it. Then Joyce walked towards me and held my hand.

          “Siwon-ah … and … I …”

          “Siwon and you … what?” I asked excitedly

          “We … we … k-ki---kis-“

          “Oh Joyce! Just tell me faster please! I’m already dying in excitement here!”

          Joyce inhaled deeply before speaking

          “Me and Siwon-ah … we accidentally …”

          “They kissed!” Jhane, Hannah, Haidee, Chesca and Cristina said altogether, making Joyce blush furiously.

          “BWOH! O-M-G! *looks at Joyce* Aaahhh! ~ I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! OMO YOU’RE SO LUCKY … I MEAN … CHOI SIWON! YOUR CRUSH, RIGHT?! I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” I said hugging Joyce tightly

          “Actually he’s my first love ~”

          “Jinja! He’s your first love?! And now first kiss!! You gotta tell me the whole story”

          “You mean – tell us! We also want to know the whole story ~” Cristina said and Joyce began.



          I was walking near the hallway looking for Meghan so we can compose a song together when I saw a dog. I don’t know how that dog entered the campus, maybe it’s some pet of one of our teachers or classmates. The time I saw the dog in front of me, my body shivered and my heart beat faster … I’m sooo scared ~ why? Coz I’m afraid of dogs, their barks and scary feature and they bite! I slowly turn around and slowly walk away step by step when I heard the dog bark loudly and made me startled.

          “AAAHH~” I shouted and started to run faster and faster without looking back. “Damn” I cursed while running, I’m looking around~ “OMO ~ why!? The hallway is empty!! Where are the students!” I said to myself ~ then I realize, students during that time is either at the study hall or cafeteria … I try to look back but I’m afraid to slow down ~ but I gather all my courage and look back only to see the dog running after me … “SHIIT!” I said to myself. I keep running then I saw someone in the way…

          “Away, Mister!~” I yelled to the guy but it seems like he didn’t hear me well ~ I try to stop running but my speed is too fast and it seems like I can’t control it anymore … then … “THUGS”~ I stumble and literally fall on the guy and our lips met … like a kiss … we were both shocked and froze for a minute … when I looked at the face of the guy, he’s … he’s … he’s … CHOI SIWON … I quickly stand up and ran to the garden … realizing that the dog is not following me anymore … WEIRD! Then the kiss … I suddenly remember … my first kiss … it’s with Siwon ~ GAAAHH~



          “And that’s what happened?” Haidee asked

          “Yup ~”

          “Wow! I never thought meeting that dog leads you to your first kiss ~” Meghan said unbelievable

          “Me too ~”

          “This calls for …” Cristina trailed off

          “Celebration ~” Jhane and Hannah shouted!

          “Guys! Don’t exaggerate! It’s just a kiss!”

          “Yeah right! A kiss! Your first kiss with your first love!” Hannah said sarcastically, emphasizing the word First.

          “Aish! Let’s just go!” Jhane said

          “Fine ~ after class!”

          “Okay ~” we all said and with that we go back to our rooms.


--SKIP --    






          After our teacher dismissed us, I hurriedly go back to my locker before meeting my friends. Suddenly  I heard someone talking, at first I ignored it but when I heard my name on it I try to listen more. Then I found out it’s Heechul with Kyuhyun. They’re planning to …

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yeolheelove #1
Yah! Y u not update this. Omg it's been 6 freakin' yearssssss. Can u eveeeen? Hahahhahahaahha
mizmihane05 #3
thanks :)) I'm glad someone read my story :))
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i like this kind of stories <br />
keep it up