Enemies Turn LOVERS ♥♥


--Next day –


          It was the same old day for Meghan. She woke up at 6, did her daily routine (which is showering, brushing, etc) – eat breakfast then go to school.


          Classes end so well so as the club meetings (music for Meg and others then Dance for Jhane and Cristina). After dismissal, as planned, the 7 girls meet up in the gate to start the practice.


--On their way to the studio –


          Meg: *staring outside the window, quietly thinking*

          Jhane: Yah! Meg? Are you alright? *tap Meg’s shoulder*


          But Meghan is still busy with her thoughts –


          Jhane: *waving her hands in front of Meg* Hey! Girl!

          Haidee: *hit Meghan’s head a little hard*

          Meghan: OUCH! Who’s that? *rubbing the spot where Haidee hit her*

          Haidee: Haha! Sorry ~

          Jhane: Meg, you’re spacing out! What happened?

          Meg: *sigh*

          Hannah: hmm *smile* I think she’s missing someone

          Jhane & Haidee: BWOH? *look at Meg*

          Meghan: WHAT??!


          The 6 girls shifted their gaze to Meghan who’s still confused on their looks at her.


          Meghan: Guys, it’s nothing! Don’t mind me.

          Joyce: Really??

          Chesqui: I think it’s something!

          Meghan: Hey! *she whined* stop confusing me! It’s nothing! Really!

          Jhane: Yea right! You really ignore me ~ then it’s nothing?! *she said sarcastically*

          Meghan: Aaww! Jhane! Mianhae ~

          Haidee: Thanks to me! You wake up! Hehe ~ *proud*

          Meghan: So it’s you who hit me?! *glare at Haidee*

          Haidee: *nervous* ahm ~ hehehe ~ well …

          Meghan: Well?

          Haidee: Aish! Please forgive me! You’re out of the earth!

          Meghan: But –


          Before Meghan could say anything and nag at Haidee angrily, Chesca interrupted her


          Chesca: WE’RE HERE!!!


          Then, one by one, each of them got out of the van and look at Chesca’s house, or let’s say mansion, in awe.




          Wow! When I looked at the mansion, I can’t help but feel amazed ~ she really is a rich girl…not like me ~ middle class! Duh! Never mind…


          “So! Here we are” Chesca said happily

          “Wow, Chesqui, your house ~ I mean mansion is so amazing” I said

          “Yeah! She’s right!” Jhane suddenly said

          “Haha ~ thanks. So let’s go inside” Chesqui/Chesca said excitedly


          We followed Chesca inside their big mansion then go upstairs, take some turns then we arrived in front of a big door.  Wow! How can Chesca memorize the way here ~ Well! Probably coz it’s their house…


          “So ~ we’re here” Chesca exclaimed.


          She opened the big door, revealing a big dance studio. The studio is clean, big, and there’s a side of the room that is full of mirrors (what do you expect! It’s a studio) and there’s shelves and closet on the other side.


          “Omo ~ Chesca, it’s so big!” I said

          “The room is so spacious and well ventilated!” Jhane said

          “Haha ~ I know right … I often practice here coz my parents want me to be a famous dancer” Chesca explained

          “Huh? Dancer? But why didn’t you enter the dance club?” Cristina asked

          “Well, you see … my forte is singing not dancing”

          “Ohh ~”

          “So … let’s start!?”

          “Yeah!” we cheered




          “So what’s our theme?” Meghan asked

          “Hmm … since we’re doing a musical play or something like that … I was thinking is we should make it like a fairytale type” Joyce suggested

          “That’s great! A magical one!” Jhane said

          “Like Beauty and the Beast?” Hannah asked

          “Sorta ~” Joyce and Jhane said

          “Wow, that’s a good one … but don’t you think it’s a little common?” Meg said

          “Why don’t we make our own version?” Chesca said

          “That’s right ~ we can make it more creative” Cristina said

          “And we can compose a song to make it more original” Haidee said

          “So in all … our theme is about…?” Meghan asked

          “Love and Happy Ending!” The rest said altogether

          “Right ~” Meghan said unsurely

          “But if it’s about love … we need a couple!” Jhane said

          “But we’re all girls ~” Hannah added

          “Let’s just worry about them later~

          “Let’s make a plan first” Meghan said

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yeolheelove #1
Yah! Y u not update this. Omg it's been 6 freakin' yearssssss. Can u eveeeen? Hahahhahahaahha
mizmihane05 #3
thanks :)) I'm glad someone read my story :))
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i like this kind of stories <br />
keep it up