Enemies Turn LOVERS ♥♥




          5 girls cornered Meghan in the hallways and drag her literally to an empty room.

          “What do you want from me?” Meghan asked as calmly as she can. Then all of a sudden the blonde girl in the 5 girls pushed her to the wall with hard impact. Meghan whimpered in pain but it seems like the girls didn’t care at all.

          “J-j-jessica-sshi…wae?” Meghan said weakly

          Jessica is the one who slammed Meghan in the wall and she’s with Yoona, Yuri, Seohyun and Hyoyeon.

          “Listen, !” Jessica exploded to Meg

          “Sica, calm down” Yuri said, tapping her

          “Calm down?” then she turn to the others

          “How can I calm down if this stupid girl keeps flirting with my Heechul-oppa!” she said

          “Your Heechul-oppa?” Meghan said confusedly

          “Yup! You heard me right! My Heechul-oppa! And if you treasure your life you better stay away!” she said glaring at Meghan.

          “I don’t know and I don’t care what you were saying but don’t involve me with Heechul-sshi coz I don’t care anything that is concerned with him!” Meghan blurted out

          “And you expect us to believe you?!” Yoona said from behind

          “The whole campus knows you’re with Heechul-oppa and not to mention that Heechul-oppa personally wrote it” Seohyun said

          “But it’s not true!! And if ever it is true, you are out of that relationship! I didn’t ask for his attention and if ever your relationship with Heechul is true maybe he doesn’t love you anymore that’s why he keeps chasing me” Meghan said with a little bit of anger. *Slap* Jessica suddenly slap her face and now it is as red as tomato. Meghan was shocked, so as the 4 other girls with Jessica.

          “Oppa loves me!” Jessica shouted

          “Maybe that’s what you thought!” Meghan shouted back. She is not a weak person and she’s not afraid of Jessica. Every one in the room is shocked, they never thought that she would fight back coz no one ever date to answer Jessica.

          “You’re in big trouble, missy!” Hyoyeon muttered but loud enough for Meghan to hear.

          “Let me go!! I don’t care who you all are but one thing’s for sure…” then Meghan look directly at Jessica “I won’t forget what you did today!”


          Jessica smirked at her … Yoona and Hyoyeon looked confused and Seohyeon and Yuri looked amazed by what Meghan said. Meghan freed herself from Jessica’s grip and glare at her directly in the eyes. After a minute of glaring Meghan decided to leave the room. When Meghan was nowhere in sight Jessica said

          “That girl don’t know who she’s messing with!” and with that an evil smirk is formed in her lips.

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yeolheelove #1
Yah! Y u not update this. Omg it's been 6 freakin' yearssssss. Can u eveeeen? Hahahhahahaahha
mizmihane05 #3
thanks :)) I'm glad someone read my story :))
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i like this kind of stories <br />
keep it up