Enemies Turn LOVERS ♥♥




          That girl! She has some guts huh ~ Aiish! She’ll  regret what she did! I’m thinking of a better plan when something ridiculous came to my mind…No! No! No! I said to myself but I think it’s a good plan. I could make her fall for me! ~haha~ I was leaning on the wall near the boy’s CR then someone tapped me distracting me from my thoughts.


          “Yah! Who is is?!” I said annoyingly then turn to the person who tapped me.

          “Oh! Hyung, you look annoyed ~ what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun said ~ he’s the one who tapped me

          “Well, this girl named Meghan”

          “Meghan? You mean Leeteuk hyung’s sister?”

          “Yep! That one and only brat! She somehow annoyed me!”

          “Oh ~ so what are you thinking? Don’t tell me you’ll gonna play a prank on her…again”

          “Haha ~ not at all. I have a better plan”


          “Yep!” and I told Kyuhyun every detail of my plan. We talked about it and end up making a bet. If I lost, I need to buy him the latest game set and if he lost ~ he needs to do everything I say for 1 week. Haha ~ Cho Kyuhyun! Prepare to lose!




          As planned, Meghan, Joyce, Haidee, Chesca and Hannah asked the professor if they could get a  member from the Dance class and luckily he agreed. So the 5 girls headed to the Dance class to borrow Jhane and Cristina for a while.


In the Dance class~

          Cristina and Jhane were practicing their new steps when their instructor called them.

          “Cristina! Jhane!” the instructor called.

          “Yes, Ma’m?” they answered in unison raising their arms then decided to go to the instructor.

          They walked towards the door where their DI (dance instructor) is standing and when they saw the 5 girls behind, the two looked surprised.


          DI: Jhane, Cristina, I know you two are familiar about the upcoming performance on the Foundation Day, right?

          Jhane&Cristina: Deh…

          DI: So, these girls *pointing to the girls* is asking if the two of you would want to join their group.


          Jhane and Cristina’s eyes widen and smile widely!


          Cristina: Really! We can join them?

          Jhane: Is it really alright, Ma’m?

          DI: Of course, since Dance Club is also participating ~ and I hope your performance will be a success


          Jhane and Cristina ran to the 5 girls and they all hug and jump in happiness.


          “Kamsahamnida!” they all said in unison that made them giggle.


          After their classes, the bell rang signaling the time for lunch.




          It’s already lunch time and the 7 decided to meet in the cafeteria and eat together.




          After taking our food we sit in a round table near the entrance of the cafeteria.


          Me: So, guys, about the presentation…I was wondering – what kind of performance we’re gonna present?

          Joyce: hmm *thinking deeply*

          Haidee: Why don’t we act?

          Jhane: Act?! But I can’t act! I’m only good at dancing – and a little singing

          Hannah: Then let’s dance!

          Chesca: I agree! I also like dancing!

          Me: But I can’t dance well *pout*

          Cristina: Why don’t we sing!

          Haidee: hmm ~ okay! For me, it’s alright

          Jhane: Okay! So sin—


          But before Jhane could finish her sentence, Joyce interrupted her


          Joyce: Aha! *a little bit loud*


          Then we all looked at Joyce with curiosity!


          Hannah: Joyce! Are you alright?

          Me: Yah! Joyce! Please don’t do that again

          Jhane: You might cause me a heart attack!

          Joyce: Mianhae, girls! I just thought of a better performance! *smiles proudly*

          Cristina: Jinja?

          Chesqui: What is it?

          Haidee: I thought we’re just gonna sing?

          Joyce: Well – singing is a little too common, I think


          *and the 6 girls nodded*


          Jhane: Well, you got a point

          Me: So, what’s in your mind?

          Joyce: Why don’t we perform a musical play with singing and dancing the act!


          *we all think for a while the a smile form in our face*


          Chesqui: I like your idea!

          Hannah: Wow! Joyce, you’re great!

          Jhane: I like it!

          Haidee: So, musical play it is!


          “Yay!” we all said and hi-five each other.


          Cristina: Shh! I think we should keep it a secret until the presentation!

          Hannah: *nodded* Yea! You’re right

          Haidee: This is gonna be fun!

          Jhane: Okay! Why don’t we practice every weekend and after class

          Joyce: Okay! But where?

          Chesqui: I know a place

          Me: Where?

          Chesqui: Why don’t we practice in our dance studio!

          Me: You have a dance studio?

          Chesqui: Ne!

          Hannah: haha ~ alright so in Chesqui’s dance studio it is!


          After fixing the date, time and place of our practice, we decided to start tomorrow and think of a better theme or concept!

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yeolheelove #1
Yah! Y u not update this. Omg it's been 6 freakin' yearssssss. Can u eveeeen? Hahahhahahaahha
mizmihane05 #3
thanks :)) I'm glad someone read my story :))
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i like this kind of stories <br />
keep it up