Chapter 4.

I don't know.


In the van, Junhyung and Yoseob were having their own conversations, while DooWoon just being crazy singing along with their mixtape playing.
"But really, the music booth earlier was quite awesome. I'm glad I could made it to your booth before the campaign ended." Yoseob mouthed a "Pheww" at the end.
"Ah, komawo. And btw, how do you know about the campaign? You have friends here? I mean, at my school?"
"Hahaha, ani. My brother, he's studying there. You're 19 too right? So he's your dongsaeng. This afternoon, he was the who one asked me to go with him because his friends went first and left him behind. And look what I got for doing him a favor, now I'm the one who got left behind. Tch." Yoseob made his face again and pouted. He then laughed.
"But at least you found an awesome booth." Junhyung boasted.
"Haha, yeah rightt." Yoseob shortly replied and laughed.
"Who's your brother? Who knew I might know him." Junhyung raised his eyebrows.
"Zelo, his name is Zelo. You know, the one with ramen hair. Sometimes his friends called him that. Ramen hair."
"Ahhh. He's your brother? I knew him. We were once in a composing team. So, it was you talking to him at the booth after I fixed his guitar? I see."
"After you 'cleaned' his guitar to be exact. Hahaha"
"Hey, I didn't charge him okay." Junhyung shot him a glare.
"I was just kidding you punk! What's with the glare? It really suits your name! Hahaha"
"Shut up. At least, I know how to 'CLEAN' a guitar. It was just dusty after all, which obviously someone don't know how to do it, because his brother even bring it to the campaign thinking that it has some problem to be fixed. Tch." 
"Okay okay! You win!" Yoseob let out his tongue at Junhyung.
Doojoon who was happily singing with Dongwoon actually noticed the two guys were having conversation at the back. 
Yoseob then noticed that Doojoon was eyeing him and Junhyung through the mirror. So Yosoeb asked them where are they actually heading right now. He knew that they were not heading home because they had already passed by the neighborhood, and because he think that they have been like forever on the road, still not reaching any destination.
"We're not kidnapping you, that's for sure. So no need to worry." Doojoon let out a small chuckled.
"Yep, trust him." Junhyung continued with a nod.
Since Yoseob had helped Junhyung yesterday, he actually had no worries. Why would someone that he helped want to do something bad on him anyway? He heard Junhyung's conversation earlier on the phone, that they were going to have fun. So, Junhyung can be considered as kind for not leaving him alone at the bus stop but tag him along with them. And another thing that doesn't worry him is that those guys were his brother's seniors after all. So with not much worries, he just wait in the van, along with the others. 
He actually had fun with them, they get to know each other names and interests and others. They also played in the van, cracking silly jokes together. And of course Junhyung was not included, but Junhyung heard every conversations and jokes they were having.
"Okay okay, my turn." Dongwoon said. "Why does motorcycle sounds like 'zoom zooom~'?" He even did some actions like he was riding motorcycles.
"Err. Because they are motorcycles!" Yoseob shouted his answer from the back and Doojoon nodded in agreement. 
"Ani aniyo, ani~" Dongwoon did his aegyo.
Junhyung didn't participated in their stupid jokes, but he was also finding the right answers in his head.
"Then what is it? Doojoon couldn't wait to know the answer.
"Hehehe, because the motorcycles need to breathe! That's why they 'ssooom sooom sooom~!' Breathe in breathe out, uh huh uh huh." He did one of the moves in Beast song's Soom and laughed.
"Hahahahhahaha! That was funnyyy, Dongwoon ahh! Hahahaha" Yoseob was laughing so hard but Doojoon just smack Dongwoon at the head for his stupid jokes,
"Seriously Dongwoon! Aish. You should be glad there's Yoseob to laugh at your jokes, ya know." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.
Junhyung from the back just look at Yoseob and Dongwoon with his what-the-hell-that's-not-even-a-joke look.
Yoseob started to like them even more, they're such a good new friends.
Eventhough they just met Yoseob, but they treated Yoseob like a long-lost friend. That made Yoseob very comfortable.
*After about two hours
"You said you know exactly how to get there! But here we are still in your van, it's been two hours already, two hours hyung! I'm tired alreadyy." Dongwoon whined with his hands dramatically waving in the air. 
Junhyung who sat at the back opened the windows to get some air. His face clearly showed that he was not liking the situation right now, and then he spoke.
"Yah, pabo. Let's just go to our usual place. It's no use searching since you can't remember the name of the place. We can't even type it on the gps." Junhyung said with a sighed. 
Yoseob just sat there looking at three of them, clueless and didn't know what to say since he didn't know what the actual plan was.
"Aigoo, I should know how to get there! I have been there for many times already! Why did I forget it today?! Aishhh! This must be because of your silly jokes Dongwoon ah, aigoo. I was already all excited to go to that place. Haishh" Doojoon said while messing up his hair." He too, opened his window to get fresh air. But he still continued driving.
"Auuuu." Dongwoon continued whining and leaned back on his seat. 
"But then, our place is not that bad too. We could do some short session with our stuff. Since yesterday someone skipped his meeting with us, right hyung?" Dongwoon gave a slight tap on Doojoon's arm and glance over Junhyung. He chuckled when he saw his other hyung just glared at him.
"Ahuh, I remembered that too." He took a quick look at Junhyung over the mirror and laughed.
"Btw, Junhyung. Your cokes had already finished there. You want to buy some before we go there?"
"Yeah. Whatever."
Junhyung wasn't annoyed because of his two friends but he was actually still disappointed because what he planned at the bus stop had to be cancelled off because of Doojoon. Earlier, after Doo called him, he actually texted him back. 
"Yah, where are we going? I got a friend here with me. Why don't we go somewhere nice?  This kid actually help me before. So, I thought of paying him back."
"Ah, a 'kid' kind of chingu? I know where to go. Hehee. Just wait there."
"You and your babies better be fast. I don't wanna stay outside too late today, we got school tomorrow. I don't want to give this kid trouble. Remember, he helped me."
" Arasso, arasso."
Though Junhyung didn't know anything at all about the place that Doojoon was supposed to bring them, but he knew it will  be a great place. Doojoon had never disappointed Junhyung, and he is extremely good with this kind of stuff. Always been. He knows the best places to be suited with anykind of people and events. Sometimes, Junhyung thinks that Doo can really be a good planner or some organizer or project manager or just something like that. Another thing, he was glad that his friends and Yoseob get along very well together. At least if they didn't get to somewhere nice, Yoseob did actually had fun.
After buying some cokes and snacks at the store, Doojoon drove them to their places. Well, that's what Dongwoon said and Yosoeb didn't get the slightest idea how the place would be.
"I don't even know why am I following them, tch. Eh? No! This punk here who pulled me into the van earlier! But why didn't I protest? Er, yeah. Why didn't I? Who knew this guy might be planning to kidnap me? Oh no! I should've ran and I could've reached home faster! Omo omo!" Yoseob's thoughts screaming inside his head. He took a glance to the three boys. Junhyung was looking outside the windows, so Yoseob looked at him a bit longer.
"But, nahh. This guy wouldn't do that. Based on his fav mixtape earlier, he has good taste in musics. And people that has a good taste in musics are not bad. Like me. Kekekeke. Aish, there's no use bragging about it now, I'm already with him and this two insane guys. Insane as in very cool and hilarious guys. Hahaha."
Yoseob still talking to himself and he didn't realize that his laugh was heard by Junhyung.
"Are you high?" Junhyung said to Yoseob with his expresionless face.
Yoseob was surprised he could heard him. 
"Eh? Nothing nothing. I'm just.... thirsty? Eheee. You know, when I'm thirsty I tend to laugh. Haha. HahahahAARGH!"
Yoseob was doing his awkward laughs when suddenly Doojoon brake his van.
Dongwoon who pretended to be sleeping in front was freaking in his seat. 
But lucky enough for Yoseob, Junhyung had first prevent him from being thrown forward by helding Yosoeb back using his left hand. Yoseob was also shocked at first but then, 
"Ommo, that was close!" 
"YOU SAVE MEEE~" Yoseob said in funny tones. He playfully hold Junhyung's arm that was still helding him back, and looked at Junhyung with his face acting like he was so freaking grateful towards him. And it was so innocence. 
Junhyung quickly pulled back his hands and tried to act cool.
"You should wear safety belt next time, kiddo." and he opened his door.
"You can get down already, we're here."
Yoseob made his sad face and pouted, "But still, komawo...."
".. Punk! Hehehhe" Yoseob laughed and stopped when Junhyung gave him a stare from the other side of the van.
"Uh.. okay..."
He then get down from the van.
They reached a neighborhood, somewhere Yoseob had never been before. It was a double-storey area where some people opened a shop or store at the first floor and only make the second floor as their main house. 
( like you can always see in kdramas,hehe. And for their places, you can imagine it like the one Jang Geun Suk own in Marry Me Mary, only that they have second floor :D )
So they went into their very own store, which was much smaller compared to the others in the neighborhood. And Yoseob was all aw-ing over the place.
"Suit yourself." Doojoon said.
"WAHH, this place is coool. It is small, but this is the coolest thing ever." He looked at everything with his mouthed showing an "O" shape. 
"Do you guys mind if I check things out?"
"Nnnope!" Dongwoon simply said and slumped to the small sofa.
In the store, they kept a lot of music instruments like guitars, drums, keyboards, you know instruments. (lol) There was also a small kitchen divided by a thin wall they made from wires. Near the kitchen, there were two small sofas with a television.  These were all on the first floor. On the second floor, they have a matress layed on the floor, with pillows and all. And a computer was placed on the table at the corner of the room. Other than that was a rack of records and tapes. 
"Yah, Yoseob, you finished already? Palli, get down here. Ramyun is reeaaddehhh!" Doojoon shouted with excitement.
Yoseob walked downstairs and saw all three of them were already waiting for him to eat together.
"You guys know what, this place is amazing that I think I want to live here forever." He laughed at the end. 
"I know right. This place is found by me, ya know." Doojoon said with much proud looking around the place.
"Tch. Yeah yeah, whateverrr." Dongwoon continued and earned a smack from Doojoon.
Junhyung just smiled at the situation.
"Okay, that's enough you guys. I'm already starving here. Let's eat."
After finished eating, Junhyung and Yoseob were cleaning the dishes since DooWoon had cooked the ramyun.
"Do you guys rent this place or something?" That was Yoseob.
"Yeah, something like that. But only at the beginning. Now, this place had became ours since the original owner had moved overseas. So he gave this place to us."
"Just like that?!"
"Yep, because Dongwoon's parents are bestfriend with them."
"Ahhhhh, no wonder."
By now, Dongwoon and Doojoon had already went upstairs.
And Junhyung and Yoseob just chilling downstairs.
Junhyung was drinking his cokes while playing his phone and Yoseob still looking around.
"Hey Yoseob, btw. Why are you and Zelo didn't study at the same place? Where are you studying?"
"Uh, it's my brother. He was supposed to be studying at my school, but Zelo was the one who reallly reallly wanted to go to your school. My mom really can't do anything about it because no one can stand against Zelo. So, yep." Yoseob answered and played around with the keyboards.
"And I thought you guys wanna do some sessions?"
"Ah, nahh. Not today, we're already tired from the campaign."
"Ahh, okay.."
After two cans of coke, Junhyung was feeling very sleepy, so he close his eyes and was about to sleep. 
But then,  he suddenly heard Yoseob singing.
He looked over him who was sitting at the old piano. He just sat there not playing any keys on the piano, closing his eyes and sang.
Junhyung knew the song.
It was 'On Rainy Days'.
Junhyung just sat there watching Yoseob sang the first verse and he was amazed by him. 
And Yoseob didn't stop. He didn't realize that Junhyung was watching over him.
Junhyung after that walked towards Yoseob and sat besides him on the piano.
He started playing the piano, accompanying Yoseob's voice.
Yoseob was a bit surprised but Junhyung assuringly smiled at him.
He smiled back and then continued singing 'On Rainy Days'.
Junhyung even sang the rap part.
After the song finished, they just smiled at each other.
"I don't know you can sing this well." Junhyung started the conversation.
"Did I? I love singing, but I never sing in front of anyone. You are the first one, to be honest. And it's funny because I just met you yesterday." Yoseob let out a small laugh. 
Yoseob was no longer in his hyper mood. He was just being him. The way he talked was so deep and honest.
"Seriously? Wow, I'm lucky, because your voice, it's really amazing." Junhyung said and smiled.
"Hey, I like your raps too! You really raps with you true feelings, I can hear your hearbeat in your raps. That was hard for someone to actually raps like that."  
Junhyung was amazed by Yoseob's words.
He just looked at Yoseob and Yoseob had no choice but to looked back at him.
And they just stay like for quite sometimes.
"How long will you guys stay like that??"
Junhyung and  Yoseob quickly looked up at Dongwoon who was shouting from upstairs.
He and Doojoon were all smiling.
"If you guys are done, we need to go back now. It's getting late. Hehehe."
"Ah, o-okay. Let's go!" Yoseob said it aloud and quickly get up from the chair.
"I'll wait you guys outside!"
He grabbed his sweater on the sofa and went outside.
Junhyung looked until Yoseob get outside and looked at DooWoon who still had that silly grins on them.
"Tch. What are you guys smiling at. Aren't it's getting late? Let's go."
I think my story is getting bored. I have no confidence T________________T
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Chapter 11: Uwahhh sooo cute hehehehe luv the ending :3
Chapter 11: I actually squealed when Jun said I love you...
Junseob is just too...
so much fluff! xD
delonihanis #3
Chapter 9: Yup..yup i understand ^^ thank's for ur update, it's cute and i hope seobie wont resist his feeling again kkk
junseoblove #4
delonihanis #5
Chapter 8: hmmm..i'm little confused because suddenly party is over, i mean when i'm read chap 7 i think there will be something between seobie n a girl or with another man but suddenly it's over. But i still like chap 8 bcuz this chap focus with junseob and i love that kekeke. Fighting authornim ^^
junseoblove #6
Chapter 7: So good~ update soon! <3
UkissistheB2st #7
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next update!! Omo this story is awesome!!
Chapter 6: hehe is Junnie jealous? Yoseob didn't even notice...
Chapter 5: Soooo adorbz om mah gad!!! Luv ur story soooo much!!>W< update soon~ I wonder wut seobie is up to kekeke XD
Chapter 5: It's actually a nice story :) I hope you update soon :> Make Junseob rise again! Yeah! Hwaiting~ :3