Kyuhyunnie.. *Meow*


[Sooyoung's POV]


2 weeks later..





"What happen? Why are you shouting?" whew. 



"Mianhe Umma. It's Kyuhyunnie. I'm giving her a bath when she suddenly jumps off the bathroom." I said and bow. Now I'm all wet. Tsk. Yeah, you heard it right. Kyuhyunnie. Keke~ Though she's a girl I want her name to be Kyuhyunnie. Thanks to my JAAGGIIYYAA!! @_@



"Aish. Arasso. Go get your kitten and clean yourself afterwards." my mom ordered. "Ne Umma." Well, Kyuhyunnie already recovered from her injury. I decided to keep him. Umma agreed though she gives me some conditions..



"*sigh*" I can't stop thinking about what happen last week. 




"Oooopppaaa!~" that's me! keke~


"What? Would you please stop following me?!!." he shouted. We are in the middle of the street. Fortunately, no one's here. Just the two of us. Sooo romantic.  \(*^*)/


"I won't.. Oppa. I like you! Thiissss muuuucch!" and I spread my arms freely. My jagiya keeps rejecting me. TT__TT Fighting Sooyoungie!


"I don't like you thiiisss muuucchh!" he said as he do the same as me. Omo! Aegyo.


"Stop bothering me. Go home now." he said and walk away. Then he dropped something. I picked it up.


"Opppaa~ Wait! You drop something!" Aww.. He already turn left. :(


Hmm? I look at the object Kyuhyun dropped. Handkerchief. My Jagiya dropped his hankie :'( Well, I'll keep it for awhile. Wiii!


===End of part 1.1===



part 1.2


"Oppa. Oppa. Oppa. Let's eat lunch together. I brought you some lunch too. Here." I said as I show him the lunch I made. He is sitting in his favorite bench beside a tree.


"I don't wanna." he shortly said. "But, Oppa pleeeease! I really made this for you. Here, Aaaah.." I said as I put a spoonful of food to his mouth.




"O-o-oppa." I sadly said. Waaah! The lunch I made. TT__TT It's now on the ground. Kyuhyun push it off my hands.


"I told you I don't wanna. STOP PISSING ME OFF!" he shouted and he walk away.


"L-lunch.." Omo. I felt something warm in my eyes. NO! I shouldn't cry. It's just a lunch.


(Babo! But you prepared it the whole night remember? You even slept late.) O_O What a conscience I have. :'(((


I pick up the scattered food at the ground. *sigh* Kyuhyun. When will you like me? Or when will you atleast see me as a friend?


===END of part 1.2===

Yeah. That's what happened for the past few days. Unfortunately for me. My Kyuhyun is still cold towards me. T_T




"Kyuhyunnie. Here. Let me rinse you." I said. Kyuhyunnie walk towards me. 


"Someday..someday my Kyuhyun will like me. Right, Kyuhyunnie? Keke~ Waah! You're clean now!" After I clean Kyuhyunnie, I also get to clean myself. 



Kyuhyun's POV


[A/N: Wow~ Our mighty Kyuhyun will have his POV.]


Yaaah~ Why do people keep bothering me? Can't I have peace? In school, that Sooyoung girl always annoys me. And now there is some girl forcing me to have my POV? Weird.


Anyways, I'm Cho Kyuhyun. That's all. 


"End Of POV"





Ooookaaay~ WHAT A LONG POV Kyuhyun! Thank you. REALLY!


Sorry my readers. You know the attitude of our beloved Kyuhyun. Don't worry. I'll force him again next time. Keke~

Aww. Our Sooyoungie is rejected again. Let's help her. Keke~ 

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ScarlettV #1
Chapter 15: Goodness.... I like the story.....
Nice ending..... xxx
estervania #2
okay. i am obviously in love with this story. it was simple, yet adorable! whoosh it's so great and i don't know how to describe my feelings. i was just too happy >.<
mingmingnakub #3
Chapter 14: I love this fic :)
mingmingnakub #4
Chapter 13: So sweet :)
mingmingnakub #5
Chapter 9: Changsoo!!! In fact, I love changsoo. lol
mingmingnakub #6
Chapter 8: Dreammmmmmmmm!!!
Maybe, I want to kill writter. lol
(Just kidding)
mingmingnakub #7
Chapter 7: I'm happy. Kyuhyun confessed his love Sooyoung. :)
mingmingnakub #8
Chapter 5: OMG, Kyuhyun falls in love with Sooyoung. lol
mingmingnakub #9
Chapter 3: Sooyoung broken heart. I hate Kyuhyun T^T
Ke-chan #10

HAPPY ENDING..hoho..^^

YAH!GOOD JOB!!*thumbs up*
LUV U!!^.^