Chapter 6 – I Hope You Will Open Your Heart to Me, Yeon-ah.

Is It Possible To Love Two Instead Of One?
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*It’ll be another long day today. Hopefully I will be able to pull through today. Well, it's a new start anyways. Go-go Jiyeon, Fighting!*

As usual, she kisses her mom and Jaesoo goodbye before walking out of her house. Turning around after closing her door, she could see a back view of someone standing right in front of her front gate. That someone then turns around after hearing the sound of the door closing, “Yeon-ah! You’re here, let’s go to school together!” Yes! Jaejoong was the stranger and he waited for Jiyeon to go to school together with him, thinking that she might need some company.

“Oppa!! Why are you here?! We should’ve meet during lunch break you know. Now you have wasted your energy walking here before going to school.” Jiyeon pouts while walking towards Jaejoong.

Jaejoong pats her head lightly and took her bag. Jiyeon quickly snatches her bag back, doesn’t want to bother Jaejoong. “It’s okay yeon-ah. Let me carry for you! Oh! And, from today onwards, your favourite oppa will fetch you to school and walk you back home! Isn’t it awesome?!” He completes his sentence patting his own chest, showing off that he’s her favourite oppa. Jiyeon let out a cute laughter after hearing that. She let go of her bag since Jaejoong doesn’t seems like he wants to let it go. Along the walk to school, Jaejoong would only tell more jokes to make Jiyeon laugh more. Upon hearing her sweet laughter, he couldn’t help it but laughs alongside her. *That’s right, yeon-ah. Laugh more like this. Now that we’re back for good, I will take good care of you. I hope that you will open you heart to me, yeon-ah.*

Jaejoong sent Jiyeon to her classroom before heading off to his, which is located just three classes away from hers. Jiyeon quickly settles down at her seat preparing herself for lessons. When she was busy taking out her books from her bag, she heard a voice that she did not want to hear now, speaking something unpleasant. “I don’t know why my hyung hit me because of you but I’ll make sure you’ll pay. Ugly.” She tilts her head up only to meet Myungsoo’s murderous eyes staring deeply back at her. A slight shiver went down her spine for a moment and she took a deep breath, controlling her fast-beating heart, ignoring his threats.

The bell, signaling lunch, just rang and students are preparing to head off to the canteen for lunch. When Jiyeon was done packing her bag, she stands up, preparing to walk to the door to find Jaejoong. Her Jae-oppa had promised her that he will wait for her in front of her class to go to the garden for lunch together. What she didn’t realize was that a leg was stretched out in front of her, on purpose. Jiyeon falls flat on her face after tripping on the leg. Myungsoo was laughing behind her loudly after she fell down. “Ugly, where are your eyes? Hahahahahahah~”

All Jiyeon could do was to stand up and did nothing, absolutely nothing. She mutters a small “sorry” to Myungsoo and walks out of the classroom, limping. She doesn’t want to have any relations with Myungsoo now. She already made up her mind to forget him and once she made up her mind, she will try her best to fulfill it. Myungsoo’s laughter slows down as he looks at Jiyeon’s retreating back-view. This was not the reaction he wanted, he thought Jiyeon would fight back and it will be more fun to get

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 18: So good!!! I really anticipate on who she's going to marry first^^

Great story authornim :D :D
I was looking at Myungsoo's photos and until I saw him sleeping
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,so cute...that puppy.
Kekekeke(not him)
Nah,the Myungsoo is also cute
Chapter 12: I hope it will be jaejoong oppa..
Chapter 17: Sequel ? Yes !!! Please
Thanks all for the comments and following this story along. <3
sungran #6
Chapter 16: Oh I thought Jiyeon will choose Myungsoo. But its okay, good ending
stacyberd #7
Chapter 16: Haha i love the idea,
so funny and atleast no one hurts this time.
thanks for this and i hope u can make another fics
Myungyen till the end.
Chapter 16: Well at least neither of the guys is heartbroken XD
Rinsunbae #9
Chapter 15: MyungYeon pleaseeeee!!!!
Chapter 15: jaeyeon jaeyeon jaeyeon all the way !! i seriously feel like jaejoong is a very understanding boyfriend.. n he had done many things for her .. and he really really really deserve her .. n jiyeon had fall for him too .. i dont want to see jaeyeon break up TT