Chapter 1 – Reminiscing

Is It Possible To Love Two Instead Of One?
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Just like every other night, she stands by her window staring at the twinkling stars high up above on the sky, reminiscing about the past which includes her two favourite childhood best friends.

A little six-year-old girl was playing alone in the playground near her house. She always felt lonely since she was the only child and her parents were always working. However and thankfully, her agony ended when two little boys around her age, suddenly stood by her side showing their white toothy smiles.

“Why do you seem so sad? Let’s play together! I’m Kim Myungsoo, 6 years old and that’s my older brother, Kim Jaejoong, 7 years old!” One of the little boys shoved his little right hand in front of her for a handshake.

She shook his hand and shyly replied, “I’m Park Jiyeon, also 6 years old this year.”

The three stared at each other for a while before little Jaejoong held onto little Jiyeon’s hand and pulled her to where the brothers were playing initially, with little Myungsoo following closely behind.

She blinked away her tears before she walks back to her bed caressing the photo frame which was placed on her bed side table – the photos of the three of them when they were young.

Ever since their first meeting, they have been like super glue every day. They were so closed to the extent that even their parents became friends. Since they live around the same neighbourhood, they often visit each other’s houses whenever they can.

The doorbell of Jiyeon’s house rang during the noon on one weekend. Her mother opened the door and warmly welcomed the visitors in.

 “Jiyeon-ah~ we’re here again!” The now 10 years old Jaejoong called out to his beloved. Yes, he claimed Jiyeon as his beloved but only in his heart. Ever since he first laid his eyes on Jiyeon, he had been melted by that sweet smile and that big doe-eyes of hers. As the years goes by he can’t stop his mind replaying glimpse of her faces daily. Oh, young puppy love~

"Humpp... hummpppp...”  Jaejoong’s thoughts was being cut off by the whimpering of the puppy they brought along with.

“Woahhhh~ This puppy is so cute!” Jiyeon exclaimed while patting on

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 18: So good!!! I really anticipate on who she's going to marry first^^

Great story authornim :D :D
I was looking at Myungsoo's photos and until I saw him sleeping
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,so cute...that puppy.
Kekekeke(not him)
Nah,the Myungsoo is also cute
Chapter 12: I hope it will be jaejoong oppa..
Chapter 17: Sequel ? Yes !!! Please
Thanks all for the comments and following this story along. <3
sungran #6
Chapter 16: Oh I thought Jiyeon will choose Myungsoo. But its okay, good ending
stacyberd #7
Chapter 16: Haha i love the idea,
so funny and atleast no one hurts this time.
thanks for this and i hope u can make another fics
Myungyen till the end.
Chapter 16: Well at least neither of the guys is heartbroken XD
Rinsunbae #9
Chapter 15: MyungYeon pleaseeeee!!!!
Chapter 15: jaeyeon jaeyeon jaeyeon all the way !! i seriously feel like jaejoong is a very understanding boyfriend.. n he had done many things for her .. and he really really really deserve her .. n jiyeon had fall for him too .. i dont want to see jaeyeon break up TT