Reunion .

You left me alone .




Taec : Hyun Jong ..

Hyun Jong : Taecyeon. *look away* Shall we start our photoshoot ? 

Minjae : Suree. Junsu , u are first.

Junsu : Please treat me well , Hyun Jong . 

Hyun Jong : I will.. 

[2PM is doing a NEPA Winter Photoshoot .]

Hyun Jong : Give me a cute smile . 

[Junsu gave a cute & excited smile .]

Hyun Jong : Good ! Very cute ! *Snaps*

[Junsu make hand gestures.]

Hyun Jong : This is what im talking about . *Snaps**Snaps*

*After 10 minutes , Junsu is done with his Solo Photoshoot. After that is Taecyeon . *

Taec : Please treat me well Hyun Jong.

Hyun Jong : Okay .. Taec give me a excited smile . 

Taec : *Excited Smile*

Hyun Jong : Totally good ! *Snaps*

Taec : * Making more excited faces *

Hyun Jong : GOOD ! ^^ *Snaps*

Hyun Jong :  Give a cute smile . 

Taec : * Cute Smile* 

Hyun Jong : This is the Taec i never seen before. *Snaps*

Taec : Heheheh.

Hyun Jong : Last one , Give me a ... Serious face , the one u always give me .

Taec : *Glares*

Hyun Jong : * Snap Snap* okayy.. & we are done ! Wow.. Such Laser Eyes..

Taec : Now you said it .

Hyun Jong : Hahaha. Ermm.. Can we have a break for awhile ?

Staff : Sure.

Taec : Hyun Jong .. Can i talk to you for a sec .

Hyun Jong : Sure.

[Taec & Hyun Jong went to a quiet place .]

Hyun Jong : Why are we in a quiet place ..

Taec : I have something to confess.

Hyun Jong : Confess ? U knoe tht reporters or your fans will catch us . I have to go .

Taec : * Grabs Her Wrist* Only for a short while .

Hyun Jong : I have to go .

Taec : I LIKE YOU .

Hyun Jong : What ?

Taec : I like u Hyun Jong .

Hyun Jong : I like you too Taec but im back with Hyun Woo .

Taec : Why ?

Hyun Jong : We missed each other so we plan to start all over again .

Taec : I think i get it . 

Hyun Jong : Im sorry Taec . 

Taec : Nvm.. Actually i lyke you for awhile but then i saw Yoona . I started to fall for her . 

Hyun Jong : I knew it ! I give you her number .

Taec : Hyun Jong .. 

Hyun Jong : What ? Dun be scared .. She is a very nice girl ! 

Taec : Ishh.. 

[Taec started to text Yoona after his SOLO Photoshoot.]

Taec : This is Taec.Heyy Yoona . Busy ?

[Yoona just finish her dance practice & she got a text from an unknown number & when she open it , it was a text from Taec. of course.]

Yoona : Nope. I just finish my dance practice with my girls .

Taec : Ohh. What are you doing now ?

Yoona : Im going back to my dorm .Hehehe.^^

Taec : Lawl.

Yoona : How did you get my number ? Wait.. Let me guess.. Hyun Jong ryte ?

Taec : Yupp.

Yoona : That girl..

Taec : Dont tell me about her . She is always lyke that.

[Just then , while Taec was texting Yoona . The rest of the members were done with their own photoshoots & they saw Taec busy smile & laughing at his own phone . So they plan to see who he text .Then they saw that he is talking to Yoona .]

Chansung : Hyung .. Talking to Yoona huh ?

Taec : Yupp. She is so cute . Wait . * Look around him .* Shout* Ahh ! * Cover his phone .* What are u doing here ?!

Khun : We are all done with our photoshoot ! Hello ??

Junsu & Junho : In Love .

Taec : Im not in love ..

Wooyoung : *Mehrong* You are .

Taec : Any proof ?

Wooyoung : Yupp. Texting to Yoona , saying that she is cute .

Khun : Smiling & Laughing lyke an idiot .

Chansung & Junsu : You are in love !

Taec : YOU GUYS ! >:|


- the other 2PM members run away lyke 5 year olds playing catch. Hyun Jong saw the incident & giggle -

Hyun Jong : YAHH ! STOP !

- 2PM stopped -

Hyun Jong : Aigoo..

Minjae : KIDS ! Our schedule is done for the day . I wan everyone of you to go back to your dorm & Taec go back to Genie Arts School , you got a reunion to go .

Hyun Woo : WAZZUP ! ^^

Hyun Jong : Hyun Woo.. Wat are you doing here ?

Taec : Ermm .. Hi Hyun Woo.. We meet again .

Hyun Woo : Yeaa.. We meet again .

- Slience . -

Khun. : Ermm. I think we gotta be going . Bye.

-2PM & Minjae went back to the dorm .-

-Only Hyun Woo , Hyun Jong & Taec left .-

Hyun Jong : Ermm.. Jagi... Lets go to Genie Arts School.

Hyun Woo : ermm.. Okay.Taec. Who are you going with ?

Taec : Im not sure . * He text Yoona .* Yoona , do you wan to go the Reunion with me ?

Yoona : Sure .. Meet me at my dorm. It is at xxxxxx .

Taec : Okay. See you then .

Taec : *Back to Hyun Woo & Hyun Jong * Im going with Yoona .

Hyun Woo : YOONA ?!

Hyun Jong : Really ? CONGRATS ! But how about my clothes ?

Hyun Woo : Here you go . ^^

Hyun Jong : Thanks. U sneak in my apartment lyke always .

*Hyun Jong went to change at a changing room.*

Hyun Woo : Hehehehe..

*Taec changes his clothes into a stunting black suit at another changing room.*

Taec : Ermm . I will go first . Bye . Have fun ! ^^

* Hyun Jong went out of the changing room dressed in her black dress with her accessories and her high heels .*

Hyun Woo & Hyun Jong : Okay ! bye .

Hyun Woo : Yeobo , u look BEAUTIFUL !

Hyun Jong : Thanks , U look HAWT & Handsome in that White suit . Hehehe. ^^ * Hyun Woo & Hyun Jong had a long & a deep kiss.* 

[OKAYY.. TOO MUCH ROMANCE .. Now moving on .. Hehehe.]

-Taec went to Yoona's Dorm & saw Yoona was dressed up in a Light Pink Dress with her accessories and her high heels.-

Taec : Wow.. You look....

Yoona : I know .. Im not pretty ryte . Im just simple .

Taec : No... You look so amazing , so beautiful.

Yoona : Hehehe.. 

Taec : Here you go . Coffee.

Yoona : Thanks .

Taec : Are you ready to go ?

Yoona : Yeah.

[Taec open the door for Yoona & she went in . After that Taecyeon went back to his seat & put on his seatbelt and start the engine . While Yoona put on her seatbelt & they are OFF to Genie Arts School Reunion .]

[After 1 hour , both Couples had arrived at Genie Arts School . But then , they saw..Red Carpet & People taking photos lyke they are going for a awards show . So both of the guy went out & open the door for the ladies . People are crazy taking photos & the couples walk out the red carpet & alot of people taking photos.]

-Author's Note : Totally lyke a Compo huh . Hehehe. -

[ Then both of the couples manage to go inside the Sch after a long walk at the red carpet . The scenery of the reunion was totally a Fun & Quite Romantic Reunion . ]

Hyun Jong : Wow.. I better get my camera.

Hyun Woo : Aigoo.. Here you go..

Hyun Jong : Thanks Jagi..

Yoona : Aigoo... 

Taec : Yahh.. Get a room .. Aigoo..

Hyun Woo : Yeobo .. Look at that .. Taec & Yoona holding hands so tightly during the red carpet until now i think they forgot to release their hands .

Hyun Jong : OMO.. Yahh Taec . *Points at their hands*

-Taec & Yoona were shocked & let go of their hands . Both of them giggled.-

Hyun Jong : Nvm.. Just hold hands . Have fun today . ^^ Come on Jagi . Lets have fun .

Hyun Woo : Okay . ^^ Bye TaecYoon Couple ..

TaecYoon : TaecYoon ? Hahahah..

[Taec hold Yoona hand . Yoona was so shocked & embarrassed , Taec felt that same way too & the couple went & explore the reunion . When they are exploring the reunion , they saw Min & Zelo .]

TaecYoon : MIN ? ZELO ?

MINZELO : Hehehe.. ^^ We are in a relationship now.

TaecYoon : REALLY ?! CONGRATS ! ^^

MINZELO : What about you guys ?

TaecYoon : Us ? We are just friends.

MINZELO : I hope you will be together .

Yoona : Min.. 

Min : hehehe.. ^^ 

ZELO : Baby . Lets go there .

Min : Okay. Bye Guys.

TaecYoon : Bye ! ^^

Taecyeon : Ermm, Yoona you wan to drink ?

Yoona : Sure. ^^

Taec : * Take 2 fruit punch for himself & Yoona .*

Yoona : Thanks Taec.

[While Taec & Yoona is having fun , Laughing & making jokes . A tall figure came to them . ]

Man : Yoona..

Yoona : What do you wan ?



















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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^