You left me alone .

Hyun Jong : Hyun Woo.. I must go America . I promise i will come back. I will finish all my schedules there & go back to Seoul where i can meet all my friends , you & etc..

Hyun Woo : But Yeobo.. I will miss you so muchh... Promise you will come back ? 

Hyun Jong : I promise .. We can Skype .

Hyun Woo : *Sigh* Okay thenn.. Go to America . I will miss you . ❤

Hyun Jong : Me too. ❤

- Hyun Jong went back to her apartment after all the reporters chasing her .. -

Hyun Jong : Amanda .. Im going back to America at Night .. So shall we have fun exploring Korea ?

Amanda : Suree !! But.. Hyun Woo know about this ? 

Hyun Jong : Yes . He is okay with it . Im finishing all my schedules there & i will go back to Seoul . 

Amanda : Where should we go now ? 

Hyun Jong : Ermmmm.. Namsan Tower ?? 

Amanda : Wow ! Okay .. ^^

- Hyun Jong & Amanda dress up & went to Namsan Tower . -

- At Namsan Tower -

Amanda : WOW ! IT IS SO PRETTY !!

Hyun Jong : This is where BOYS OVER FLOWERS GOO JUN PYO & GEUM JAN DI Scene is .

Amanda : I totally love that drama !! ^^..

Hyun Jong : Heyy.. Lets go to the top , i wan to show you something .

- They went to the top . They saw alot of LOCKS .. -

Amanda : WOAH. Why is there alot of locks ?

Hyun Jong : These locks are locked by mostly Couples & etc to make a wish or to make memories .

- Just then , someone tapped on Hyun Jong's Shoulder . She turned around & saw Khun & Victoria dating . -

Khun : Hyun Jong ! What are u doing here ?

Hyun Jong : Ohh ! Khun ! ^^ Im exploring Korea . 

Khun : Looks fun .

Hyun Jong : Are you guys on a date ?

Victoria : Hehehehe.. Yeahh.. 

Hyun Jong : U guys really have alot of dates ..

Victoria : Dont you go dates with Hyun Woo .

Hyun Jong : I did but now we are pretty busy.. & i think .. I wont be having dates with him for some time .

Khun : Are you .. Leaving him ?!

Hyun Jong : Yes im . He knows about it & he let me go . I will just finish my schedules there & come back .

Victoria : But.. Do you think you are doing the wrong choice ?

Hyun Jong : 50% only . & the another 50% is a right choice becuz i wan to end my schedules . Im too tired .

Khun : I hope you will come back soon .

Hyun Jong : I will miss all my friends . 

Khun : Yeaa.. We will miss you too. 

Vic : Khun , im late for schedule . Can you send me ?

Khun : Okayy..

Hyun Jong : Aigoo.. Im so jealous .. >.<..^^

Vic : Dun be .. 

Khuntoria : Bye Hyun Jong ! ^^

Hyun Jong : Bye .. ^^

- Then Amanda said . -

Amanda : WOW . Such a CUTEE Couple !! ^^ 

Hyun Jong : I knoe ryte ..

- Meanwhile they explore alot of other places . At Hyun Woo's Dorm . -

- Hyun Woo just came back . -

Hyun Woo : Im back . * When to the sofa & sat down * *Sighs..*

HERO : Hyung .. Whats wrong ?

Hyun Woo : She is going back .

Jinguk : Going back ?

Jason : AMERICA ?!

Daniel : But Hyung , arent you going to stop her ..

Hyun Woo : I did stop her , but she promised me that she will come back when she finish all her schedules.

Danny : But  you guys are not breaking up ryte ?

Hyun Woo : * Knock on Danny's Head * Are you crazy .. Im not breaking up with her . But im so worried about her ..

Jason : Come on.. Dont be .. She will be safe . 

Hyun Woo : Thanks Bro . 

- Just then . Their Manager came back . -

Manager : KIDSS ! U got a schedule later . A variety show .

Ma Boy : What time ?

Manager : 9pm.

Ma Boy : Okayy.. 

Hyun Woo : Hyungg.. At 8pm im going to the Airport . 

Manager : Wae ?

Hyun Woo : I was to say Goodbye to Hyun Jong .

Manager : She is leaving ?!

Hyun Woo : But she will be coming back to Seoul . 

Other Ma Boy Members : I wan to say Goodbye foo !!

Hyun Woo : Okayyy.. 

- Hyun Jong & Amanda was walking then auddenly , a man came & said . -

Man : Hyun Jong , Can you Sign on this paper ?

Hyun Jong : Sure .. ^^ Whats your name ?

Man : Park Jisu [ Seriously RANDOMMM NAMEE .. ]

On the Paper : ( Signature ) To : Park Jisu . - Be Happy Always . -

Hyun Jong : Here you go ! ^^

Jisu : Thank you !! U LOOK PRETTY !! ^^

- Thenn , the crowd camee .. -

CROWD : UNNIE ! Blahh blahh.. ( NOISE POLLUTION !! )

Amanda : Im sorry .. Im sorry .. Excuse me ..


Man : UNNI !! IM A FANN.. 

Amanda : Please excuse us ! 

- Block againn.. - 

Man : U cant go through ! UNNI ! 

Hyun Jong : Mianhae .. But please excuse us .. 

Man : GEURILLA DATEE !!!!!!! 

Hyun Jong : Ehy ?

Man : ANNYEONGHASEYO Na Hyun Jong . Im Kim Sunggyu . [ NOT FROM INFINITE . I just put RANDOMM NAMES .. ]


Hyun Jong : Hahahaha.. I thought you were some crazy fans.. Heheheh.. Im sorry ..

Sunggyu : Nvmm.. ^^ Anyways .. I wan to ask you a question .. How did you get interested in Photography ..

Hyun Jong : Well , I was inspired at a park at America . I just love the nature & the scenery . That place is famous of Photographers taking pictures . 

Sunggyu : Ohh.. Here we caught a special fann.  Come here . * The fan came *

Fan : * Shocked * 

Hyun Jong : ANNYEONG ! ^^

Fan : Am i dreaming ? OMGG .. It is really Hyun Jong ..

Hyun Jong : Yes.. This is the real Hyun Jong . Hhehe. ^^ U so cute !

Fan : really ? GOMAWO ! Can i ask you to do a favor ?

Hyun Jong : What is it ?

Fan : Tell us your first kiss with Ma Boy's Hyun Woo ..

Hyun Jong : * Shocked * First Kiss ? OMGG..  Ermm.. is so embarrassing .. My first kiss with Hyun Woo is when we were in school . During a School Camp . During the Camp Fire . That was my 1st Monthsary Gift from both of us . 

Fan : So jealous !! ^^

Hyun Jong : * Face gone red . * 

Sunggyu : Omg.. Hyun Jong ssi your face .. Gone red..

Hyun Jong: Omgg.. So embarrassing .. Hahahah.. ^^

- After a short while with the fans , they went inside to shoot becuz of safety . -

Sunggyu : So.. Talking about Hyun Woo ... Have you guys fought before .

Hyun Jong : Actually yes we did.. Actually we recently fought cuz of the rumors that were spreading . But now we are back to normal .

Sunggyu : Wow.. You guys really had a hard time..

Hyun Jong : Dae..

Sunggyu : Now , this is a Yes or No Questions . 1st Question : Do you get jealous easily ?

Hyun Jong : Yes .

Sunggyu : Really ? But you look lyke you dont .

Hyun Jong : Hahahah.. ^^ .. I mean lyke alot of gurls get jealous easily . We are gurls . 

Sunggyu : 2nd question : Are you still going to do Photography ?

Hyun Jong : I think.. ermm.. Yes ?

Sunggyu : 3rd Question : Do you lyke 2PM ?

Hyun Jong : Yes.

Sunggyu : 4rd Question : Do you lyke Ma Boy ?

Hyun Jong : YES ! ^^

Sunggyu : WAHH.. So energetic when it comes to Ma Boy.

Hyun Jong : OF COURSE ! ^^ ..

sunggyu : We come to the end of the question , I heard you are going to make some confessions..

Hyun Jong: Yess.. Actually , I am returning back to America.

Sunggyu  : BWO ?! (What)

Hyun Jong : Yes i am. Im returning there becuz of my schedules .But i will be returning back & To Hyun Woo, Jagi.. I'm sorry if i gave you a hard time during your debut . I promise i come back & see you again. Dun be naughty. I will be calling you or smsing you if i have the time. I love you . <3

Sunggyu : That was so sweet.. Thank u for letting us to interview you so suddenly.

Hyun Jong : Its okayy . You all have worked hard. 

- The crew left & Amanda & Hyun Jong went back home & pack their bags . -

[Hyun Jong suddenly remembered about the first time she packed her bags to run away to find her dreams. She cried.. Remembering those sad memories..]

Hyun Jong : * Cries *

Amanda : Heyy.. Dun cryy.. Okay ? Actually you can stay here & i will go back.

Hyun Jong : No.. I must go back . I will finish my schedule there & then go back to Seoul.

Amanda : U sure ?

Hyun Jong : Yes . Im sure .

Amanda : Come on.. Let's go pack our stuffs. 

- Meanwhile .. At Hyun Woo's Dorm .. -

Jason : Heyy .. Lets watch TV.

TV : 

Sunggyu : GEURILLA DATE !! Let me introduce to the Famous Photographer , NA HYUN JONG !!

Hyun Woo : HYUN JONG ?!

[They went on watching the show,. Then they showed the part where Hyun Jong talks about their First Kiss..]

Hyun Woo : OMO... *Giggles* *Giggles*

[s are just sitting beside him..Then Danny whispered to Daniel.. ]

Danny : Something is strange about Hyung .. 

Daniel : He is in love ..

Danny : But in dramas , they are not lyke that..

Daniel : * Knock on his head * U and your dramas !

Danny : OUCHH.. Hyung !

Daniel : Whatt... I did nothingg..

Danny : ISHH ! 

- The 2 Maknaes fighting again.. But Danny is the most youngest .. So yeahh..-

Everyone that watch that show was totally shocked ! Even Min , Taejun , Yoona & 2PM  Members . 

[Hyun Woo recieved alot of sms.. He checked .. From Yoona , Min ,Taejun & Taecyeon .]

All of their sms are lyke this : HYUN WOO / HYUNG ! What time is Hyun Jong going to the airport ?

Hyun Woo : *Click to reply all * 8pm. [When he saw his watch , It was 7:25pm . He was so shocked & went out with his specs , wallet & phone & of course shoes..The other members also followed.]

[Hyun Jong & Amanda are on the way to the airport while the others are driving really really quickly to the airport. Since their house is near to the Airport.]

[The others arrived at the Airport alr , Hyun Woo sms Hyun Jong .]

Hyun Woo : Yeobo ,where are you ?

Hyun Jong : Im on the way to the airport.

Hyun Woo : Ouhh.. Okay. 

[Hyun Woo ran to a Flower Shop & buy a boquet of roses & a teddy bear . ]

jinguk : Hyun Woo ahh.. Hyun Woo ahh.. *Sigh*

Hyun Woo : Whatt ?

Jinguk : You are so clumsy.. 

Hyun Woo : Seriously Jinguk.. -.-..

[Alot of fans has gathered to say goodbye to Na Hyun Jong . ] [NOISE POLLUTION AGAINN.. Aigoo..]

[Then Hyun Jong & Amanda alr arrive at the Departure . ]

Hyun Jong : GUYSS !! ^^ Hi !

Min , Yoona : Hyun Jong ! Im going to miss you !! Here you go !

[They gave Hyun Jong , a picture of 3 of them during their school days .]


[Hyun Jong hugged them. & said .]

Hyun Jong : ME TOO ! [ Min & Yoona cried ..]

Hyun Jong : Gurls.. dun cryy..[She move on to Taejun.]

Taejun : Bye Hyun Jong..

Hyun Jong : Bye Taejun..

[Then she move on to Taec.]

Hyun Jong : Bye Oppa... Visit me if you can.

Taec : I will try to Hyun Jong. I will miss you. 

Hyun Jong : Me too Oppa. [Both of them hugged each other.]

[She move on to Ma Boy.]

Jason , Jinguk , Daniel , Danny : We will miss you Hyun Jong / Nuna . 

Hyun Jong : Me too .. 

[Then she went to Hyun Woo.]

Hyun Woo : Here .. My Last Present for you.

Hyun Jong : Dun say last present .. I will still be seeing u..

Hyun Woo : When ?

Hyun Jong : Soon.. Okay ? I will miss you. 

Hyun Woo : I miss you too.

Hyun Jong : *Cries*

Hyun Woo : Dun cryy.. Please dun..

[He then shouted.]

Hyun Woo : FANSS ! Look she is cryingg..

Fans : DUN CRY..

hyun Jong : JAGI.. U making me embarrass..

Hyun Woo : Im sorry.. Hyun Jong ahh.. 

Hyun Jong : *Looked at Hyun Woo * What ?

Hyun Woo : * Wipes her tears * I will miss you.. * He went near to her lips & kissed her .*

Hyun Jong & Hyun Woo KISSED !! ^^..

[Alot of fans took pics & alot of people are so JEALOUSSS !! ]

[EVEN ME !!!] >.<

[They ended their kiss & Hyun Jong said .]

Hyun Jong : I have to go.. Bye Jagi.. I love you..

Hyun Woo : I love you too.. Bye Yeobo..

*Amanda & Hyun Jong went in the Departure Gate & the others sigh..*

Min , Yoona : I miss her alr..

Taec : *Sigh* When she coming back.. Have a safe flight Hyun Jong/

Ma Boy : AIGOO.. Our Sister-In-Law went in alr. 

Hyun Woo : *Sigh* She is gonee.. WOW..Thatt fast.. *His tears fall down onto his cheeks.* I miss you..

Jason : Hyung.. You are cryingg..

Hyun Woo : * Drop on his knees & suddenly his heart hurts .* Yeobo..It Hurts.. My heart hurts.. HYUN JONGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Suddenly all of the fans looked at Hyun Woo.] Complete everything there & return to me.. I miss you.. I cant lose you anymoree.

[Everyone was totally shocked..]

[Ma Boy went to him..]

[Jinguk : Hyun Woo.. Let's go..

Hyun Woo : I cant.. I.. *Sobs*

Jason : Lets go.. Okay ? We got schedule.

Hyun Woo : Let's Go.. * He stood up & dragged himself to the van.*

[While the others (MIN , Yoona , Taec & Taejun) went home.]

[During the Variety Show , it was called STRONG <3 .]

MC : Let me introduce today's guest !! 


Hyuna : Annyeonghaseyo Hyuna imida .



MC : Then we have Junho & Khun here with us,

Junho : Annyeonghaseyo Im Junho from 2PM.

Khun : Annyeonghaseyo Im Nichkhun from 2PM. *WINKS*

[MELTSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

MC : So Nichkhun ssi .. How are you & Victoria doingg ?

Nichkhun : Victoria is a pretty & sweet woman. We are getting closer to each other & im so lucky to have her as my Wife . [To whose who nvr watch WGM , It is actually a variety show of one of a boyband member & another girlband member experiencing Marriage Life Together .]

MC : Hope you have a great time with Victoria. 

Nichkhun  : Kekeke.. Thank you .

MC : Today's news is about Na Hyun Jong going back America. Hyun Woo , you're dating her right now ryte ?

Hyun Woo : Yes.. Im still dating with her .

MC : You must be sad now.. Since she went .

Hyun Woo : Yes.. Im totally sad now..

MC : Hope you will feel better.

Hyun Woo : Thank you. 

[The show went on & Hyun Woo still feel sad .]

[Then the PD Shouted .]

[PD : ITS A WRAP ! You all have worked hard ! ^^

Everyone in the studio : U all have worked hard !

[ Hyun Woo went backstage just then Hyuna Shouted.]

Hyuna : Oppa !! [Hyun Woo ignored]

Hyuna : OPPA !

Hyun Woo : Dun call me that again ! Do you understand !

[Then the MC of the show .]

MC : WOAHH.. Hyun Woo... Chill.. Relax... [The MC pulled Hyuna away & Hyun Woo went away.]

MC : Hyunaa.. Be careful..Hyun Woo needs time okay ?

Hyuna : I need to talk to him. Bye .. U did well ! ^^ *Ran to Hyun Woo* OPPA ! [Grabbed his arm ]

Hyun Woo : WHAT U WANT HYUNAA !!!!

Hyuna : ISHH.. Oppaa.. Can we just go together..[She clinged her arms into Hyun Woo's arm.]


Hyuna : But Oppa.. *Teary eyes*


Hyuna : OPPA ! [Hyun Woo went away.]

[ Hyuna said ..]

Hyuna : *Wipes her tears & smirks* Rubbish Bin ? I dont think so.. I know you still love me . Watch out Hyun Jong . Im going to make your relationship be thrown in the rubbish bin first. Hyun Woo is Mine in the first place. Dun you dare touch him. [ & She went back to her Waiting Room .]





- Wanting for moree ?? Or you wan to give me some feedbacks ? Comment below & i will reply u . :) SUBSCRIBE If You Wan More Chapters coming up . ^^ - FifiLuvs2PM-
















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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^