I'm Sorry I Just Have To.

You left me alone .


[ After 30 minutes, Hyun Jong arrived at Incheon Airport , she paid the Ajusshi & went in the Airport. Hyun Jong went straight to buy a First Class Ticket.]
Lady : Hello.. How may i help you ?
Hyun Jong : Can i have the earliest flight to America . First Class , i wan my seat to be beside the window . 
Lady : Okay . No problem . Your passport please . 
Hyun Jong : Here you go . * Put her luggage on scanner *
Lady : * Give the ticket & passport back .* You must be at your plane by 11:30pm .
Hyun Jong : Okay . Thank you . * Collects her things & went to Star Bucks *
[ Meanwhile , In Hyun Woo's Dance Studio.. Hyun Woo & His Group Members just finish training .. So as usual.. Hyun Woo check his phone . He just saw the text message that was sent a few minutes ago. He quickly went out of the dance studio running . His manager saw him running & stopped him . ]
Manager : YAH ! Hyun Woo , where are you going ?
Hyun Woo : Im goin to Incheon Airport to see Hyun Jong . 
Manager : Lets Go ! Put on your Beanie & Glasses.
Hyun Woo : Okay Hyung . 
< Hyun Jong was still at Starbucks . Drinking her Hot Coco (Chocolate). While Hyun Woo & his manager is still on the way to Incheon Airport.. 
BUT ! On the way there , something happened .. A TRAFFIC JAM ! OMGG !! Hyun Woo totally didnt know what to do .. He suddenly went out of the Van & ran to the airport.. When he went inside the airport .. He suddenly remembered about the times , Hyun Jong & him going to one coffee stall.. STARBUCKS ! So Hyun Woo went to STARBUCKS .. But he didnt see Hyun Jong & he went off to another stall.. Actually Hyun Jong was in the toilet doing her business when Hyun Woo is searching for her . After that , Hyun Jong went out of StarBucks.
So she just went around the Airport until 11:20pm , at 11:25pm she was waiting . JUST THEN HYUN WOO SAW A FIGURE HE HAD SEEN BEFORE . WHEN SHE TURN TO HER LEFT .. IT WAS HYUN JONG ! 
Hyun Jong : HYUN WOO ! * Cries*  Im sorry .. 
Hyun Woo : PLEASE ! 
Hyun Jong : Im sorry , i have to find my dream.
Hyun Woo : Why wont u find it here ? 
Hyun Jong : Im sorry .. I have to leave.. I love you my Love. ❤
Hyun Woo : * Hug while Crying * 
Hyun Jong : Bye.. * Cries & went in the plane *
[ inside the plane , Hyun Jong is still crying.. Hyun Woo drop on his knees & bend his head & just cried ..]
Hyun Woo : HYUN JONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^