You left me alone .


Chapter 26 :
Hyun Jong : I heard you visit me the most ..
Hyun Woo : Yupp .. I did ..
Taejun : YAHH ! But i did take care of Hyun Jong too ..
Hyun Jong : You did ? Taejun.. Your legg .. 
Taejun : Remember during the scene that i was shot at my leg . I have to use the wheel chair . 
Hyun Jong : That is so sadd .. Get Well Soon. ^^
Taejun : Thanks ..
Yoona  : OMGG ! Hyun Jong you are awake ! Am i dreaming .. OMGG. * Cries * 
Hyun Jong : Dun cryy .. 
Yoona : I missed you so muchh .. * Hug Hyun Jong *
Hyun Jong : I miss you guys too ..
Taec : You are backk ..
Hyun Jong : Yess.. Im backk .. How is your relationship with Yoona ?
Taec : Doing AWESOMEE ..
[ Just then all of people shouted , ]
Hyun Jong : * Shocked * MA BOY ! 2PM ! ^^ .. You are here .. I missed you guys !! :) Woahh.. Alot of people ..
Channie : Hyun Jong , two people wants to see you .
Hyun Jong : Who ?
Channie : * Pass the phone to Hyun Jong as that 2 person is having a video call *
Hyun Jong : OHH ! SUZY & MIN !
Suzy & Min : HYUN JONGGG !!! 
Suzy & Min : HEHEEH .. 1 , 2 , 3 , ANNYEONGHASEYO ! We are MISS A !
Hyun Jong : Annyeonghaseyo Im Trainee , Na Hyun Jong .
Suzy & Min : Hyun Jong ahh .. We are sorry we cannot go to meet you as our schedule is just too tight .. We are so sorry but all of us miss you while you are sleeping all the way .. 
Hyun Jong : I miss your faces too .. ^^ .. Nvmm.. At least i got to see your face & get to chat with you two . :) I will be coming to JYP Entertainment tomorrow.
Suzy & Min : Okayy.. See you tomorrow ! ^^
[ Video Call Ended . ]
Khunn: Heyy Guyss .. 2PM we need to go.. We have a Press Conference tomorrow so .. We have to be there .
Hyun Jong : Press Conference ?
Junsu : Talking about that .. You are also coming tomorrow 
Hyun Jong : Okayy.. 
Ma Boy : SISTER IN LAWW ! We missed you !! 
Hyun Jong : Aww ! I miss you too !!
Ma Boy : Group Hug !!
Hyun Jong : * Join in the group *
[ The only left is Yoona , Ma Boy & Hyun Jong & Taejun. ]
Yoona : Ermm .. I need to go now so.. Yeahh .. 
Taejun : Me too ! Yoona push me ..
Yoona : Ouh okayy..
Ma Boy : YAHHH ! Wait for us !
Hyun Woo : YAHH ! Where are you going ?!
Ma Boy : Going back for Dance Practice !
Hyun Woo : Ishh .. This kids .. 
Hyun Jong : Jagi... 
Hyun Woo : Yes Yeobo ? 
Hyun Jong : I miss you so muchh ..
Hyun Woo : Hyun Jong .. I have waited a long time to see your beautiful face ..
Hyun Jong : Hyun Woo ahh .. I also have waited to see you the most .. U should go .. It is midnight alr .. Go sleep .. I will see you later.
Hyun Woo : Okay thenn .. I see you later in the afternoon . Sleep tight Yeobo . <3 * Kiss on the forehead *
Hyun Jong : You too Jagi .. ^^ ..
[ Hyun Woo went out of the ward & Hyun Jong slept tight .. ]
- Next Morning .. -
Hyun Jong : * Yawns * Good Morning Nurse .
Nurse : Good Morning .. How are you feeling today ?
Hyun Jong : Good .. 
Nurse : You can be discharged todayy .
Hyun Jong : Okayy .  Then i will be going first .
Nurse : Okayy . ^^
[ Hyun Jong went out the hospital , breathing in fresh air .. & went in her car , start the engine & went back to her house . ]
[ At her house .. ]
Hyun Jong : Finally Im backk ..
[ Open the curtains .. Sat on the sofa .. Suddenly she remembered . ]
Hyun Jong : OMGG ! I have to go JYP Entertainment ..
[ Hyun Jong dressed up properly & went to JYP Entertainment .. ]
[ At JYP Entertainment .. ]
Hyun Jong : Wow... Long time nvr go here ..
JYP : Ohh! Hyun Jong .. How are you ?
Hyun Jong : Im fine .. Feeling good today ..
JYP : Your schedule is delay as we here wan you to feel well as you are doing your schedules .
Hyun Jong : Okay .. President . What time is the Presss Conference ? 
JYP : Ohh .. 1:30pm . U can take 2PM's Van as we dun wan you to be hurt again . 
Hyun Jong : Ouhh kay .. Then i will be going ..
JYP : Okay ..
Hyun Jong : * Went in the Dance Studio , saw 2PM practicing *
2PM : HYUN JONGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyun Jong : 2PM OPPA ! IM YOUR FANN !!! AHHHH !!
2PM : * Laughs *
[ 2PM & Hyun Jong Group Hug ]
2PM : Welcome back to JYP Entertainment .. ^^
[ Then JYP came in .. ]
JYP : Hyun Jong ..
Hyun Jong : Yes ?
JYP : I have something to say to both of you .
2PM : What is it Hyung ?
JYP : Im sorry but .. Hyun Jong have to go to 2PM 's Dorm & Stay there as your group is the only group that has 8 rooms .. I dun wan any bad news from you guys .. YOU UNDERSTAND ME ?!
2PM : Yes Hyung !
Hyun Jong : Okay President !
2PM : We can protect her .. 
Hyun Jong : Yea right ..
2PM : You dun believe us ? 
Hyun Jong : Idk .
2PM : ISHH .. Hyun Jong ..
Hyun Jong : Hehehehhe ..
[ Taec & Hyun Jong went back to her apartment to pack her bags & move out to 2PM 's Dorm . ]
[ After packing .. She went out alr .. Taec was leaning at his driver's door waiting for Hyun Jong .. He smiled when Hyun Jong came .. ]
[ A Pack of HOTTEST came & attacked Hyun Jong . ]
HOTTEST : YAHH ! YOU ! STILL NEVER LISTEN ! YOUU ! STILL WAN THAT TO HAPPEN ! How dare you ! * Wanted to slap her , then a hand stopped one of the HOTTEST . *
Taec : What are you doing ?!
Fan : OPPA ! She is a Play Gurl .. She deserve to be punished .
Taec : Punished ?! You think it is a good idea for her ? You know how many times she has to go in & out of the hospital ?!
Fan : Oppa ..
Taec : GET AWAY ! Hyun Jong lets go ..
[ They went away .. ]
Taec : Are you okay ? Are you hurt ? Are u feeling okay ?
Hyun Jong : Im fine Oppa ! & im not hurt .. Did i succeed to answer all of your questions ?
Taec : Come on .. Let me carry that to my boot .. 
Hyun Jong : But oppa ..
Taec : Just put it in my boot okay ?
Hyun Jong : Okayy ..
[ Both of them started their engine & went off to 2PM's Dorm . ][ At 2PM's Dorm.]
2PM : HYUNN JONGG ! Come on.. Let us show your room ..
Hyun Jong : Okayy ..
[ Inside the room . ]
2PM : Here is your room ..
Hyun Jong : Ouhh .. Thanks .. 
[ 2PM is at the door .. ]
Hyun Jong : Ermm guyss .. Can i have privacy ..
2PM : Suree . ^^
[ 2PM went back to what they are doing . ]
[Junsu with his Music ..
Khun with his Victoria , Texting ..
Taec with his painting of Ok Cats .
Junho with his So Eun , Calling .
Wooyoung with his Video Game .
Chansung with his Video Game . 
Wooyoung & Channie is playing Soccer at PlayStation . Both of them are versus - Ing each other . 
While Hyun Jong is just exploring the room & laying on the bed , texting Hyun Woo . ]
Hyun Jong : Jagi... If you wan to see me .. I hve moved out of my apartment & went in 2PM 's Dorm . 
Hyun Woo : WHATT ! 2PM DORM ?! Are you crazy ?! WHAT IF THEY DID SOMETHING TO YOU !
Hyun Jong : They wont .. They got their own lovers .. How can they do something to me .. Anyways , see you later .. Plwease dun be mad kay ?
Hyun Woo : Okayy i wont .. Okay .. See you ..
[ At the Living Room .. ]
Wooyoung : YAHHH ! HWANG CHANSUNG ! You cheater !!
Chansung : WHATT ?! I never did anything ! 
Junsu : * Came out of his room * Can you guys shut up ? There is a new guest in our house .. & Hwang Chansung pick up your banana peels . 
Chansung : But Hyung ..
Chansung : ISHH .. Arrasso !
[ Chansung put his banana peels at the counter of the kitchen as he was in a hurry to play the game , suddenly Hyun Jong came out .. ]
[ She went in the Kitchen .. Saw Chansung 's Banana Peels .. ]
Hyun Jong : HWANG CHANSUNG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chansung : Ohh !!! Noona .. 
[ Everyone went out of his room .. Looking so shocked . ]
Taec : Are you okay Hyun Jong ?
Hyun Jong : Hwang Chansung .. Your banana peels ! Throw them awayy.. OMGG .. How do you clean your dorm..
[ Hyun Jong cleaning the dormm.. Khun went out & Saw Hyun Jong so tiredd .. ]
Khun : Hyun Jong .. Why are you cleaning ??
Hyun Jong ; The dorm is so messy thats why ..
Khun : But you will be tiredd ..
Hyun Jong : Just abit more ..
Khun : TAECYEON !! Look Hyun Jong is cleaning ..
Taec : What ?! Hyun Jong stop cleaning .. Let me ..
Hyun Jong : Really ? Ouhh .. Here you goo .. Go clean the living room & the kitchen . 
Taec : Me ?
Hyun Jong : Yeaa .. Im tiredd .. * Went in her room *
Hyun Jong : Hehehehe !! ^^
- How is the story lyke ? AWESOMEE ? Remember to SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT . ^^ -


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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^