Chapter 37.

You left me alone .

[ At Ma Boy's Waiting Room .. ]

" Jinguk , are you okay ? " asked Fifi . 

" Im fine Fifi .. " said Jinguk . 

" Jinguk are you sure you will go to the stage ? " asked their manager .

" Yes .. Im fine .. I will perform . " said Jinguk for the last time . 

[ MA BOY & Ok Hyun Jong is relaxing in the waiting room . Suddenly Taecyeon came in.. ]

" Yeo Dongseng are you okay ?! " asked Taecyeon . 

" Im fine Oppa .. Nothing hurts .. Only Jinguk that is hurt . " said Hyun Jong .

" Let me see Jinguk . Where does it hurt ? " asked Taecyeon . 

" Here .. At my stomach .. " said Jinguk .

" Your stomach had been hit so badly .. Im afraid you cant go to the stage to perform . " said Taec . 

" Ermm since when your brother know about all this ? " asked Hyun Woo .

" He went to Medical School . " said Hyun Jong . 

" Yupp .. I went to Medical School because i was forced but i end up being a singer & that wat i always wanted " said Taec .

" Wow .. Being forced .. " said Hyun Woo . 

" I still want to perform . I dun care .. " said Jinguk .

" But Jinguk ! " shouted Taec . 

" I DUN CARE ! I STILL WAN TO PERFORM ! " shouted Jinguk for the last time .

[ Then he went out of the waiting room with a long bang on the door then Fifi chased him , she grabbed his wrist . ]

" OPPA ! Can you just rest ? " said Fifi .

" But Fifi .. I have to do this ! " said Jinguk .

" So are you saying this because of your fans ? Are they more important than me ?! " shouted Fifi , Jinguk only sighed .

" Yeaahh .. You are just the SAME OLD JINGUK THAT I KNOW FOR THE PAST YEARS ! YOU KNOW WHAT ?! YOU SHOULD CHANGE THAT BEHAVIOUR OF YOURS ! " shouted Fifi & she turned back , walk away while Jinguk was holding on to his anger . 

[ Inside Ma Boy 's Waiting Room .. ]

" *Sigh* " Jinguk was just sighing while sitting on a chair .

[ Ok Taecyeon & Ok Hyun Jong went back to their waiting room .. GFOREVA alr went back to their own waiting room . Now the whole Ma Boy members are in the waiting room . Then Hyun Woo broke the awkwardness. ]

" Ermmm .. Dude what happened ? You can tell us .. We r your brothers now . 

" Well .. Me & Fifi had a fight because i was too stubborn to listen to her .. She said that my behaviour from last time nvr change , then she ask me to change that behaviour of mine . " 

Danny : Hyung.. You know .. She ... Just worried about you . U know that ? After all that separation that you have been through .. I think she just dun wan to lose you anymore . 

Jinguk : Since when you know all this ? 

Danny : It is called Common Sense bro .. *Taps his shoulder* Now go & rest . 

[ Then everyone went out of the waiting room , suddenly Danny came back . ]

Danny : Now see who is the smart one .. HaHahaha .. ^^.. [ Then he ran off .. But Jinguk 's face shows a Seriously - Maknae Face . ]

[ So Jinguk just lay down on the sofa , looking so heart broken . Laying there staring at Fifi & Jinguk Couple Picture . While Jinguk is staring at the picture , GFOREVA just ended their Debut Stage . GForeva was about to pass by Ma Boy 's Waiting room but Fifi dun wan to pass through their waiting room , she was pushed by the members . ]

Fifi : I dun wan .. I dun wann ... We can go to the other side .. HEYY LOOK YOUR BOYFRIENDS ARE THERE !!!!

Everyone except the Maknae : Seriously Fifi .. You think we are Stupid enough to fall into your tricks ..

Maknae : WHERE ?! WHERE IS MY DANNYYY ?!!!!! 

[ Everyone just facepalm . ]

Krissy : I dun caree Fifi .. You must meet Jinguk . [ She pushed Fifi to Ma Boy's Waiting Room .. Then Jinguk saw Fifi . ]

Jinguk : Fifi .. 

Fifi : Jinguk ..

[ A/N : HOW IS MY STORY GOINGG EHY ? xD . I hope you lyke it ! ^^ .. Remember to SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT . <3 Love all my readers !! ^^ .. STAYY TUNEDDDD !!




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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^