You left me alone .

Krissy : OHH ! OPPA ! 

Ilhoon : Krissy .. Heyy .. Whats wrong ? 

Krissy : Oppa .. 

Ilhoon : yeahh ?

Jason : Krissy ...

Krissy : Yeahh ..

Jason : Who is this ? *Starts to flame up*

Hyuna : JASON ! Chill .. This is just Krissy's Older Brother .. Jung ILHOON from BTOB .

Krissy : Jason..Im sorry i nvr told you about him.. He was busy so i cant introduce to you .

Jason : Im sorry if i flame up. Yupp I did .. Sorry ..

Krissy : Hehehe.. Im sorry too.. I shouldnt be so sulky ..

Jason : No.. You should .. I stupid talking & looking at a gurl lyke that . Im just going to look at you all the time .. * Start looking at Krissy .. *

Krissy : Ishh ! Stop it.. You are making me shy ..

Jason : Heheheh.. ^^. Im going to look at you every time . Your beautiful face..

Krissy : Hehehe.. ^^ * Hugged Jason *

Jason : Hehehe..^^

[Hyuna & Ilhoon .. AWKWARDD looking at the couple .]

Hyuna : So , Brother - In - Law .. HAHAH !! ^^.. How is your members doing ?

Krissy : WAITTT... You & Ilhoon ....

Hyuna & Ilhoon : NOO !

Hyuna : Im just his best friend .. Im Hyunseung's okay ?

Krissy : OMG.. Hyunseung ? OMGG.. HAWT NEWS .<3

Ilhoon : My members are doing absolutely great . How about you Hyuna ?

Hyuna : Im doing great . ^^ .. So how is my Hyunseungiee ?

[Suddenly someone backhugged Hyuna & she turned around  . ]

Hyunseung : HYUNNNAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TA-DA ! * Gave her a bouquet of roses. *

Hyuna : AWWWW !! Thanks Hyunseungieee !! ^^..

[A/n : Jealousss... ]

Hyunseung : Hey Ilhoon . :)

Ilhoon : Heyy Sunbae-nim . ^^..

Krissy ; Shall we go to the party now ?

Everybody : Yeahh .. ^^..

[ So everybody went & enjoy the party . After a month & a half . ]

Manager : BOYSSS !!!!!!! LETS GOOO !!

Lee Ju Seob : 2PM KIDSS !!

Manager : GURLSS !! KRISSY ! LETS GO ! 

Amanda : HYUN JONGGG !!

Lee Ju Seob & Amanda : LETSSS GOOO !!

[ All of them went to Incheon Airport to go to Singapore finally . ]

- In the airplane..-

- As usual .. The couples sit together .. The managers sit together . 2PM : Nichkhun & Wooyoung . Junho & Junsu . Chansung & Taecyeon . - After 7 hours & 59 minutes .. -

" Hello Passengers , this is Captain Minhyuk speaking .. Another 1 more minute & we are going touch down . Please fasten in your seatbelts . " 

- So everyone fasten their seatbelts .. - After One Minute .. - Everyone alr out of the Arrival Gate . Alot of fans came to see them .. - " OHH ! OPPPA !!! ^^ .. HYUN WOO OPPAAA !! SARANGHAE ! ^^ "

- Hyun Woo heard . Then he made a heart shaped & shouted , " ME TOO !! SARANGHAE ! ^^ " 

" It is good to be back home . - said Fifi . 


- Im sorry if i updated late .. Im busy with School & when i came back for sch .. Im extremely tired . So yeahh .. BYE ! ^^ -

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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^