Chapter 23

You left me alone .


Chapter 23 : 

[ Hyun Jong woke up.. ]
Hyun Jong : Taec...
Taec : Ohh ! Hyun Jong ... You woke up alr ..
Hyun Jong : Taec.. Where is Hyun Woo ?
Taec : Idk where he went .. 
Hyun Jong : I wan to see him noww !
Taec : Relax Hyun Jong ! Hyun Jong .. Do you remember what Hyuna said to you ? 
Hyun Jong : Well.. She said that Hyun Woo is his & im just nothing ..
Taec : That Gurl Is Going Down Tonight . Heyy.. I gtg now so .. I see you later .
Hyun Jong : Okay.. Bye..
[ Taec went out .. ]
Khun : So .. What are we going to do about that gurl ? 
Taec : Im going to call her. 
[ Calling Hyuna..]
Hyuna : Hello ? 
Taec : Hyuna .. Do you know where is Hyun Woo ?
Hyuna : Hyun Woo ? Idk. Im busy so.. Im hanging up.
[ Call Ended ]
Taec : She dont know..
Woman : But.. She may be do something to Hyun Woo becuz he shouted in the phone , " STAY AWAY FROM MY GURL HYUNA ! " & then he went out asap after asking me to take care of Hyun Jong . I think it is something important .
Taec : Important ?? Im going to call her backk. 
[ Calling..]
Hyuna : WHAT YOU WANT ?!
Taec : Did you do something to Hyun Woo ?!
Hyuna : Wow... Smart boyy... *Evil Laugh * Want him back ?
Taec : Dun you hurt him ! Where should i meet you ? 
Hyuna : At a Warehouse at XX. Dun bring anyone else & Dun call the Police !
Taec : Okayy.. I will be there . 
[ Call ended .. ]
Khun : Taecyeon .. What happened ? 
Taec : Im going to a Ware House to take Hyun Woo backk. 
Khun : All of us wan to follow u . 
Taec : She said that no one can follow except me . 
Junsu : Taecyeon ... When one member is going somewhere dangerous , all of our members follow . 
Taec : But please hide so that she wont know . 
We are following also !
[2PM turned .. It was Ma Boy . ]
Junsu : OH ! Its Ma Boy .
Jinguk : We cant just let our Leader suffer lyke that . So.. Are we in ?
2PM : Yeahh..
Chansung : BUT.. WAITT ! Does she know this ..
Hyun Jong : I heard you guys ! I wan to follow !
Taec : But...
Hyun Jong : I dun care !! 
Taec : But Hyun Jong ..
Taec : Finee .. You will follow me . 
Hyun Jong : Lets go .. * Hyun Jong actually alr change into her new clothes so yeahh.. *
[ Taecyeon & Hyun Jong went in Taec's Car while the other 2PM Members went in their own . As well as Ma Boy & all of them follow Taec . ] [ Near the Warehouse , Ma Boy & 2PM park their cars there & waited . ]
[ While Taec & Hyun Jong came to the WareHouse . ]
Bodyguards : Only one person can enter in the warehouse !
Taec : Can she come .. 
Bodyguard : Ohh.. Hyun Jong.. Suree.. She is waiting for you actually .. 
[ In the warehouse . ]
Hyuna : WELCOME .. Taec & .... I said you cant bring a friend here ! * points a baseball bat at him * 
Taec : It is just Hyun Jong . 
Hyuna : Ohh.. Hyun Jong .. I have waited for you.. You made it .. I thought you were Dead ... * Evil Laugh *
Hyun Jong : WHERES HYUN WOO ?!
Hyuna : You wan to meet him ? * Gave a small signal to the bodyguards around her . * 
Bodyguard : * When to Hyun Jong , tied her hands *
Hyuna : Now u can meet Hyun Woo ..
[ When to Hyun Woo's Room .]
Hyun Jong : HYUN WOO ! 
Hyun Woo : HYUN JONG ! Are you okay Yeobo ?
Hyun Jong : Im okayy.. 
Hyun Jong : NOO ! NOO ! HYUN WOO ! 
Hyun Woo : HYUN JONG !! 
Hyuna : Take both of them out !
Bodyguards : Yes Master .
[ They took out Hyun Jong & Hyun Woo outside. They seperate Hyun Jong  & Hyun Woo . ]
[ Hyuna go to Hyun Jong since Hyun Jong is tied to a Chair lyke Hyun Woo so she wont do anything . ]
Hyuna : Hi ... Hyun Jong .. Have a fun time ... suffering ? Hahhahhaha !!
Hyun Jong : Why are you doing this ?!
Hyuna : WOW.. You still got energy huh.. Listen here ! You .. Stay away from Hyun Woo & I will release you .
Hyuna : Alright thenn.. BOYS ! Do what you did just now ! 
Hyuna : What if im going crazy ?! I want you but you pushed me away & go to that STUPID GIRL ! 
Taec : ARGHH ! * Was kneeling down to Hyuna after a couple of beatings from the Bodyguards *
Hyuna : Have fun Taec ? Fighting with my boys ... 
Taec : Release HYUN WOO & HYUN JONG ! 
Hyuna : I dont wan to...
Taec : !
Hyuna : *Slapped him* Do you wan me to let you off or make you suffer lyke Hyun Jong . 
[ Suddenly there are noise of people fighting . ]
Hyuna : The other Boys ! Go & check what is happening !
Hyuna : SHUT UP TAECYEON ! Or do you wan me to kill Hyun Jong ?! * Points a gun at Hyun Jong *
[ Just then .. ]
Taejun : Hyuna .. Im done with your games ! I hate it ! STOPP DOING THIS !
Taejun : Or maybe i will kill you first ! * Points a gun at Hyuna *
Hyuna : * Scared * Taejun ahh .. Dont do this .. 
Taejun : I had enough ! 
[ BANG ! BANG ! ] 
Hyun Jong POV : Why am i not feeling any pain ? But the shot was so close to me .
[ When Hyun Jong opened her eyes .. Hyun Woo was okay.. Taec was okay .. Hyuna... Was not shot . Taejun ... WAS SHOT ! Hyun Jong went to Taejun . ]
Hyun Jong : TAEJUN AHHH !! 
Hyuna : I....i.... Just shot Taejun ... omg ... * Break down * No... Im suppose to shoot Hyun Jong ...
Taejun : Im sorry .. It was my fault .. I deserve to die ... 
Hyun Jong : NO ! U dont ! Please dont die .... PLEASE ! * Cries * 
Khun : TAECYEON ! HYUN JONG ! HYUN WOO ! Are you okay ?!
[ All of the members went in & safe Hyun Woo , Hyun Jong & Taecyeon . While Police came & arrested Hyuna & her bodyguards . ]
Hyun Jong : TAEJUN ! TAEJUN !! PLEASE ! 
Taec : Lets sent him to the hospital . 
Hyun Woo : Yeobo ! Are you okay ?! 
Hyun Jong : Im ... Fine ... * Faints * 
Hyun Woo : YEOBO ! 
[ All of them sent Taejun & Hyun Jong to the hospital & is being sent to a private ward . ]
[ The Doc came out of the private ward . ]
Hyun Woo : How is Hyun Jong ?
Doc : She is tired .. She just need some rest because her body is just too weak . She may not wake up fast . 
Hyun Woo : Can i see her ?
Doc : Yes you may .. 
Hyun Woo : What about Taejun ?
Doc : The bullet has been alr taken out from the leg . He is safe now .. But he need some rest & he needs a wheel chair as his leg has not recover yet .
Hyun Woo : When wil he recover ? 
Doc : About a .... Month .
Hyun Woo : Okay . Thank you . 
[ All of them went in . ]
Hyun Woo : Yeobo ... Why do you have to suffer but not me .. * Cries *
Taejun : Heyy Guys..
Hyun Woo : Taejun... 
Taec : You need some rest .. Go & rest .
Taejun : I want to apologise to you guys especially to Hyun Woo & Hyun Jong becuz make a deal with Hyuna . 
Khun : Deal ?
Taejun : Yeah.. Since Hyuna alr got to know that Hyun Jong alr lost her memory about Hyun Woo.. She saw that i liked her & she made a deal with me to let Hyun Jong like me & not Hyun Woo . Then she can take Hyun Woo so that we will be happy with our original partners . But then .. When i see that you guys are so prefect for each other , i gave up & let you guys be together . So .. Dun break up becuz of anyone else okay ? You guys are alr a Match Made in Heaven . 
Hyun Woo : Thanks Bro .. Thank you so muchh . * Smile * * Bro Hug *
Taejun : Hyun Jong still havent wake up yet ?
Hyun Woo : No.. 
[ Suddenly the managers of Taejun , 2PM & Ma Boy came . ]
Taejun : HYUNG ! 
Ma Boy : HYUNG !
Managers : You guys .. Are really in big trouble .. 
Ju Seob : KIDS ! You got a schedule but you Taecyeon stay at the hospital .
Manager of Taejun : Taejun .. You are in more big trouble ! 
Taejun : Mianhae..
Manager Of Ma Boy : KIDSS ! You got a schedule ! Hyun Woo .. You are resting at the Dorm . OMGG.. The reporters are going CRAZY !
Managers : Next Week , 2PM , Ma Boy , Taejun & Hyun Jong is going to have a Press Conference . We all dun know if Hyun Jong is going to wake up next week but we hope she will wake up faster .
Hyun Woo : Yeobo... Wake up faster okay ? I miss you so muchh.. I will see you soon. ^^.. I love you . * Kiss her forehead * Bye Taejun.
Taejun : Bye . 
[ 2PM (Except For Taec ) , Ma Boy went out of the ward & go out the hospital . ]
Taec : Hyun Jong ... I hope you wake up soon . :)
[ Taec went to his bed & went to sleep as well as Taejun . ]
- Next Morning .. -
Taecyeon : * Yawns*
Nurse : Good Morning .
Taecyeon : Good Morning . 
Nurse : You can be discharge now .
Taecyeon : Okay .
-Taec went to Taejun .-
Taejun : * Yawns * Ohh.. Taecyeon .. U awake up alr .
Taec : Taejun .. Good Morning . :)
Taejun : Good Morning . 
[ All of a sudden . ] 
Kevin : HYUN JONG ! Wake upp ! 
Taec : Ohh ! Kevin . You are here ..
Kevin : Taecyeon .. You are here too .. With Taejun .
Taejun : Hi .. But who are you ?
Kevin : Im Kevin from UKISS . Im Hyun Jong 's Friend at America .
Taec : Same . ^^
[ Ma Boy , 2PM & Yoona & Min & Zelo went in . ]
Taec : WOW ! So crowded ! 
Yoona : TAECYEON ! Are you okay ?
Taec : Im okay Yoona . 
Hyun Woo : Aigoo.. Love Birds ..
Taec : Hyun Woo .. Are you the same .
 Hyun Woo : Well.. At least your partner is still beside you . What about me ... Still at the hospital , sleeping . Not waking up .. * Sigh * 
Jinguk : * Comfort him * 
Min ; How long Hyun Jong has been lyke this ? 
Hyun Woo : 2 Days plus today . When is she going to wake up ..
Zelo : Ermm .. Min ... I need to go back . I got a schedule . 
Min : Me too .. Im sorry i cant stay here .. We both have to go .. Bye guys .
Gurls + Guys : Bye ! ^^
Ma Boy [ Except Hyun Woo ] : Aigoo.. Whenn is it our turn to be in love ... 
Hyun Woo : You will get your time . 
Khun : Talking about time .. I have a date with Victoria . * Phone ringing * Oopss.. It is her .. Bye guys ! ^^..
Wooyoung : * Busy chatting with Suzy * 
Chansung : * Busy Chatting with Jia *
Junsu : * Texting *
Junho : * Texting So Eun *
Taecyeon : * Outside with Yoona , Exploring the garden *
Ma Boy : YAHH ! You guys so quiet ... This is not a love room ! 
2PM : Yahh .. jealous ? Hhhaha.. Okayy.. We have to go out .. We have a date . Bye Ma Boy & Taejun . ^^
Taejun : Bye .. 
Ma Boy : Byee .. ^^
[ Khun sms Taec to say that all the 2PM Members are out on a date with their own partners . ]
Taec : What ?! Date ? They went on a date ?!
Yoona : Oppa .. Wan to go on a date ? I have a whole day free schedule ..
Taec : Suree !! Where should we go ? Theme Park ?
Yoona : Okayy ! YAY !! ^^
[ Taec & Yoona went on a date .. ] 
[Ma Boy is in the ward .. ]
[ Suddenly Jinguk got a message from Manager Hyung . ]
Manager : KIDSS ! You got dance practice for your Comeback !
Jinguk : Okay , we will be right there ..
[ Everyone is ready to go but Hyun Woo was sleeping .. ]
Jinguk : * Sms Manager Hyung * Hyungg .. Can Hyun Woo stay at the hospital ?
Manager : Okay . 
[ Ma Boy went out after saying good bye to Taejun . ]
- Just then .. A Pretty Lady Came In . -
Lady : OPPA ! Im so worried about you !
Taejun : IRENE ?!
[ Who is Irene ? Im sorry for the late update .. Been busy these days .. ^^ Remember to SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT ! xD ]
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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^