He is MINE. She is MINE .

You left me alone .

-When Hyuna went back to her waiting room . -

Jihyun : Hyuna.. Can you just stop following Hyun Woo around.. He is taken.. He is right , your memories with him no longer exist anymore.

Hyuna : Shut up , Jihyun .. What you know about all this ?

Jihyun : Whatever.. Just make sure the reporters dun find out about this.

Hyuna : Who cares.. *Smirks* He is mine.. We broke up just becuz of the company .

Jihyun : But you should stop.

Hyuna : Shut up & faster . We are going to be late for our next schedule.

- Jihyun & Hyuna & her other members fasten up to be out of the waiting room while Hyun Woo. -

Hyun Woo : *Sigh* That girl just cant stop.

HERO : Whats wrong Hyung ?

Hyun Woo : That gurl , Hyuna ..

HERO : Your ex-girlfriend ?

Hyun Woo : SHHH ! Dun say too loud !

HERO : Mian..(Sorry) Lets go..

Hyun Woo : Okay.

- Hyun Woo , Hero & the other member went down to their own cars & went back to their dorm. -

- Meanwhile , At Taejun's Van..-

Manager : Taejun - ahh.. We are going back to our dorm.

Taejun : Okay. 

- On the way to the dorm , Taejun open his Ipad & go to Naver & saw a article about Hyun Jong . He open the article & saw the title , " Our Famous Korean Photographer Na Hyun Jong is at America . But what about Hyun Woo ?

Taejun : Why is it always about Hyun Woo..What's so good about him.. 

- Meanwhile Taejun is on the way to his dorm.. Hyun Jong is on the way to her apartment. -

- At America 's Airport . -

Hyun Jong 's POV ..

- Finally im backk.. Hope my schedules finish faster so that i can see my Jagi again. I miss him alr .. Let me sms him . -

End Of POV .

[Hyun Jong sms him . - 

Hyun Jong : Jagi .. <3 I'm at America now . How are you doing there ? You eat alr ? I miss you now..

- Hyun Woo recieve a sms & he open his inbox & saw Hyun Jong sms him , he smiled.. -

Hyun Woo : I'm fine .. I havent eat but i will soon.. I miss you too !! ^^ <3 Im resting at the dorm now . What are you doing ?

Hyun Jong : Im on the way to my home . Im so jetlagged noww. :( Tomorrow is going to be a tired day.. :(

Hyun Woo : Dun be sad Yeobo.. Cheer up.. Rest for the whole day k ? Dun worry about me , i will be fine . Think about me when you are happy & sad okay ?

Hyun Jong : Okay .. ^^ Thanks for the advice Jagi . I will rest for the whole day . Jagi , i must go now . Bye Jagi .. I will call or sms you soon .. ^^ I love you.

Hyun Woo : Bye Yeobo ..^^ I will wait for you .. ^^ I love you too .. <3

- Hyun Jong is now at her home , unpacking her stuffs. - After that she went to rest for a few hours . -

- Hyun Woo was so worried about Hyun Jong .. -

Jinguk : Hyun Woo ahh.. Dun be too worried about her .. She is finee.. 

Hyun Woo : You sure ?

Jinguk : Trust me . ^^

Hyun Woo : Thanks . (;

[ Sorry if i skip into a few weeks .. Cuz i dun have a idea what to type about that day.]

[A few weeks later .. Hyun Jong is still at America ,still finishing her schedules. She is at her house , resting .. She met a guy called Kevin . He is a Korean Artiste , his band is called , UKISS . He was a very nice guy . ]

- She was resting at her house when someone knocked on her door , when she  open the door , she saw no one .. When she open her gate , someone pulled her & said . -

- YAHH ! How dare you ! You make Taecyeon fall in love ! HOW DARE YOU ! YOU ARE A PLAYGURL ! Playing with alot people's heart. TAECYEON , HYUN WOO , TAEJUN ! WOAHH.. WHAT A GURL ARE YOU .. * Start to kick her stomach . - Hyun Jong shouts,, " AHH ! IT HURTS .. STOP I DUN UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING ! " -

[Who else if it is not Fans.. But not only one fanclub. But 4 Fanclubs of different groups . ]

Fans : STAND UP ! 

Hyun Jong : Please stop .. 

Fans : Us ? Stop .. You are kidding me . * Push Hyun Jong * Whats wrong with u.. Tell us the truth ! 

- Hyun Jong was in a state of pain .She cant take it anymore . Suddenly , someone shouted then She vomitted blood .. -


Fans : OPPA !

Kevin : GO AWAY !

- All of the fans went away . -

Kevin : Hyun Jong ! Are you okay ?! BLOOD !

Hyun Jong : Kevin.. I... i..

Kevin : Stop talking , im taking you to the hospital ! 



















- CURIOUS of what happen next ? Wait for the next chapter . (: Subscribe & Comment.. Dun be slient kay ? ^^ Stay Tune ! ^^ - FifiLuvs2PM .. <3 - Anyone watch Full House Take 2 ? That movie was AWESOMEE ! Kang Hwi ! My fav character .. <3 Btw Lee Seung Gi is BACK wif his new song called ,' Return '. Make sure you listen to his song . I love his new song ! Talking about new song , TVXQ is back wif their song , HUMANOID ! ~ CUZ WE'RE HUMANNNNOIDS ! I love when Yunho & Changmin sang , ' TVXQ . ' . AHHH ! CUTEE ! -

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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^