Revealed .

You left me alone .


Chapter 27 :
Hyun Jong : I will help you okay ?
Taec : Okayy. ^^
2PM : We will help also .
[ After all the Spring Cleaning .. All of sat on the sofa , feeling tireddd .. ] 
2PM : That was hard .. 
Hyun Jong : Now you knoww .. At least you guys helped me .
2PM : Hahahas .. ^^..
[ 2PM & Hyun Jong had lunch . Hyun Jong cook at their dorm . ]
[ While Hyun Jong is cooking . ]
2PM : * At the counter looking at what Hyun Jong is doing , lyke cute puppies waiting for their food . * [ Sorry to all HOTTEST if i said that word , " Puppies "]
Hyun Jong : Lunch is done !
2PM : YAY !! What you cook ?
Hyun Jong : Mapo Tofu , Rice , Samgyupsal .
Khun : Samgyupsal !!! ^^ . My favourite .
Hyun Jong : I know .. 
Khun : How did you ..
Hyun Jong : Im a HOTTEST . I know what you guys lyke .. It is obvious to know what Khun lykes . Of coursee .. A HOTTEST .
Khun : Hahahahha .. ^^ .. 
2PM : MAPO TOFU !!! 
Hyun Jong : You guys are so cute !! 
2PM : We are ? OF COURSEE !! ^^
[ AEGYO TIME ] [ All of them making faces lyke Fasten - Up - With - The Food Cute Faces.]
Hyun Jong : HAHAHAH !! You guys are just too cute .. ^^ >.<..
2PM : You wan more ??
[ Aegyo againn. ]
Hyun Jong : Thats enough .. Now lets eat !
Everyone : I will eat well !
[ Suddenly someone came in .. ]
KIDSSS !!! Whats this smell ?!
2PM : Ohh ! HYUNG !
Ju Seob : Ohh ! Hyun Jong .. You cook this ?
Hyun Jong : I did ..
Ju Seob : You know .. You shouldnt do this..
Hyun Jong : Then what will you eat for lunch ? Ramyeon ? I hate eating it everyday .. Pity you guys .. :(
Ju Seob : Hehehhe.. ^^.. Chansung pass me a bowl of rice ..
Chansung : But im eating ..
Ju Seob : Just pass me a bowl of rice .. HWANG CHANSUNGG ..
Chansung : * Sulky * Hyunggg .....
Hyun Jong : Nvmm.. I will get it .. 
2PM ( Other Members except Channie) : NOO !! Chansung go !
Chansung : ISHHH !!! 
[ Chansung is so sulky .. Hyun Jong went to him .. ]
Hyun Jong : Channie ahh .. Stop sulking .. Now goo.. Eat .. I will take for Manager Oppa . 
Chansung : Really ? Gumawo !!! ^^
[ A sulky Channie turn into a Happy Channie . ^^ .. The Maknae .. Hahahah .. ]
[ Hyun Jong gave Ju Seob Oppa the bowl of rice & they began eating again .. Everyone's Bowl is SO CLEANN , No Leftovers left .. Not even a single rice . ]
2PM & Lee Ju Seob : Thanks for the food Hyun Jong . It is so delicious ! 
Channie : WAHHH ! Long time i nvr eat Home Cooked Food . I miss my mom... :'(..
Hyun Jong : Mom ? 
Channie : Yeaa .. Mom .. Mother .. Dun you miss her ?
Hyun Jong : A mom ? * Smirk * I dun even wan to call her that anymore .. [ Collect her wallet , specs , phone & went out of the dorm with a long bang after slamming the door . ]
[ Everyone was very .. SHOCKEDD .. ]
[ Taecyeon went out to catch Hyun Jong . ]
[ Taecyeon find her near the dorm , but she wasnt there . Suddenly he remembered that if Hyun Jong is having a hard time .. She will go to a nearby park . ]
[ Taecyeon went to their nearby park , he saw Hyun Jong .. Crying .. ]
Taecyeon : Yahh... Are you okay ?
Hyun Jong : GO AWAYY .. * Cries *
Taecyeon : Heyy .. Stop crying ..
Hyun Jong : Lyke i can ..
Taec : You can . Be strong .
Hyun Jong : * Sobs * Strong ? It is easy for you to say that .
Taec : I know but you can be strong . I believe in you .
Hyun Jong : Really .. * Wipes her tears *
Taec : Now .. Do you wan to go back to the dorm & wht ? Stay here for a while ?
Hyun Jong : I think i will stay here for awhile .. 
Taec : [ Recieve a text message from Manager Hyung ] 
Ju Seob : YO Taec . It is time to go to the Press Conference . Bring Hyun Jong back . Meet you at the Press Conference .
Taec : Okay Hyung .
[ Back to Taec & Hyun Jong . ]
Taec :  It is time to go to the Press Conference . Lets go ..
Hyun Jong : Okayy .. ^^.. 
Taec : Are you okayy ?
Hyun Jong : I think soo .. I need a hug ..
Taec : Come here .
Hyun Jong : Okayy ..
[Both of them hugged But it still looks lyke a couple hugging each other lovely . ]
Taec : Are you okay now ?
Hyun Jong : * Nods *
[ Both of them went to Taec 's Car & went to the Press Conference . ]
[ At the Press Conference .. ]
Hyun Woo : Why is Hyun Jong so latee .. OHH ! There she is ! HYUN JONG !
Hyun Jong : Ohh !! Hyun Woo !! ^^..
Hyun Woo : The guys didnt do anything ryte ?
Hyun Jong : Nooo .... Dun be worry ..
[ Then Taec came .. ]
Taec : You are okay ryte ? From now on , smile kay ? * Big Smile *
Hyun Jong : Im Fine .. Okayy , you too .. ^^ 
Hyun Woo : * Confused * What did Taec did to you ?!
Hyun Jong : WOAHH ! Hyun Woo , he did nothing .. He just comfort me just noww .
Hyun Woo : Comfort you ?
Hyun Jong : Yaa .. Come on lets go ...
[ The Press Conference starts .. ]
2PM : Hello , this is 2PM !
Ma Boy : Hello , This is Ma Boy ! 
Hyun Jong : Hello , this is Na Hyun Jong .
2PM : We will start the Press Conference . 
Reporter : This Question is for Hyun Woo .  Are you dating Hyun Jong still & actually what happen with Hyuna and you ?
Hyun Woo : Im still dating Hyun Jong still .. Dun worry . What happen between me & Hyuna is that .. I was her ex - Boyfriend during our debut .. But then i met Hyun Jong & i fell for her . I broke up with her & she then knew that i was in love with Hyun Jong . Thats why Hyun Jong was in the hospital that time . It is because of Hyuna . 
Reporter : This question is for Hyun Jong . What about Hyun Jong .. Wht about Taejun ? Can you explain what happened between you two .
Hyun Jong : Taejun & I were just friends. He was in love with me but i love Hyun Woo & now we are just best friends . 
Reporter : Taecyeon , do you have a girlfriend . One of the reporters caught you with a girl .
Taec : A Girl... 
Taec POV : OMGGG !!!! Should i tell them about Yoona ?! Wait ! I have a idea . 
Taec : I was hanging out with my younger sister .
Reporter : Ohh.. Okay thenn.. This question is for Khun . Are you dating Victoria for real ? The fans really wan to know.
Khun : What if it is a Yes ?
Reporter : Then congratulations .. ^^..
Khun : Yes .. Im dating with her..
Reporter : Congrats . This question is for Hyun Jong . I heard that you are a trainee at JYP Entertainment . A hour ago , we catch you & Taec at a park.. Is there something going on between you two ?
Hyun Jong : * Look at Taec , her eyes are showing How - Did - They Know Eyes . *
Taec : * Look at Hyun Jong also , Showing I - Dun - Know Eyes *
[ While Hyun Woo was staring at Hyun Jong .. ]
Reporter : Ermmm .. Hyun Jong ... Are answering this question ? 
Hyun Jong : He came & comfort me for personal reasons ..
Reporter : Ohh Okay . 
2PM 's Manager : That the end of the Press Conference . The artist & Trainee are busy. Excuse us ! 
[ All of them make way through the reporters . Suddenly Hyun Jong 's Hand was grabbed by someone . ]
Hyun Jong : AHHH ! IT HURTS ! 
Hyun Woo : WHAT YOU GUYS DO ?! 
Hyun Jong : HE WAS JUST COMFORT ING ME ! WE DID NOTHING ! CAN YOU KEEP QUIET ! The reporters are still inside ..
Hyun Woo : WHO CARES ?! 
Hyun Jong : WHAT DID YOU SAY ?! 
[ Then Taec came in . ]
Taec : Hyun Woo .. Relax ! We did nothing ! I just comforting her !
Hyun Woo : COMFORTING HER ?! * Punched Taec . He fell on the floor , Taec then stood up back * Then what this ?! * He showed a picture of Hyun Jong & Taec hugging . *
Hyun Woo : A Friendly Hug ?! You said it was a friendly one ? I dun think so .. WHY ARE YOU GUYS OUTSIDE ! YOU KNOW THE REPORTERS WILL CATCH YOU ! DID YOU THINK BEFORE YOU DO ?!
[ Hyun Jong ran away & went to 2PM 's Van . ] 
Ju Seob : HYUN JONG ! What happened ..
Hyun Jong : * Cries * 
[ Taec & Hyun Woo .. ]
Taec : Seriously .. You have to think before you speak ! Now what happened ! 
Hyun Woo : SHUT UP ! Why are you doing this to me ?! Safeing her before me !
Taec : You know what she has been through ?! She cried becuz she remembered her mother & she hated her dad as he cheated on them . She was in America when her dad is still cheating then one day he was caught & she then quickly went to Seoul . 
[ Taec went to chase Hyun Jong . ]
[ Back at 2PM's Van .. ]
Hyun Jong : * Cries *
Ju Seob : Heyy .. Come on stop cryingg ..
Taec : Yahh Hyun Jong .. Are you okay ? Come on lets go .. 
[ All of then went back to their dorm . Hyun Jong straight away go inside her room . ]
[ Everyone was worried about Hyun Jong .. Since that day , she was not cheerful at all .. Her schedule everyday is :
10am - Go to JYP Entertainment . Straight away go to the Dance Studio & practice her dance for her Debut .
12pm - Japanese / Chinese Classes .
2:30pm - Lunch . 
3:00pm or more - Vocal Lessons . 
5pm - Dance Lessons . 
7pm - Go out of JYP Entertainment & go back to 2PM 's Dorm .
Then she will have Dinner . She will cook for herself and maybe for the 2PM members if they are at home .
[ Then one day .. After Dinner . All the members are at home . ]
Khun : Hyun Jong ahh .. Are you okay ?
Hyun Jong : Im okayy .. Im just tiredd .. You knoww .. Heheheh .. * Fake Smile *
Khun : You know that you can just share your problems with us..
Hyun Jong : I know .. It is just tht .. I dun know what has got into Hyun Woo..
Khun : I think he is jealous .. 
Hyun Jong : Jealous ? But in that kind of state .. I dun think so ..
Khun : Let me call HERO . 
[ HERO picked up the phone .. ]
HERO : Hello Khun Hyung .. What you want ?
Khun : Im just asking whether Hyun Woo is okay ...
HERO : Hyun Woo Hyung ? He is lost noww .. After that day .. He starts to go back home late . 
Khun : Really ? Okay thenn .. See you tomorrow .
[ Call ended . ]
Hyun Jong : So .. How is Hyun Woo ?
Khun : He keep going home late . 
Hyun Jong : I think i know where he went .. I will be back .
Khun : HYUN JONG ! 
[ He called her but she alr went . ]
[ Hyun Jong went back to Genie Arts School . She went to the rooftop of the school .. She saw Hyun Woo . Her eyes were watery watching Hyun Woo drunk . ]
Hyun Woo : * Drunk * OHH ! HYUN JONG AHH .. You Cruel Girl .. Making me lyke this .. YAHH !! Lets break up i cant stand with you .. You Play Gurl .. You Cruel Girl !
Hyun Jong : * Tears fall * Play Gurl ... * Cry more * Cruel Girl ?
Hyun Woo : YES ! YOU STUPID , FOOL GIRL ! Lets break up & nvr meet again .. 
Hyun Jong : Nvr meet again .. * Cries * Okay thenn .. Bye .. Lets not meet again . 
[ Hyun Jong went back to 2PM's Dorm . Just then Taec came to you . ]
Taec : Hyun Jong , are you okay ? 
Hyun Jong : Taecyeon ahh .. * Cries * 
[ Everyone went out . They saw Hyun Jong crying . ]
Taec : Whats wrong ? 
Hyun Jong : Hyun Woo ... We ... Broke up . He called me Cruel Girl , Stupid *Sobs* Fool Girl . He ask me to not meet him again .. What should i do now ? * Cries * 
Taec : THAT GUY ! 
Hyun Jong : Dun go to him .. He is drunk i knoww .. 
Hyun Jong : Please dunn.. Oppaa .. Please .. 
Taec : NA HYUN JONG .. 
Hyun Jong : Oppa .. Can you stop attacking him , just keep quiet . Can you do this .. Just for your own little sister ?
Khun : Little Sister ?!
Hyun Jong : Im Ok Taecyeon 's Little Sister . Im sorry i nvr tell you guys . Im Ok Na Hyun Jong . [ SOUNDS WEIRD But who cares.. Just a story . ]
Everyone : OMGG .. 
Hyun Jong : I better tell all my friend can i .. Oppa ?
Taec : Suree .. Be careful next time .. One more time he treat you lyke this again .. Im totally going to attack him do you understand ?
Hyun Jong : Okayy .. 
[ You have been wondering why Taec keep going to her & safeing her & Etc .. Becuz he is her oppa . ]
[ A/N : It is all of a sudden .. It looks weird doesnt it ? Im worried you readers with not lyke the storyy .. :( ]
[ BACKK to the STORYY ! ]
[ Everyone went to sleep .. ] 
[ The Next Morning .. ]
[ Everyone went to JYP Entertainment . ]
[ 2PM had a recording with Ma Boy . While Hyun Jong had Dance Practice .. ]
[ Suddenly the door of the Dance Studio was opened & Hyun Jong heard a familiar voice .. ]
Hyun Jong - ahh .. 
[She turned around , she saw her dad . ]
[ She didnt care about her dad & just went on dancing .. ]
Dad : My daughter has grown up .. Lets talk Hyun Jong..
Hyun Jong : FOR WHAT ?!
Dad : Dun you shout at me ! OK HYUN JONG ! 
Hyun Jong : GO AWAY ! I dun wan to see you ! 
[ Hyun Jong ran away , but then she saw Ma Boy . She saw Hyun Woo . ]
Hyun Woo : Heyy .. Whats wrong .. 
Hyun Jong : DUN YOU TOUCH ME ! * Slap him * 
Hyun Woo : * Shocked * 
[ Hyun Jong ran as fast as she could but her dad alr caught her .. ]
Dad : Hyun Jong .. Lets talk ! 
Hyun Jong : I dun wan ! 
Dad : * Grabbed Hyun Jong 's Wrists * 
Hyun Jong : Let me go ! 
[ Taec broke away Dad 's hands from Hyun Jong 's Wrists . ]
Taec : Who are you to do this to my little sis ?!
Dad : Ok Taecyeon ahh .. Dun you remember me ? Im your dad .. 
Taec : I dun remember you being my dad . My dad has no existance in my life anymore . 
Dad : Taecyeon ahh .. 
Taec : Go away ! 
[ Hyun Jong & Taecyeon went away from their dad . ]
[ They saw Hyun Woo when they are on the way to the dance studio . ]
Hyun Woo : HYUN JONG !
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k-poplover0424 #1
Chapter 72: Second time reading. Nice story <3
Chapter 71: woahh going to married i love you author because for me taecyoon are the best couples ever yaee update soon
Chapter 70: owww really ?tthe nd is that close? ahhh please make it happy ending ^_^
Chapter 68: so what is going to happen?update soon plz ^^
Chapter 66: *clapping happily*i'm finally with you yaeee*cheers*well i think he should go i think it would be more fun right?but it's up to you ^^ waiting the update fighting ^^