
In Time
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I would like to introduce you all to my friend LuhanXi , who will be posting one of her first fanfics ever so pleasesupport her. Thank you! :)))

~Hyori's POV~


  "What's your name?" I heard someone ask. It took me a few seconds to realize that Tao was actually talking to me. This is great, I really don't think we'll be awkward after all. Hopefully.   "I'm Hyori, Lee Hyori. And you are?", I asked in return. Yeah, right, like I didn't know who he was. But I didn't want to creep him out by letting him know that I already knew who he was and what his name is.   "Huang ZiTao, but you can call me Tao" he held out his hand for me to shake, and without hesitation, I shook hands with him.   "I'm sorry for running into you this morning, I was texting and I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going" I apologized, suddenly trying to keep up a conversation with him.   "It happens, don't worry, you didn't do it on purpose"   On Purpose? What? Did that mean people, or to be more specific, girls run into him on purpose?   "What do you mean?", I asked him curiously, hoping that I didn't sound too nosy.   "People run into me and those guys almost everyday", he said, pointing to each of his friends, I think.   "So isn't that normal?", Earth to Hyori, Stop talking. But I can't help it. He seems very interesting and he doesn't give out information unless you ask him.   "Well, no. There are things, mostly girls, aren't supposed to do in the presence of a guy. Basically, running into him on purpose".   "Well, if that's so, why DO they run into you on purpose?", Hello? Hyori? Hot Guy? Popular? Of course girls would die to get his attention.   "Honestly, I have no idea. It just happens, everyday, almost after every period I have to deal with running into someone" he sighed.   I couldn't decipher him or what he was thinking about. He should at least know how gorgeous he was and why girls fight to get his attention. And Why was he talking to me? I'm the new girl, he should be talking with his friend in front of him right? What was his name? LuWan? Luman? Oh wait, right, Lu Han. Hopefully this Tao guy's not a creeper like others are.   "Oh, well maybe you should just stay away from them?" I sort of suggested.   "Hmm, maybe", he replied.    Silence.   Since Tao wasn't talking anymore, I decided to listen to mr. Li discuss the school's rules and regulations. It was going to be a very long discussion, I could feel it. But not only could I feel that, I also felt someone's eyes on me, as if they were trying to figure me out. I thought for a second of what could possibly be going on and why I was feeling that way. In a split second i turned my gaze to my seatmate to find him staring at me, he removed his eyes from me and bit his lower lip. God, why did he have to be so attractive?   "Sorry", he whispered keeping his head down   "What are you sorry for?" I asked, confused. Why was he always apologizing?   "For staring at you. I don't want you to think that I'm creepy"   "I don't", I reassured him. He wasn't creepy, he was interesting. Suddenly, his blank expression turned into a smile and he turned to face me again.   "Well that's a relief". Yes, it was.    "So do you want to hang out with us for lunch?", I looked at him and nodded. I didn't have a single idea about who "US" was, but my body seems to have a mind of its own now and it won't let me think before I act. Amazing. After he asked me, I knew I had to stop talking because mr. Li was already glaring at us for not listening to him.    It's my first day as a senior in a new school and some devilishly gorgeous guy decides to be my friend. How cool is that? But I was still afraid of the attention that we-me, Colen and Lara- would get if we started hanging out with these guys. I wasn't used to attention, even though I used to date one of the most popular guys in our old school, I was invisible. But this time, I don't think invisibility isn't my friend anymore. I've already witnessed some girls in our class shooting mean looks at me. I had to sink in my seat to avoid being looked at.   -------------------   *School bell goes off*   Lunch Time. I got up from my seat then walked over to Coleen's side. Tao stood up as well and took his backpack in his hand and LuFan-erm-LuHan got up beside him.   "So Hyori, are you coming with us?" he asked in front of my friends. Great move Tao. I literally felt Coleen give me her "What the hell is he talking about?" look.   "Yes, we'll just catch up with you guys okay?", I quickly replied.   "Okay, no problem. See ya'" he said and he left with the tall guy with a y face and the guy named LUHAN. I really need to get used to this guy's name.   Seconds after they got through the door, Coleen started questioning me. "What was that all about?"   "He asked me if we wanted to go eat lunch with them" I said in defense.   "Oh okay, I thought you were gonna leave us for him". She Joked. She knew I would never do that. Not after all that we've been through. Coleen stood up from her chair and put her notebook in her bag. Lara on the other hand, was furiously attempting to remove a small stain on her signature lime-green bag before noticing that we were already waiting for her.   "Hey Lara! Who was that guy beside you? He was putting up quite a conversation with you huh?" Coleen said loudly. And could you believe it, for the first time after three years, we've finally seen Lara turn red.   "His name is Kris, and he holds a Canadian Citizenship. He likes to rap and he has a pet Alpaca. And I can't freaking believe that he just talked to me, like EHmEHGED HE IS SOOOO HOOTT". Coleen threw her head back as Lara started spazzing all over the place. Yup, Lara just lost it. So that's what face is called, "Kris". --------------------------   We made our way into the cafeteria only to find almost all the seats were taken. We shrugged and got our food instead. I was trying to look for an empty spot when--"Hyori! We're here! Come sit with us!" Tao screamed from across the cafeteria, making girls turn their heads to face him. I saw him lower his head to hide his face in embarrassment for making a scene, seeing him do that, made me giggle.   We got our food and headed over to Exo-M's "Round Table". It was rumored that only They, were allowed to sit there, I didn't get why that was so I just ignored it. It almost felt like a walk of shame rather than a walk of fame for us three because girls glared at us on our way to their table.   When we got there Tao scooted over and motioned for me to sit beside him, but I couldn't, we wouldn't fit. LuHan didn't seem to want to move from where he was seated.    "Xiao Lu, maybe you could move a bit for the ladies to sit down?" Kris said looking at Lara, then back at Luhan, who ate up the space m made for us.   "Ugh, can't I finish my food silently?" he grunted. Kris and Tao glared at him.   "Ugh Fiiinee, I'll scoot over", he said in defeat. I felt Coleen tense up after Luhan's hostile attitude toward us. Lara who sat beside me, refused to exchange seats with Coleen, saying that it was better if Coleen was seated beside "Lulu"-as she called him- because Lara wasn't comfortable sitting beside him. Coleen gave up and sat beside Luhan.   "So Hyori, care to introduce yourselves?" Kris asked me with a smile.   "Well, I'm Hyori, this is Lara (I said, motioning to the girl-turned-tomato who was beside me), and that is Coleen (Pointing to Coleen who was eating quietly)". I knew Coleen didn't like Luhan at all. I didn't really mind his attitude, and neither did Lara, but boy did he get to Coleen. Everyone was observing Coleen's odd behavior but she ignored us, or to be specific, she ignored Luhan.   "Sooo, can you introduce yourselves to us?" I asked Tao who got to his senses after being distracted by Kris' non-stop stare session with Lara. He introduced everyone in their group. Kim Jongdae, Zhang Yixing, Kim minseok, Wu YiFan, Lu Han and himself. I didn't really have a hard time remembering their names  so I guess I was very attentive to Tao's introductions.   We started socializing , which I suddenly felt more than happy to do. I found out everyone's nicknames, Chen-Chen or simply Chen, Lay, Xiumin a.k.a BaoZi as Luhan called him, Kris or Duizhang, LuHan or simply Lulu-which was an awkward coincidence knowing that Lara called him Lulu before we got to know him- and Tao a.k.a Kung-Fu Panda. I had no idea why Tao was called a "Kung Fu Panda" but I'm sure I'll find out in time.   We were all enjoying each other's company, and even Coleen lightened up a bit, when suddenly another group of insanely attractive guys approached our-their, okay, fine OUR table.   "Ayo, waddup Kreeeaasee?" the tall guy with sparkly teeth exclaimed. Kris stood up to greet him.   "I'm Fine Chan to the Yeol, you?" he replied.   "Same old, same old, Happy Virus at your service", he stopped to look at the unfamiliar female faces sitting there, us. "Well, well, well, looks like you guys have company eh?", his eyes stopped at Lara and he flashed her a smile bright enough to light up a christmas tree. I was pretty sure that Lara just turned into a red crayon rather than a tomato. Oh no, this is bad. Two hot guy friends checking Lara out? And she likes both of them? Yep, not good. I set my eyes on Kris who didn't seem to mind the fact that this Chanyeol guy was checking Lara out, so I calmed down a bit.  I saw Chanyeol whisper something to Kris and suddenly -face smiled mischevously.   "Look it's alright, I'm not really that into her. And she's really pretty and very very smart so go ahead Chanyeol", I heard Kris whisper to Sparkly teeth.   "Thanks man, Hey we gotta run guys, Our class starts in 5 minutes, see ya'", and with that Chanyeol flashed us one more smile and left with his group of guys. ------------   Lunch ended and we all got to know each other very well. The only ones who didn't seem to get along well were Coleen and Luhan, who were exchanging mean remarks against each other almost all the time or when they had the chance.  m walked with us in the hallway back to our classroom and I tried my best to avoid the glares we wer
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Chapter 20: bro waddapen in this story huhu come back
Forever_without_love #2
Chapter 19: Omo...does that mean that Hyori and Coleen are also from exoplanet and have abilities? One by one as they all turn eighteen they'll...have abilities?
Chapter 19: oh yeah lara's an alien LOLOLOLOL.
Chapter 19: ahhh that smile sums up everything :D but hopefully everyone can be happy :( nice update authornim and lara's like the exo boys? Revelations! update soon! :D
Chapter 19: Awww seriously the pairs are so cure espcially tao asking hyori to call him oppa is just <3 are the gulls aliens too? And yeols smiling again :"> update jusaeyo
Chapter 19: YES! Lara's finally back to normal again! And wow! She's also from exoplanet? I DIDN"T EXPECT THAT EITHER.
Chapter 19: BaekhyunAndD.OBlessYerSoulsss
My Feels now happily sailing in lalaland
The gifs tho asdfghjkl i need to breathe
Chapter 19: Hooooooolllyyy shhiiizuuus TheUpdateWasFantasticICriedButIThinkChanyullIsGonnaBeFineNowCosLara'sBack
Chapter 18: And we wont dance all night to the best song ever because your story line my chanyeol cried forever
Chapter 18: I give up, like my cellphone's load..