Syntax Error. (Part 5)

In Time
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-Author's POV-

"Baekkiiieeeee!",  Tao called out to his hyung

"What?", Baekhyun replied flatly, but this didn't change Tao's mood. He was still excited, for some reason.

"Why  are you still here?", Tao asked

"Do you want me to leave?", Baekhyun asked in annoyance

"No! no! It's just... I was just curious. Luhan left early already with Coleen and I was wondering if we could go and find Chanyeol. He still hasn't called and you're the only one who can talk him into coming home."

"I--uh, alright alright. Let's just tell the girls that we're leaving early", Baekhyun smiled, dragging Tao with him upstairs. They practically ran until they reached Hyori's door. Tao knocked and waited, but when no one came to answer him, he let himself inside.

"Riri?", Tao called ouut, looking for his girlfriend. His gaze went onto her bed to find her sleeping soundly. Tao chuckled as he walked closer to Hyori, seeing some drool at the corner of her face, he was pretty much tempted to take a photo. But of course he respected her too much to do that.

"Princess", Tao whispered, soflty nudging Hyori's shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open to see Tao gazing down on her, and the poor guy got a reaction he never would've expected. Hyori sat up and slapped Tao across the face screaming "Oh My God Intruder!"

"Hyori! Hyori! Jesus calm down! It's me!", Tao exclaimed, dodging his girlfriend's attacks

"Tao? Why is your hair red-- oh right", Hyori shut up. "Sorry, my eyes are a little blurry from the way I was sleeping", Hyori simply chuckled, while Tao looked at her with an unamused look on his face.

"Soo, why were you here?", Hyori asked shyly, wiping the drool off her face with her sleeve

"I came to tell you that Baekhyun and I are going out to find Chanyeol-hyung, not get hit by my girlfriend", Tao half-complained

"Hey, it's not my fault that this guy I'm dating decided to try and look like a chicken with his red hair", Hyori spat back, making Tao blow a rasberry at her. She simply smiled at him and went back to bed, with her back against Tao. Tao chuckled and sat on her bed.

"Bye Jagiya. See you later", Tao said, kissing her on the forehead. Hyori smiled and soon, she fell asleep.

"What happened in there?", Baekhyun asked Tao the moment he left Hyori's room.

"She thought I was an intruder", Tao pouted, making Baekhyun laugh

"Oh my God seriously?", Baekhyun asked mockingly. "I told you that your hair would get you in trouble one way or another", Baekhyun kept laughing like a maniac while Tao stomped behind him.


"Ugh, Why did he have to go out and leave like that?!",Baekhyun groaned once he realized that they've been searching around for an hour

"He could've burnt the girls' house down so maybe that's why he left. He was really angry", Tao answered

"Maybe. But he wouldn't do that", Baekhyun answered

"Sogogi-hyung, why do you think Lara's acting that way?", Tao asked his hyung

"She's probably under the influence of a persuader. But I don't know, I mean, if she were, Luhan would've already sensed it by now", Baekhyun explained.

"Hyung! Hyung! Is that Chanyeol?", Tao pointed to a guy who was sitting--sleeping at the park uncomfortably. The two couldn't see his face but they both knew that this was Chanyeol's favorite place to go whenever he's sad. The two boys approached the man who's sitting; face on the table, buried in his arms. They were right, it was Chanyeol. And he had spent the night crying his eyes out. They were puffy and red even though they were closed. Baekhyun looked at the tall man with concern and shook him lightly.

"Channie~", Baekhyun cooed. (Gay, I know)

"Hmmph", Chanyeol grunted. He definitely did not like being woken up so early.

"Chanyeol, get up. We have to get you home", Baekhyun spoke, pulling at Chanyeol's heavy arm

"No", Chanyeol whined. He pulled away from Baekhyun and went back to his previous position.

"Aish. So stubborn", Baekhyun complained.

"Chanyeol--get--up--", He tried again to pull at Chanyeol's sleeve only to be pushed away, luckily, Tao was there to catch him before he even hit the ground. The two boys looked up to see Chanyeol towering over both of them.

"Leave me alone", Chanyeol managed to say behind his gritted teeth. He was about to walk away when Tao ran after him

"Chanyeol-hyung wait--"

"What? What do you want Tao?", Chanyeol asked furiously

"I want to help you--"

"To help me? Psh, please. You and Hyori are so perfect you don't even fight like this. You don't know how this feels Tao. I can't get her back. I can't! She hates me for something that I didn't mean to do! I was tricked, I was framed, but she wouldn't believe me. And now she's running off with Kai. God, do you know how much that hurts? I tried all that I could to court her and have her as my own and then this guy comes along all jealous and annoyed at me for loving the same girl as he did, then when he has the chance to get her he just takes her away without even consulting me or talking to me about it. I mean, Jesus! Lara hasn't even broken up with me and he was already avoiding me! I couldn't have one minute of peace with Lara because she's been ing brainwashed! I don't even know what the hell is happening anymore because all of this is so messed up that my mind can't comprehend what's happening. She was heartbroken from Kyuhyun, and I tried to make her forget. That Krystal shows up and ruins everything. Lara, whom I knew was very forgiving and knows how to listen to people before she assumes, well, she's gone and she's now dating Kim ing Jongin, my best friend who won't ing talk to me! The ing End", Chanyeol finished, gasping for air. He sat on the ground shamelessly and started crying again.

"Are you done ranting now?", Baekhyun crossed his arms and raised a brow at the taller man

"Kind of. Yeah...", Chanyeol said, looking down. "... I'm sorry Tao. I didn't mean to say those things about you and Hyori"

"I-It's okay. I know you didn't mean it", Tao said, sitting down with him.

"Hey if it could help, I'd like to talk to Jongin--"

"No need. Just--just let them enjoy each other. I was selfish to Kai wasn't I?", Chanyeol asked

"Did you know that he liked her?"

"No, but I just--"

"Then you did nothing wrong Hyung. Kai's just angry. That's why he did this", Tao spoke

"But Kai would never betray Chanyeol", Baekhyun informed Tao as he sat down beside them.

"Why? Why would he do that to me? What happened to bros before... ladies?", Chanyeol asked awkwardly, yet tragically.

"Well, let's just say he's blinded at the moment", Baekhyun said, placing a hand over Chanyeol's shoulder.

"Look, this won't last forever. Kai and Lara are going to talk to you again okay? And I don't know about your relationship with Lara but let's just hope she won't stay angry for the wrong reasons", Tao said in effort to comfort his friend, who was nearly bawling out.

"It's just-- I tried Tao. I really tried. Everything was going so perfectly. But--why?", Chanyeol asked repetitively.

"I don't know. I can't see anything anymore okay? My abilities won't work. Everytime I try, all I see are distorted images. I'm useless at the moment", Tao explained, earning a droopy nod from Chanyeol

"Now c'mon guys. Let's go home. We can cry our eyes out later", Baekhyun said, pulling both men up and leading them back to the car.


When they reached the house, Chanyeol was already to weak and too tired to even move. He was assisted by his two friends to his room, but they had to gently lay him on the floor because both of them were already tired too. And again, Chanyeol couldn't hold in his emotions, and he just let them flow. This time he was more controlled.

"Hyu--", Tao was stopped when Baekhyun mentioned for him to leave Chanyeol alone for a while. The two men left Chanyeol in his room and waited outside.

"He's so broken", Tao spoke

"I know. I've never seen him like this before. I don't think he's eaten breakfast yet either.", Baekhyun said, bringing his fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose in worry.

"I'll cook us some breakfast", Tao suggested, quickly running downstairs and into the kitchen. Baekhyun on the other hand stayed there. He walked to Chanyeol's door and let his back lean against.

"Chanyeol, what do we do with you?", Baekhyun thought to himself.


"Chanyeol still hasn't gone out of his room", Kris said as a matter of fact

"He eats with us but barely even finishes with us. Wait-No, He doesn't even eat much. He leaves early and locks himself in his room. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?", Kris exclaimed, making the boys shut up. One second they were laughing, the next Kris is angry.

"Kris, we don't know--"

"Yeah, I know. But someone, who's not here, knows", Kris says so terrifyingly calm

"And his name is Kim Jongin. Now, I can see that there are some people here who didn't enlighten me on the fact that Lara's acting weird", Kris spoke, glaring at Tao and Baekhyun.

"Hey, we were gonna tell you soon--", Baekhyun stopped when Kris growled at him. Without Chanyeol around, Baekhyun could get beaten up, even though he was close to Kris.

"Kris", Tao called out firmly, making the older man look at him

"Let me explain. Look, Lara's been acting weird ever since she broke up with Chanyeol. But there was no actual and official break-up. She just got mad and stopped talking to him. After the Krystal incident, Kai suddenly pops out of nowhere and steals Lara away. It's almost too coincidental--"

"Exactly", Kris interrupted

"But how do we know how to fix this? I mean, I think she might be under the influence of the persuader guys", Baekhyun explained

"But why would they do that?", D.O asked

"They're a mischievous clan. They play around with anyone and anything"

"For so long?"

"I don't know. Maybe they or he or she is having too much fun with this", Baekhyun sighed

"But when will it end?", Sehun asked

"We don't know", Tao answered.


-Coleen's POV-

"So... Do you want to, walk with me to class?", he asked. I looked around to find no more students in sight, then down the floor in embarrassment. Wait a second..., I'm never in the same Math class with Luhan. And Luhan and I are never in the same Math class with Krystal either. Luhan's math classes are in the afternoon, mine in the morning. Krystal's is before lunch according to Chanyeol. Sneaky. I nodded, telling him/her to hang on for a second. I quickly took out my phone and texted Hyori to come quickly and record me and Luhan, who was actually Krystal. How obvious. But I had to be careful, I wasn't entirely sure if I had the facts right.

  "Hey uh. could you wait for a sec, I think I forgot something in my locker...", I said, to buy Hyori some tim--   'I'm here! Try to get her to change back! Fighting!", Hyori replied   "Hey uh-- Sasquatch...", I said, remembering that Luhan told me to call him something suspicious, like Lindsay or in this case, Sasquatch, something he would react to, just in case something weird happens.   "Yeah?" Strike One. He hates it when I call him that.   "I-uh, do you remember where I put the little teddy bear you gave me that morning? I don't remember if I left it at your house...", I asked him.   "I... Think you brought it home. I don't remember either...", Luhan chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. Strike two. The teddy bear he gave me was enormous, not little.   "Soooo. Uh Coleen, I actually have something to tell you...", Luhan (?) spoke   "What is it?"   "I-uh... I don't think we should do this anymore.", Luhan continued.   "What do you mean?", I asked, acting a bit shocked and confused   "We, we can't date anymore. I-I've fallen for someone else, specifically Krystal. I've liked her for a long time, and I can't afford losing her to Chanyeol", Luhan said, looking down   "Wha-why? Luhan, don't do this, you-you said I was the only one?", I asked sadly, bringing myself to fake tears   "I-I can't keep that promise Coleen. I'm sorry", Luhan spoke. ACTING CLASSES FTW.   "You know what? Fine! Leave me alone! Stay with Krystal!", I exclaimed. I turned around to walk away, praying that the whole thing goes as planned.   -Hyori's POV-   "Got it!", I internally squealed. I quickly sent the video to Tao, Coleen, and the real Luhan, and shoved my phone into my pocket. I stood up from my hiding place, turned around, and jumped in fright to find Kai standing there with a death stare.   "H-hi Kai", I waved shyly, but he showed no change in emotion. I guess this is how I die.   "Is there something wrong?", I asked with a nervous smile   "Can I borrow your phone?", he asked. I shook my head, backing off from him. He slightly charged at me aiming for my pocket and I took another step back. In a moment, I was struggling to keep my phone from getting into the wrong hands.   "Kim Jongin.", a strong voice spoke. Kai and I stopped struggling and both looked to where the voice came from. There we saw Luhan, eyes dark with anger. I knew that this was the real Luhan because I just know. (LOL(   "What do you want Luhan?", Kai growled,
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Chapter 20: bro waddapen in this story huhu come back
Forever_without_love #2
Chapter 19: Omo...does that mean that Hyori and Coleen are also from exoplanet and have abilities? One by one as they all turn eighteen they'll...have abilities?
Chapter 19: oh yeah lara's an alien LOLOLOLOL.
Chapter 19: ahhh that smile sums up everything :D but hopefully everyone can be happy :( nice update authornim and lara's like the exo boys? Revelations! update soon! :D
Chapter 19: Awww seriously the pairs are so cure espcially tao asking hyori to call him oppa is just <3 are the gulls aliens too? And yeols smiling again :"> update jusaeyo
Chapter 19: YES! Lara's finally back to normal again! And wow! She's also from exoplanet? I DIDN"T EXPECT THAT EITHER.
Chapter 19: BaekhyunAndD.OBlessYerSoulsss
My Feels now happily sailing in lalaland
The gifs tho asdfghjkl i need to breathe
Chapter 19: Hooooooolllyyy shhiiizuuus TheUpdateWasFantasticICriedButIThinkChanyullIsGonnaBeFineNowCosLara'sBack
Chapter 18: And we wont dance all night to the best song ever because your story line my chanyeol cried forever
Chapter 18: I give up, like my cellphone's load..