Syntax Error. (Part 2)

In Time
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  Thank  you  LosingWarmth  for  the  DAAARRRKKK  poster ^^  


-Hyori's POV-

*alarm clock goes off*

"Jesus, my head hurts", I muttered, burying my face in the pillow. I inhaled the scent of my pillow unintentionally to find that it actually smelled like Tao's cologn--

"Well you should've drank too much last night..."

"WHAT THE--TAO?!", I exclaimed, quickly getting off the bed, which I presume was Tao's. I looked down on myself by instinct and found myself in a tank top and pajama shorts, which obviously wasn't what I was wearing last night.


"Why--Did I pass out in here?", I asked, placing a hand on my head at the pain I suddenly felt

"Well no, I actually had to carry you here since you passed out on the couch while we were cleaning last night, and don't worry, I just changed your clothes so you'd be more comfortable, I hope you don't mind", Tao smirked, I stared at him and realized that he was shirtless the whole time. I simply nodded and looked away from him, grabbing my phone and checking the messages, only to find none. Yes, I'm doing this to avoid Tao's shirtless physique. Help me T.T

"Hey, something wrong?", Tao asked innocently. I shook my head and walked passed him and I headed downstairs.

"Goodmorning Hyori! How was Tao last night?!", Baekhyun greeted me the moment I stepped into the kitchen.

"What do you mean?", I raised a brow at this cute little beef

"You know, you passed out last night and he took you upstairs. And who knows what happened?", Baekhyun smirked

"OH-GOD NO! Nothing happened Baekhyun! I passed out and Tao took good care of me", I explained as neatly as I could.

"SO HE DID TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU!", Chanyeol exclaimed

"I did. I laid her on my bed and I slept on the floor. How'd you guys know?", Tao said, appearing from behind me like a mushroom.

"We--we just assumed that, you know... You took care of Hyori...", Chanyeol mumbled. Silly Kid.

"Ayo waddup Kimchi boys!!!", Luhan exclaimed as he entered the room with Yixing

"Racist Bastard", Baekhyun muttered

"Taozi, where's your shirt?", Luhan asked

"It's upstairs, why?", Tao stated, taking a bottle of water from the fridge

"Put it on"

"Why should I take orders from you?", Tao asked, raising a brow. Diva.

"Because I'm older than you and your torso is making me sick"

"Then your argument is absolutely invalid. And hey, don't try anything funny with me or else I'll tell your imaginary girlfriend that you like her so much", Tao smirked. Luhan has an imaginary girlfriend? Who could it be?

"What--why- HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!", Luhan asked in shock. Oh boy.

"You were drunk last night Ge. You were foolish enough to trust me with your secret", Tao wriggled his brows. What are, no, who are they talking about?

"Fine. Do what you want. Just don't tell her, okay?", Luhan pouted and Taozi nodded.

"Yixing! Where's Jongin?", a worried Chanyeol asked

"I don't know. I haven't found him yet. And I'm worried tha he won't come back yet. He just flipped out and got mad for no reason"

"Hey, isn't he like that when he's had too much alcohol?", Kyungsoo asked

"He is, but usually, when he sobers up he comes back in a good mood. This time he just disappeared!", Yixing explained. I wonder where Kai is :(

"Where's Krisus?", Baekhyun asked

"He's still looking for Kai, Luhan here can't sense Jongin either. Kai's nowhere to be found", Yixing stated, taking a seat beside Chanyeol

"I hope Jongin's fine...", I mumbled.

"He's fine. Don't worry. That guy can take real good care of himself", Yixing told me with a smile. I smiled back and went upstairs to find Coleen and Lara.

"Wake up ladies! It's 10 in the morning already and we have school at 1!", I exclaimed, opening the windows.

"RI! NO! THE SUN! IT BURNS!", Coleen exclaimed, making Dracula gestures at the light

"Stop that. You look weird. Get up sleepy head", I chuckled, pulling her blankets away. I headed over to Lara's bed to wake her up.

"Yo, wake up"







"Don't take my Minho! Wait- oh. It's just you, Hyori"

"What was that all about?"

"Well, you know that Minho is in this new drama right? And well, some girls who aren't part of the SHAWOL family are all fangirly like 'OH MY GOD MY MINHO IS SOOOO CUTEEEEE. But seriously what is SHINee? OH WAIT. IDONTCARRE!!!!!' And so yeah, I had a dream about that", Lara pouted. This girl. I sat down on the side of her bed and shook my head.

"Don't worry. They can't take Minho away. Oh and remember Key from downtown?", I asked her.

"Yeah, I remember him! He looks exactly like the Key of SHINee! I wonder if he's just like Key"

"I know right? Oh and about that. And the first time I saw him I was like 'OH MY GOD TAO IS FRIENDS WITH KEY!?' and so I just stayed silent and his name was actually Kibum and his nickname was Key and I just went crazy. But then one day they had SHINee on blast in the store and I told him 'Kibum, you really look like Key' and he knew so, and he said he got that a lot but the difference between the two of them, was the fact that he isn't in SHINee, and he has a boyfriend", I pouted

"A boyfriend? When did he tell you?!", Coleen asked, jumping from her bed to Lara's

"A week ago, I think?"

"Wow. You're late on updating us", Lara scolded me

"Hey! I forgot to tell you. Sorry!"

"Doesn't matter. At least we know now. And by the way, Coleen, how are you and Luhan?", Lara asked.

"We still hate each other. Why?"

"Nothing. I just thought that, it's already been four months and you two have not stopped trying to murder each other", Lara chuckled

"Well, if I'm successful enough to actually murder him one day, I'd be very happy", Coleen spat. Wonderful, I have a murderous friend.

"Oh and speaking of Luhan. Tao was teasing him earlier. I think Luhan has a crush on someone, I wonder who it is...", I smirked, looking at Coleen.

"He has a crush on someone?", Coleen asked with shock. I nodded.

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Chapter 20: bro waddapen in this story huhu come back
Forever_without_love #2
Chapter 19: Omo...does that mean that Hyori and Coleen are also from exoplanet and have abilities? One by one as they all turn eighteen they'll...have abilities?
Chapter 19: oh yeah lara's an alien LOLOLOLOL.
Chapter 19: ahhh that smile sums up everything :D but hopefully everyone can be happy :( nice update authornim and lara's like the exo boys? Revelations! update soon! :D
Chapter 19: Awww seriously the pairs are so cure espcially tao asking hyori to call him oppa is just <3 are the gulls aliens too? And yeols smiling again :"> update jusaeyo
Chapter 19: YES! Lara's finally back to normal again! And wow! She's also from exoplanet? I DIDN"T EXPECT THAT EITHER.
Chapter 19: BaekhyunAndD.OBlessYerSoulsss
My Feels now happily sailing in lalaland
The gifs tho asdfghjkl i need to breathe
Chapter 19: Hooooooolllyyy shhiiizuuus TheUpdateWasFantasticICriedButIThinkChanyullIsGonnaBeFineNowCosLara'sBack
Chapter 18: And we wont dance all night to the best song ever because your story line my chanyeol cried forever
Chapter 18: I give up, like my cellphone's load..