Saturday (Final)

In Time
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-Hyori's POV-

"So Tao, we won't be spending all day here anymore?", I asked him, the moment I stepped out of his bathroom.

"Well, I don't know. I mean, do you want to spend all day here? Or do you want to go somewhere?"

"I-uh, I don't know either. It's your decision. You're the one who asked me to go on a date...", I .

"Well I-uh. I... Er, this is confusing", Tao whined, burying his face in his pillow.

"Okay. Since you've already been to the mall, the amusement park, and the beach. How about I take you out for a trip downtown. Or have I already taken you there?", Tao asked me. Come to think of it, I've never been downtown. I don't even know where it is.

"Uh, I don't think so Tao, I don't even know where that is", I informed him, making my way  to the bed.

"It's downtown...", Tao said in serious tone, raising a brow at me.

"I know that you smartass...", I pouted, throwing a pillow at him, which he successfully dodged. Yay. He sat up and crawled to me(I don't mean it like that) and he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I know princess. I'm just teasing you", Tao chuckled, kissing me on the forehead. I don't get how this guy can be such a jerk sometimes, but can still end up making me smile.

"You're blushing Hyori...", Tao informed me. I brought my hands up to my cheeks to find that they're actually warmer than usual. I hit him playfully on the arm out of embarrassment.

"N'aw, come on. It's not everyday that I see you blushing because of me...", Tao teased me, planting a kiss on my cheek. I pushed him away and crossed my arms.

"Are you gonna stay violent with me? Because I don't think I'm ready for bruises just yet...", Tao mocked me.

"Well then you better start behaving soon..."

"But I'm not doing anything wrong!"

"As if..."

"Is it so wrong for me to tease you every once in a while?", he asked innocently. I glared at him and stood up to leave, for no reason at all.

"Hey, where are you going?!", Tao asked as I neared the door. Bingo. I ignored him and headed downstairs, even though I'm pretty sure that the 11 guys and my two friends are going to start asking me stupid and random questions, but I don't mind.

I stepped into the living room to find the 13 other people missing. Everything was clean and there wasn't a single crease on the couch. I turned my attention to the coffee table to find a note... from Kris. Doesn't this guy know how to text?


"To whoever is reading this right now, the guys- with Lara and Coleen- and I went to the mall.
Don't even think about following us there.
The guys are on crack today, and I don't even know why. And I"m warning you because they might mess your date up.
Anyhow, goodluck with your first date. (Luhan eavesdropped on you, sorry)

And don't even dare to go at it again tonight when you come home.

Luhan said you mentioned something about bruises, teasing and behaving so I repeat: DON'T YOU EVEN DARE"



"Aish! this guy! Great. Now what do I do?", I ask, throwing my arms up in frustration. Those people are too quick on leaving.

"Well, firstly, you go on a date with me, and secondly, you walk with me to the car", I heard a voice say from behind me.

"Isn't it the other way around?", I asked, raising a brow at him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Now come along, we have to go..."

"But I don't want to...", I pouted. Yes, I'm teasing him, please don't hit me.

"Fine then, I'll just carry you to the car", Tao implied and the next thing I know is I'm being thrown on his shoulders and carried to the car. Tao set me down on the passanger's side and he opened the door for me. I got in the car and so did he (You don't say?) and I guess we're gonna head downtown. Wherever the hell that is.

"It's downtown"

"Kyaa! Who's there?", Tao exclaimed, looking behind him. Luhan suddenly popped up from the car floor with a smug smile.

"Sorry, Kai and I couldn't resist. We just had to go back here. Well actually, Kris just wanted to make sure you two were okay. It's not everyday that he sets Tao alone, on the loose", Luhan explained and soon enough, Kai got up from the car floor.

"And aren't you two supposed to be awkward or something? I don't think best friend stories with situations like yours go smoothly like this, I mean you two were literally seconds away from having se--"

"Okay!!!! Well obviously Hyori and I are fine so now I think it's time for you to get out. Yes-Yes-Yes It's definitely time for the two of you to get out, okay? GoodBye! Take care! Don't come back! Goodbye!", Tao intruded Kai, gesturing for them to get out.

"Alright, alright we'll leave", Kai chuckled, and in a blink of an eye, they were gone.

"Sneaky Bastards...", Tao muttered with a small laugh. He started the car and drove away.

-Tao's POV-

"Tao... I didn't know it was so nice here!!", Hyori exclaimed with excitement. Cute.

"So where to first?", I asked her. She looked around, and it was obvious that she was getting confused. There was too much for her to process. There were clothes everywhere, shoes everywhere, food everywhere. There was everything everywhere and she obviously didn't know where to start. Well, being the one who was always dragged around by Victoria to go shopping, I knew exactly where Hyori would probably like to go to.

"Okay, okay. I'll take you somewhere nice. And since it's early, I want you to take all the time that you need. Seriously", I informed her. She's gonna love this place, I'm sure of it. The clothes are really pretty and the prices aren't too much to bear. But it used to be too much for me since Victoria was fond of making me pay-- but anyhow, let's get back to Hyori's day, I'd pay for anything she wants, well, unless it's too much but that's not the point. I'd still buy anything for her. Except for Gucci. She deserves good treatment. Especially after Yesung.

"Hey! Where are you taking me Taozi? And what do I need time for?", Ri asked innocently. I led her to the shop I always got dragged into and was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hello Tao! How are you doing? It's been two--three years since I last saw you!", Kibum exclaimed.

"Hi Key, I'm fine. I know it's been too long isn't it? But anyway, how are you and the lovable singer?", I asked him curiously

"Well, we're fine. Nothing new. He's kind of busy with work, living the dream", Kibum admitted, a hint of red staining his cheeks.

"I see, so anyhow, uhh-Key, this is Hyori, my girlfriend, first and last. The one and only.", I said proudly, bringing Hyori closer to my side.

"Well isn't that sweet? Hello Hyori! How are you?", Kibum asked her sweetly

"I'm good, I'm good"

"Has Tao been taking care of you?", Key asked her. I rolled my eyes in disbelief. How could he ask that?! I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"Yes, yes he has. He's been a good boy, fortunately", Hyori said sweetly. Ugh, she's too cute.

"Ohh~ Sounds ..." WHAT

"Oh no, I don't mean it like that, it's just that, he's really nice and thoughtful, and he's loving. As always", Hyori explained. Jesus take the wheel, thank you Hyori.

"Oh okay. I just thought that this guy was finally set free. And besides, he's been trapped underneath Victoria's spell--erm. I said too much didn't I?", Kibum. What are you doing?

"No, no. He's told me that already", Hyori informed him. Thank you once again, Hyori.

"Oh, that's just sweet. Well that girl was just way too much and she wasn't even dating him. Anyhow, come in! And if you need anything just tell me and I'll see what I can do to help you out", Kibum said, leading us inside.

"So the new arrivals are down here and best-sellers are here, and if you want, you can check out the clearance aisle over there", Kibum showed Hyori around, then she simply nodded. I in contrast, was already looking for something that would look great on Hyor--

"Princess!" Hyori turned around to look at me and I held out this cute dress for her. She looked at it with her head tilted by the side and she scrunched her nose.

"But where would I wear something like that? It's too pretty!", Hyori exclaimed, which is because we're the only people because it's still early, but anyway I want her to try it on

"Just try it on for me Princess...", I pouted. She narrowed her eyes at me and took the dress from my hands.

"And besides, a dress that pretty? For the price of 15 bucks? Sold.", Kibum whispered to me. I simply chuckled and went back to shopping for Hyori.

"How about this one?", I said handing her another dress. She gladlyy took it and placed it in her shopping bag. I'm actually enjoying this, at least I don't have to just stay at home and watch movies or sports or whatever is on tv. I'm actually spending time with Hyori.

"Hyori, I want this coat for you... Honestly...", I said, showing her a pink coat that could be worn as a dress. She smiled in agreement and I placed it in my shopping bag. Yes, I have a shopping bag now. Yay.

"Tao, do you think I would look good in this?" I turned around to see her holding a purple ombre polo thingy, and it was really pretty.

"Anything would look good on you, Hyori", I said smiling at her, then i went back to clothes hunting... For my girlfriend... Not me. When my eyes were tired from searching the store for clothes or dresses, I ended up getting this, this, and a white sweater for her, separate from those I already handed to her, and then I asked her to try them all on for me, while I roam the place for shoes. Yes I like shopping, but I'm not gay. Seriously. Just so you all know I have a girl-- oh right, you know that already, okay read on.

After all the trials Hyori did, we walked out of the shop happily with paper bags filled with clothes, and maybe some shoes, in our hands. Hyori was stubborn and she still didn't want me to pay for her clothes, but then again Key was kind enough to let me win the argument. I took her to the nearby Towne Centre, which was basically some sort of open mall or whatever. Just a place to walk around in. Or maybe sit down for a while since Hyori was probably tired already.

"Hey are you tired yet, princess?"

"Tao stop calling me that, and no I'm not tired yet. Are you?"

"Not really. Are you hungry?"

"I think so, yes. But where do we eat?"

"Are you up for street food?"

"Anything edible Tao. Anything edible"

"Alright, let's go! I have something to show you". I'm not sure if she'd like this but I honestly have to say that what I'm about to feed her really tastes good and I hope she won't be freaked out by it. A lot of people, even men, who aren't familiar with this food get freaked out when they see it.

"Okay, first things first. Do you want to see what I'm about to feed you or not?"

"Why? Is it ugly? If it's ugly, I don't want to eat it", Hyori replied with a hint of worry.

"It's not ugly and I'll eat the rest that you don't want to eat"

"Oh... Okay... So what are you gonna feed me?"

"Well, it's called Maodan. But if you don't like it, we can buy some barbecue right across the street"

"W-wait, what's Maodan?"

"It's a fertilized duck embryo that's boiled then you eat it in its in the shell. Well, basically I first got a taste of these when I was still in China. So yeah, do you dare to eat it?", I , bringing a piece up to her face. She narrowed her eyes at me and took it from my hand. Yes, I had to pay for it then I went on to teaching her how it's eaten.

"Well that wasn't so bad", Hyori said after eating her last one

"I thought you would hate it..."


"Well I thought you would hate it until you ate like, five...", I chuckled, and don't be surprised, it's actually true

"I DID NOT EAT THAT MUCH ZITAO!", Hyori exclaimed in denial. Okay fine, maybe I over exaggerated.

"Alright, alright. I'm just kidding... Do you want something to drink?". Hyori nodded happily and I stood up to buy some drinks for the both of us. I walked back to where Hyori was sitting and found her eating a piece of barbecue. I think I starved her too much. I sat back down and handed her the drink.

"Thanks Taozi...", Hyori said with a smile. Aish that smile, so pretty.

"After you're done, where do you want to go next?"

"I think I want to shop for you this time...", Hyori said, taking a bite from her barbecue... thingy.

"I don't think so Princess... This is your day---"

"This is our day Tao, so stop. We're going shopping. And I'm gonna get you a haircut"

"Why do I need a haircut?"

"Because your hair keeps getting in your face... I want it trimmed..."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, but not too much..."

"Alright, well then, if you don't mind. I'

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Chapter 20: bro waddapen in this story huhu come back
Forever_without_love #2
Chapter 19: Omo...does that mean that Hyori and Coleen are also from exoplanet and have abilities? One by one as they all turn eighteen they'll...have abilities?
Chapter 19: oh yeah lara's an alien LOLOLOLOL.
Chapter 19: ahhh that smile sums up everything :D but hopefully everyone can be happy :( nice update authornim and lara's like the exo boys? Revelations! update soon! :D
Chapter 19: Awww seriously the pairs are so cure espcially tao asking hyori to call him oppa is just <3 are the gulls aliens too? And yeols smiling again :"> update jusaeyo
Chapter 19: YES! Lara's finally back to normal again! And wow! She's also from exoplanet? I DIDN"T EXPECT THAT EITHER.
Chapter 19: BaekhyunAndD.OBlessYerSoulsss
My Feels now happily sailing in lalaland
The gifs tho asdfghjkl i need to breathe
Chapter 19: Hooooooolllyyy shhiiizuuus TheUpdateWasFantasticICriedButIThinkChanyullIsGonnaBeFineNowCosLara'sBack
Chapter 18: And we wont dance all night to the best song ever because your story line my chanyeol cried forever
Chapter 18: I give up, like my cellphone's load..