Chapter VIII [More Lies]

Players Beware
Chapter 8!! YAY!


“OK! Ok! LOVE! I love him!” Hebe yelled out. “Just don't kiss him!” Everything went quiet. Hebe was now blushing a very deep red. Then Selina bursted into laughter. Never in her life has she seen Hebe give in so quickly.

“HAHAHA!” Selina laughed as she rolled on the floor. “I haha can't believe haha you gave in haha so quickly haha.”

“Stop laughing!” Hebe shouted as she turn more red then she already was.(if that's even possibly)

“Hahaha! Look at how much you're blushing! Hahaha! This is so SO priceless! HAHAHA!” Selina said laughing.

“Selina enough already. Help me change Aaron.” Rainie said.

“Ok, ok. But make should you leave his boxers on.” Selina said as she wiped the corner of her eye. “Man that was a good laugh.”

“Says you!” Hebe said pouting. “Ahchoo~!”

“Come on Hebs let's go get you change and then you can look at Aaron all you want.” Ella said as she dragged Hebe upstairs.

“You guys are so mean!” Hebe said.

“Man, I'm surprise he didn't wake up from all this.” Rainie said as she looked at Aaron.

“Ah Bee...I” Aaron mumbled in his sleep.

“No worries lover boy. You'll be seeing much more of her very soon.” Selina said.
{End of Recap}

{No One's POV}

“You have to tell him.” Her friend whispered to her.

“No, I can't. At least not yet.” She replied nervously.

“Hebe, it's now or never. If he finds out later, he might think you lied to him or worst he might hurt you.” Her girly friend whispered. The said girl nervously bit onto her nails.

“Selina and Rainie is right Hebs. You have to tell him.” Her boyish friend whispered rather a bit too loudly. Suddenly everyone heard a groan from the living room.

“. He's awake. I told you guys not to be so loud.” Hebe hissed as she peeked out from the kitchen door. Aaron was now fully awake and aware that he was not in his own home. Aaron look around and realized that he was in Ah Bee's old home.

“How did I get in here?” He asked himself out loud. He look around the living room and saw no one. He glanced over to a corner and saw a figure by the door way of the kitchen. “Excuse me? Did you bring me here?” '.' Hebe mouth as she turned back to her friends. Her friend looked at her and mouth out 'Go talk to him!' She took a deep breath in and then slowly breath out. She put her hand up to face to adjust her glasses but she didn't feel it on her face.

“My glasses? Where is it?” She whispered as she checked her pockets.

“Forget it and just go!” S.E.R hissed and pushed her into the living room.

“Um hi? Were you the one who brought me here?” He asked. The girl in front of him had her head down and kept looking else where. Trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. She said nothing. “Uh are you mute?” She shook her head. “Ah! I get it. You're shy. It's alright. It's quite understandable, I mean I am a very good looking guy.” He smirked proudly.

“You jerk! How can you be so self center!” Hebe shouted at him as she look up at him. Aaron was in shock. He couldn't believe it. It was Ah Bee. The girl that he's been longing for, for so long.

“Ah Bee?” He asked as he took a few steps closer. She said nothing and didn't move one bit from her spot. “Ah Bee? Is that really you?” He reached up and touched her face. It was real. She was real. It was her. “Have you been here the whole time?” Tears were beginning to stream down her cheeks. She couldn't hold it in anymore she missed his touch, his face, his hugs. She missed everything about him. Its been so long since she felt his gentleness. “Ah Bee, don't cry.” He wiped her tears and pulled her into a tight embrace.

“Aa—Ah Bu, this isn't real.” She started. He pulled away from the hug and stared at her with confused eyes.

“Don't be silly, Ah Bee. Of course it's real.” Aaron said as he laughed it off. She look at him with serious eyes, to insure him that she was being serious right now.

“Ah Bu, this is just a dream.” Hebe said as she light smiled. She could see that this was hurting him, but she needs to do this.

“What? How can this be a dream?” Aaron asked as he lightly chuckled. “It feels too real to be a dream” He added as he kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes. He was always so gentle. But she knew now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. She can't tell him now. She needs more time and more information on how she forgot about him and how she ended up alive. Why was it that he thought that she was dead?

“Sometimes dreams can feel too real.” Hebe said with her eyes still closed. “Don't you remember me telling you that before?” He laughed at the thought of it. Though his laugh was to hide the fact that he was about to tear.

“Right. *Gulp* I remember now.” Aaron said as he took a deep breath in. “In that case, I want to make it last.”

“Silly, dreams can't la—“ Before Hebe could even finish her sentence, Aaron's lips were already on hers. Soon enough she found herself kissing him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. After a minute or two of making out, she pulled away first. He was about to lean in for another but she stopped him. “Ah Bu, I need to caught my breath.” He just smiled as he held her close to him, not wanting to let this end. He leaned his forehead against her and looked into her dark brown eyes.

“Ah Bee...I want to tell you something, before I wake up.” Aaron started.

”What is it?” Hebe asked. He laughed nervously and began to stutter.

“I-I just...I've uh...” Aaron said. He seemed to have lost his words.

“Don't worry, I won't laugh at you. Just say it.” Hebe said as she rubbed her nose against his.

“Ah Bee ever since I was 8 years old. I slowly started to realize my feeling for you.” Aaron started.

“...Go on.” Hebe said realizing where he was going with this.

“I uh...I love you Ah Bee. And I haven't stopped loving you.” Aaron said as he pulled Hebe into a tighter embrace. “I wish you could come back. I hated the fact that I couldn't protect you. I hate myself so much to the point, I don't even know if I can really develop feeling for anyone else. I'm so scared that I might get them hurt. I don't want to see the pain in there eyes. Like I did in yours. If only I could turn back time. I would have took the hit instead of you. I love you so much Ah Bee. Please tell me you feel the same way. Please...” Hebe pulled away from the hug and look at Aaron with sorrow eyes.

“I...I'm sorry.” Hebe said. “I'm really sorry.”

“No. Don't say sorry. Say you love me. Did that kiss earlier mean nothing to you?” Aaron asked. Hebe said nothing as she closed her eyes. “Ah Bee please don—“ Before Aaron could finish, he fell to the floor.

“I'm so sorry.” Hebe said as she fell to her knees sobbing. Hebe had just pinched one of Aaron's nerves, causing him to fall unconscious.

“Hebe...” Rainie called as she walk up to Hebe.

“I'm so sorry.” Hebe repeated.

“Hebe, why?” Ella asked as she sat down next to Hebe.

“I can't do it.” Hebe said in between sobs. “Its to soon.”

“But Hebe, lying to him more isn't going to help.” Selina said.

“Selina is right. Lying to him more won't help. It will make things worst.” Rainie said.

“New plan.” Hebe said. “I'm...gonna leave.”

“What!?” S.E.R said.

“You guys can stay.” Hebe said. “I'm gonna be the only one leaving.”

“Why?” Rainie asked.

“I'm just going somewhere real quick.” Hebe said as she get and wiped the last of her tears.

“Where?” Selina asked.

“And what are we suppose to do if he wakes up again?” Ella asked pointing to Aaron.

“Uh...” Hebe said.

“Don't uh us.” Rainie said as she hit Hebe in the head.

“Ow.” Hebe said as she rubbed her head. “I don't know what to do. I need time to think, but I don't know where the hell to go.”

“Stay here and ALL of us. Will think of something.” Rainie said as she placed her hands on Hebe's shoulders.

“Call Gui Gui.” Hebe said as she got up.

“What?” Ella said. “Its too soon to call her.”

“Call her!” Hebe shouted.

“But—“ Selina said.

“I said call her! Dammit!” Hebe shouted again as she went to her room.

hey guys, its been awhile. so sorry i haven't update in awhile. anyways...i hoped you guys liked the chapter. please tell me what you think even if its negative. and sorry if the story is kinda all over the place. hehe^^ i'll update when i can, i just have a lot of things going on right now, so it may take me a long time before i update again. i feel like i let you guys down a lot. T^T Oh! i would like to share with you guys my new story. this one is going to be a Christmas special for you guys. i hope you guys can support it and me(even though i at updating a lot)

and there are a lot more to come. i have so many ideas for stories right now, i don't even know where to start. hehe^^
well happy early holidays and may it be safe ones too. ^_^
2010/12/18 U.S time
edit lol >,< i posted this on my other story by mistake so sorry to the readers of 'the player is a girl' story.

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m0zarts0nata-- #2
I like your poster! ^^b
WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why.....?! T.T AARON!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
0.0 The ENDING?! Already?! T.T Whyyyy?????? T.T It's such a GOOOOOD storyyy!!
Ohhhh awesome!! And np~^^ I love this story~ Lol
0.0 You need to Update!!! This story goes to my Fav Bebu fics! Yahahahaha!!! Continue plzzz!!!^^ And 0.0 What is Aaron plan on doing? Hebe, just say you're Ah Fu already!!
Oh wow Hebe! Totally did not expect that to be honest..<br />
Update soon!<br />
Happy new year!