Explanation: Mystery Girl

The Half Blonde Girl



[Flashback to the Airport: B2ST POV]

"Yah DongWoon stop hogging all the Chocopies" YoSeob whined as he tried to get back the Chocopies which were rightfully his. He tried to reach in front of his seat as far as he could since he was sitting behind DongWoon therefor he had the less advantage to the situation because DongWoon just kept on stretching his arm further away from the seat and the only thing that stood in his way was the seat itself.

"HYUNG ONE MORE PLEAAASE" DongWoon started to whine knowing that YoSeob would give in and let him have at least one more Chocopie.

"Mmm...Fine. BUT ONLY ONE"

"KOMAWO HYUNG~" DongWoon made a heart with his arms.

"Yeah yeah, just take one and give them back already."

DongWoon did as he was told and took one, so far as YoSeob knows. DongWoon swiflty but secretly was able to steal one more Chocopie. He carefully tucked in his secretly stolen Chocopie into the pocket of his jacket for later cravings.

Hee hee I'm gonna save you for later

B2ST was on their way back to Seoul  from Busan to take a small break from their scheduals for at least 2 weeks.

"Hyung how many more minutes till we get to the airport?" DongWoon asked DooJoon who was his seat partner. He was impatiently waiting to get off the plane.

"Yah DongWoon be quiet I'm trying to get some sleep over here.It's enough I had to deal with you and YoSeob battling for the Chocopies." Junhyung grunted to DongWoon from behind the seat as he plugged his headphones back in blasting his iPod to the max.


DooJoon snickered and turned to the maknae and whispered to him "I think we'll be getting off in just a few minutes." Just when DooJoon had said that the captain had made the signature ding noise to get the attention of the passengers.

Attention, we will be arriving to Seoul n less than 10 minutes, please buckle up and stay in your seats in the mean time.

"See?" DooJoon smircked. "Your leader knows a thing or two about travel, now sit still and wait till we land okay?"

"Will do." DongWoon buckled up his seatbelt and sat quietly next to the leader waiting to land.

Ah he may look mature but he acts most like a kid


[10 minutes later]

"AHH Nothing like stretching your legs properly after sitting for hours" GiKwang let out a sigh and started stretching his arms and legs. The manager of B2ST came past GiKwang and gathered the group together.

"Alright you guys stay close because according to one of the flight attendants there ae over 90 fans out there so be careful." Everyone nodded their heads in understandment. After just 3 years of working in the entertainment world, and after slowly climbing to become one of Korea's top groups, they have known to be careful when arriving at an airport.

"YoSeob please be very careful, we don't want another incident like the one in Malaysia happening causing rumors to spread."

"I understand Hyung."

"Alright hre we go. Brace yourselves." B2ST exited their plane and once they stepped outside onto the airport terminal the first thing they hear is

"LOOK THEY'RE GETTING OFF THE PLANE! BEAST!" Fans started to swarm over B2ST all flashing pictures of their favorite idols, trying to hand them gifts and cards and all trying to get a touch at them.



The boys were being attack by every fan and their screaming just gave each member a headache. The first thing that they all wanted to do was just get to their hotel and rest. Just as they were close to exiting the terminal GiKwang had bumped into something causing him to trip, of course the manager caught this and asked the secruity to quickly but gently push the fans away so that GiKwang could get up and collect his belongings which had fallen to the floor.

"GiKwang are you okay?" The manager ran to GiKwang checking him making sure he didn't hurt himself in anyway.

"Uh de but....I don't know about her." When the Manager looked down and saw a girl on the floor clutching onto a big red bag with a swirl design on it.

"Miss are you okay?" he crouched down and gently shook her but got no responce.

This doesn't look good

"Ne Hyung I don't think she's okay, I tripped on her and she didn't budge. I think she's knocked out cold" GiKwang said as he knelt to the unconscious girl's side.

She's so small, how could this have happened? Where the heck did she come from?

DooJoon fought his way through the crowd and arrived at the Manager's side.

"Yah Joon Ja what's taking so long?!" His eyes fell upon the unconscious girl he was kneeling next too "Woah Hyung what happened?"

"I don't know but this isn't good. She's not responding in any way and I don't like the way her arm is positioned." DooJoon scanned the girl and saw that she was holding onto a red bag against her stomach with her right arm but her left arm was pushed all the way behind her, it seemed to be bent a bit too far and as he looked closer he noticed that her sleeve was pulled a bit up which revealed her arm to be bruised and swollen.

"Hyung we have to get here out of here" DooJoon yelled over the crowd of fans.

"I couldn't agree with you more. Please pick her up, I'm going to tell the security to keep the fans away from us at all times. I'll make sure the van is at the gate in time with no one to disturb." DooJoon followed his orders and caefully picked up the girl in his arms.

"GiKwang grab that bag of hers please."

"Already got it Hyung."

"Alright let's go the others are waiting." As DooJoon walked out of the terminal he caught up to the rest of the members who immidietly started asking questions.

"Hyung whos that girl?"

"Is she okay?"

"Where's Joon Gun hyung?" DooJoon just kept walking and only answered with "We have to get her to the hospital." The emembers all looked at each other with puzzled faces but seeing how DooJoon wasn't really going to talk they went to GiKwang and asked him for details on this Mystery Girl. By the time the boys had gotten into the van their Manager was already in the van talking into his phone.

"Drive us to the closest hospital. FAST!" The driver followed orders and speeded as best he could passed all the cars near them. DooJoon looked down at the girl and couldn't help but worry.

Poor thing, she's so small. Why did she have to get so badly hurt? Her arm doesn't look good we must get to that hospital soon

All the members surrounded the girl hoping that she wasn't in critical condition.


By the time the members had gotten into the hospital they were met by several doctors and nurses. "Put her on the gurdy" one of nurses comanded and DooJoon obeyed. As soon as he set her in the gurdy they drove he off to a room to figure out what was wrong. DooJoon tried to follow behind the nurses but was soon stopped by a doctor. "I'm sorry but you cannot come in if you are not a family member or partner. Are you her boyfriend?" DooJoon turned a bit pink at the thought and denied of being in a relationship with the mystery girl. But to him it didn't really seem so bad just because she looked very cute. "Then I have to ask you to stay out here. Once she we are done you can see her."

"We understand doctor thank you." Joon Gun answered the doctor as he left to check on the girl. "Okay boys gather up we're heading to the hotel."

"BWOH?" they all answered

"Hyung we can't just leave like that!" YoSeob cried out

"We have to see if she is okay." GiKwang followed

"Okay you guys I understand but we have to settle some things because theres no doubt that rumors have already spread and created articles."

"Look we don't care about the rumors right now. We have to make sure that that girl is okay." JunHyung spoke up.

"Listen I really don't-"

"Joon Ja why don't you go to the hotel and try to settle everything out. I'll stay here with the boys while we wait for the doctors to come out. I don't know about you but I wouldn't feel right leaving her alone here. Plus it looks like she came here alone, she can't wake up alone." Joon Gun looked at DooJoon in th eyes and then back at the rest of the members as he thought for a moment. Although he knew that there were probably already 10 articles about GiKwang's trip, DooJoon leaving the airport with an unconscious girl in his arms, the girl getting into the same van as B2ST and so on. But he knew that the well being of this girl was more important and for all her knew they were the cause behind her being unconscious. Knowing DooJoon and the rest of the boys he knew that they wouldn't leave that hospital no matter how much he begged until they knew the girl was alright.

"Fine. Call me once she wakes up though."

"Kamshabnida" Joon Gun left the hospital already dialing numbers.

"Good job DooJoon" HyunSeung patte DooJoon on the back.
"Leave it to the leader to convince the mananger to let us stay. You have a way with words Dooj" JunHyung smirked. DooJoon a just took a seat and nervously waited for the doctor to return. The rest of B2ST all took a seat as well each sitting next to the other. DongWoon took the seat next to DooJoon and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

Why does he look so worried for this girl?

"Hyung why are you so worried?" DooJoon was so enfocused in his own thoughts that he didn't really hear the maknae's question.



"Why are you so worried for this girl?" When DongWoon asked this question DooJoon was at first taken a bit aback but then thought to himself and started to repeat the question in his head over and over again.

Why AM I so worried?

No matter how many times he ran it through his head he just couldn't figure out exactly why he felt so worried for this girl

"I honestly don't know, for some reason it's just buggin me." He shook his head in frustration and rub his face.

"Are you in love then?" HyunSeung suddenly said. DooJoon looked at his directionwith wide eyes


Omo am I right? Let's see...

"Maybe you fell in love with this girl. Love at first site?"

"What kind of theory is that?" JunHyung mocked.

"It can happen!" HyunSeung argued

"Even when he had no interaction with her?" DongWoon asked

"Ne don't listen to HyunSeung he's just being his 4D self" YoSeob waved his hand laughing at the silly remark of his fellow member.

"Y-yeah" DooJoon stuttered because for some reason he couldn't shake off the theory.

After a about 25 minutes in the waiting room the doctor finally came out and saw B2ST patiently waiting. YoSeob and HyunSeung had fallen asleep on each other as JunHyung was just listening to his music while taking a few notes which were most likely raps. DongWoon was at the vending machine trying to see how much pocket change he had just so he could get himself a bag of Saewookkang. GiKwang had just come out of the bathroom and the only person that noticed the docotor was DooJoon. As soon as the doctor had stepped into the room Doojoon gotten up from his seat and walked straight to the doctor.

"Is she okay?"Before the doctor could get a word out DooJoon had already bombarded him with questions. Pretty soon DooJoon was met up with DongWoon at his side who had just finished his Saewookkang and GiKwang. The doctor looked at the boys for a while analyzing them in many ways.

"Are you guys relatives of the young woman in there?"

"Well not really." DongWoon answered

"Then what is your connection to her?"

"We are the ones that found her at the airport in that state. Please doctor may not know this girl but it is important that we know how she is doing." DooJoon explained to the doctor. At first he was reluctant to let the boys see the young girl but seeing how they seemed to actually worry fo the girl he decided to let them in.

The doctor let out a sigh and looked up at DooJoon "Alright you may see her. This way." DooJoon told GiKwang to get JunHyung and wake up YoSeob and HyunSeung. "Don't forget her bag! It's probably really important." By the time they got to the room the doctor had turned to face them.

"She is still sleeping and it might be a while till she regains consciousness. Please be quiet so not as too disturb her."

"Kamshabnida" DooJoon thanked the doctor and they all bowed in gratitude. As they all enteredt the room they saw that they girl had been changed out of her original clothes and into hospital ones.

"Wahh she's a cutie." GiKwang admired her features from affar. The boys gathered into the room and procceded to yet again wait for this mystey girl to wake up. This time all the members were able to stay  up as they waited for this girl. There was complete silence except for the small whispers of the conversations they had with one another.

"Oh, her hair is getting her face." YoSeob slowly walked over to the girl's bed and fixed the fringe that was infront of her face.

Omo she is really cute a real Sleeping Beauty

Suddenly the girl started to move her head around and she started to flutter her eyes open. Fearing her reaction YoSeob moved back and stood like a statue as all the members watched her every move intently. The girl slowly fluttered her eyes open but soon started to squint due to the lighting of the room her first reaction was simple "Aish" she pulled her arm over her eyes trying to protect them from the lighting.

"Aish why is it so damn bring?" She cursed. YoSeob came up to her but not too near.

"You know a pretty girl like you with such a pretty mouth shouldn't cuss so much." The girl just shook her head as if she didn't even hear him. They all stood there looking at the girl who seemed deep in thought. DongWoon looked over to DooJoon and whispered to him "Shouldn't we say something?" DooJoon shook his head "No we should just wait until the moment is right." They all stood there watching the girl sit in her bed thinking until she started to shake her head angrily as she mumbled to herself “Babo. Babo. Babo. I’m such a babo. Babo. Babo.”"

The boys were taken aback by that and started to just wonder why this young girl was calling herself a Babo. To make things worse she lifted her arm up, made a fist and started to punch herself while saying "Babo. Babo. Babo.” and with each bao she punched her head harder and harde. All the members were shocked to see such thing, none of them knew exactly what to do until JunHyung acted and grabbed her wrist stopping her from punching herself any further.

“YA! You keep doing that you WILL become a Babo. Aish.”

This seemed to anger the girl because next thing the boys knew she yelled at JunHyung “YA YOU WANT TO GET PUNCHED IN THE FACE?!” No one could tell since he was wearing shades but JunHyung's eyes grew wide from the sudden reaction of the girl.

Bwoh! She's a fiesty one

The girl was vey angry but when she turned to face JunHyung her mood switched. "Yo-Yong…J-JunHyung?” she stuttered showing that she was just in shock. The room fell to silence as the boys stood infront of the Mystery Girl.

BEST CHAPTER THUS FAR! In case you ignored my note at the beginning go back and read Chapter 3 because it's been edited. Not much to say other than although I'm tired I'm going to write one more chapter.

Thank you and Bye~yeom \(^w^)


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In the process of adding at least 2 new chapters today


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shujun #1
Chapter 23: Welcome back, author-nim! ! !
shujun #2
Chapter 22: be strong and never give up~ we'll be right here whenever you need us..^^..btw, the poem is just great! thumbs-up, author-nim! hahaha..
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shujun #4
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Chapter 13: so adorable
please update soon
shujun #6
Chapter 13: Super cute! >_< love it..
Doojoon is being so nice n caring..
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Hwaiting !!!
I found another picture of "Seoni"
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