
The Half Blonde Girl


[Seoni POV] 


As DongWoon ran out the door dragging YoSeob behind him I turned over to the other members with a smile.

"I knew that they could be a bit dorky. But I honestly didn't think it was completely true" I giggled. 


"De. They cause a lot of chaos at the dorm too." DooJoon smirked


"Aish not even. Did you hear them on the plane? Could barely get any sleep." JunHyung groaned 


"Yah what happened to your beats?" HyunSeung asked 


"They don't really block out noise unless music is playing. And I had a headache today so blasting music in my ears was a big no"


"Yeah that concert was really insane. It's like the fans ate tons of sugar or something, their screaming gave me a headache too." GiKwang interjected 


"Well we haven't comeback in a year so you can only imagine how happy they felt." DooJoon added


"De" All the members had said in unison nodding their heads at the same time. I smiled as I watched the 4 members in front me, they made me feel more comfortable than I thought I would.


"NiNi?" I saw GiKwang wave his hand in front of me and I came back from my thoughts. 


"Omo Mian"


"Do you always zone out like that?"


"I guess" I laughed "I just get so absorbed into my thoughts I forget my surroundings."


"Sounds like HyunSeung." JunHyung chuckled and the rest laughed as well.  As I laughed with the group I felt my eyes feel heavy.


Ah man I'm so tired today. Crap but I can't knock out now.


I blinked my eyes and subtly shook my head trying to shake off my tiredness "Oh what is it you guys needed to tell me?"


"Oh right." DooJoon clapped his hands in the air. "Well when you......-sleep.......-ve our manager a call" his words were sounded cut to me and for some reason I couldn't keep focus.


"I'm sorry but can you repeat that?"


"Seoni what's wrong?" DooJoon came up to me and put the back of his hand to my forehead which caused me to blush a little "You look really pale, this isn't good. You need that food now ne can one of you hand me my phone. It's on the table there." I saw HyunSeung grab the phone and throw it to DooJoon "Komawo"


"Ne who-" I felt a bit light headed but shook it off again "um...who are you texting?" 


"DongWoon. He needs to get here with the food already"


"Oh...why?" I started at him blankly


"Bwoh  look at you you're losing color and you can't keep focus. Trust me as can tell this kind of stuff"  DooJoon told me in a stern voice


"De we've gone through all this at least once." JunHyung said shaking his head


"YoSeob mainly" HyunSeung scoffed


"AH AH SHUSH!" GiKwang jumped "We can't jinx it"

We all laughed, or at least I tried to before I almost fainted again. 


"Woah woah take it easy there hun"




"Come one try to lay back. Here I'll help" DooJoon came over and gently put his hand behind my back trying his best to lay me down without hurting my dislocated shoulder. "There we go. Better?"


"D-De. Komawo." 


"No problem. Ah" I saw DooJoon start to spass out of nowhere which caused me to snicker


"You okay there?" 


"Oh yeah yeah." he chuckled "I kinda forgot I put my phone in my back pocket and it vibrated." he pulled out his phone and opened the message  "DongWoon. He said they're on their way."


"That's good" I saw JunHyung sigh in relief




"The sooner the better" GiKwang laughed


"Couldn't agree more." he smirked "Now why don't you missy. Lay down and try to relax."




"REST. Now." he looked at me with his piercing eyes and I quickly shut my mouth


"Alright" I reluctantly agreed and just laid back and the room got quiet. " you guys reall-"


"YAH! What part of relax don't you understand?"


"That means no talking?" I raised my eyebrow at him 


"ESPECIALLY THAT. Listen Seoni you're very weak and if you waist ANY amount of energy you will surely faint and that won't be good for your recovery. I'm not trying to be rude but..." he looked at the ceiling and back at me "airs what's best for you hun"


Bwoh he is like a father 


I felt my face begin to turn red from the amount of care I was receiving by an idol I adored. 


"So I'm sorry. But I hope you understand" I quickly smiled and nodded my head and gave him an OK sign and he smiled back as if feeling relieved




I heard my voice being called but shook off thinking I was just hearing things.


"NINI!" the voice got louder and I knew this time I actually heard it, the voice sounded very familiar


"NINI!" I looked over at the door  and there stood someone who I could tell was just as happy to see me as I was to see her.


"BWOH! OPPA!"  I shouted with a sudden burst of energy


"NINI IM SO GLAD I FOUND YOU." Amber ran over to me and embraced me in a full hug. 


[DooJoon POV] 


As we stood in the room in silence I could have sworn I heard someone call out for Seoni so I walked over to HyunSeung.


"Yah. You hear someone calling for Seoni?" he looked at me then waited until he heard it.


"Yeah I think I do." he nodded


"Ne you guys hear someone calling for NiNi?" GiKwang popped on with JunHyung at his side


"Yeah we heard it too."


"It sounds like its getting closer"


"NINI!"  We heard a loud voice and when we turned to the door there was a guy standing at it panting as if he ran a mile.


"BWOH! OPPA!" Seoni shouted looking happy




"NINI IM SO GLAD I FOUND YOU" the guy shouted once more and ran to embrace Seoni in a right hug.


"Ne you think that's her boyfriend?" GiKwang's eyes widened at the situation.


"Could be. I wouldn't be surprised" HyunSeung shrugged his shoulders.


"I hope not..." I scoffed as I glared at the guy hugging Seoni.


"Bwoh?" I saw JunHyung raise his brow at me. "Is someone jealous?" he smirked widely 


"What are you talking about?" I was confused when I finally realized that what I had said out loud "oh nothing." I mumbled 


"We got the food!" YoSeob walked in all smiles completely ignoring the guy hugging Seoni with DongWoon trailing behind. He looked as if something was bothering him.


Oh thank god. Situation averted 


"Omo. A."




"Can you let go? You're kinda hurting me and I really want and need to eat"


"BWOH!" the guy hugging Seoni quickly let go of her "Mianhe Noona. I was just so happy to see you." the guy laughed a bit and turned towards us really quickly with a stern look




"Yah."I felt my body stiffen  "You guys give her food yet?" he put his hands into his pockets and eyed all of us.


"That's actually what I have here." YoSeob smiled and handed the guy Seoni's food.


Why the hell is YoSeob being so casual towards this guy?


"Komawo." he grabbed the food and opened it on the tray and pushed the tray towards Seoni. "Good it's still hot. Kimbap and Dukboki with some vegetables. Good good and some rice. I approve of this meal. You get her a drink?" 


"Oh de h-here it is." DongWoon handed the guy her soda 


Did he just stutter?


"Thanks.....YAH why did you get her coca cola when she's like this?" he shouted


"Actually Oppa I asked for it." Seoni said shyly




"DON'T YELL AT ME YOU'RE LUCKY MY ARMS ARE JACKED UP" and with that the guy shut up.


"Damn Seoni has some power." JunHyung said in shock.


"Alright. Just eat alright? Everything even the vegetables."




"JUST DO IT OR ELSE I TAKW AWAY YOUR MIDNIGHT ALBUM" and like Seoni did to the guy he made her shut up.


What the hell is going on?


"Now you eat while I talk to these guys alright?"


"De~" Seoni smiled warmly as she already had food in . The guy walked over to us looking intimidating.


"Lets go outside while she eats. All of you" he pointed his head towards the door indicating he wanted us out and we followed. We all began to walk out when he held his arm out stopping YoSeob from walking. His eyes almost popped out of his head from the abrupt halt  "Except for you. You stay here and make sure she eats everything even the vegetables. Got it?"


"De I'll make sure" he smiled


"Good. Now the rest of you out" As we walked out I turned towards DongWoon.


"Yah who is this guy?" 


"We don't know honestly. We saw him in the front yelling at the nurse for not letting him in to see NiNi so YoSeob and I just assumed he was her boyfriend or something and we took him up here. But as we walked towards here he spazzed out when we said that she was alone with you guys."


"Hmph" was the only way I could respond


"Alright you guys better start explains why my NiNi is in here."


"Wait wait. Don't you think we deserve to know who you are?" JunHyung asked with irritation in his tone. 


"No" he answered bluntly


"Really? Then why should we tell you what happened?" he crossed arms across his chest with his brow raised.


"De he's right" I spoke up. "How can we really trust you of we don't know exactly who you are"


"You're kidding. Did you NOT see me run in there and hug her?! SHE CALLED ME OPPA YOU BABOS!" he Pointed his arm in the direction of Seoni who has happily eating and chatting with YoSeob.


"He's got a point." GiKwang said with his head lowered a bit. I let out a sigh and rubbed the back of my neck. 


"Aish. Today is just getting crazier and crazier. Listen mianhe for everything, but just trust us when we say we didn't mean for any of this to happen to your girlfriend." I looked down at the floor with a bit of shame because I still felt guilty for what happened to Seoni , she didn't deserve any of this at all. I heard the guy let out a small laugh but stop it like a kid would when being scolded. 


"Yah what's funny?" I heard JunHyung begin to be aggravated by the minute


"It's nothing." he shook his head. "Anyways, what I really want I know is what you guys are going to do about this."


"Well actually we were-"


"A?" YoSeob popped his head out of Seoni's room and behind him all we heard was Seoni start to cry out.


"YAH YOSEOB! Please stop!" 


He exited the room with a slight grin as he looked back at Seoni. "She gets really cute like that."


"What is it?" The guy rose his head up a bit an tried to see what was going on.


"She won't eat her vegetables and she barely touched the rice."


"YOOOSSEEEOOBB" Seoni whined some more.


"Aish, she may be my Noona but she acts like a child."


"Bwoh?" I gasped. "Seoni's your Noona?"


"Yeah" he smirked "Doesn't look like it does it? Yah let's go before she starts throwing a bigger tantrum." we followed the guy A into the room and saw Seoni was actually calm now. She had her chopsticks in which looked full. "You eating the vegetables?"


"Mmmpph hmmm hm hm hmph" she made nonsensical noises while she shrugged her shoulders, eyes wide and everything. Her little action made us all snicker a bit.


"NiNi"  with that she gulped down the last bit of food she had. 


"Sorry Oppa my mouth was full. BUT I ATE IT ALL" she smiled brightly


Such a beautiful smile...


"In one go?"


"Well you know how much I LOOVE vegetables so I just mixed it with the sauce from the kimbap and dokboki and stuffed it in the rice while I also chugged down some of the soda."


"Hmph" A crossed his arms "Fine. You get away with it this time. Thanks YoSeob" he turned over to YoSeob to show gratitude but when he did Seoni stuck her tongue out at him making a mehrong face. JunHyung and I caught her little action and laughed and YoSeob just grinned but when A turned back he stuck his tongue out back at her causing her to giggle.



Yah DooJoon stop having these thought she has a boyfriend. Besides you don't know her


"What the hell..." I accidentally let out and JunHyung turned to me "Mianhe I was kinda thinking outloud" 


"Komawo DongWoon-ssi, YoSeob -ssi" Seoni did a slight bow as best she could since she was still injured. 


"Hey I thought-" YoSeob began but soon stop remembering Seoni's boyfriend.


"Oh mian. Komawo DongWoon oppa, YoSeob oppa" she smiled sweetly they both seemed to be taken a bit aback but smiled in return happy to hear her call them Oppa. "Well I think I should introduce you guys to my Oppa here. Everyone meet Amber Liu, my bestfriend." she smiled happily.


"WHAT?!" we all said in unison. Even though I was shocked I still smirked feeling a burst of happiness inside me


[DongWoon DooJoon POV]


What a relief

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shujun #1
Chapter 23: Welcome back, author-nim! ! !
shujun #2
Chapter 22: be strong and never give up~ we'll be right here whenever you need us..^^..btw, the poem is just great! thumbs-up, author-nim! hahaha..
kristinam96 #3
Chapter 21: wow so much happen to you .you are really strong :) i hope everuthing goes well
shujun #4
Chapter 15: hwaiting !!!
Chapter 13: so adorable
please update soon
shujun #6
Chapter 13: Super cute! >_< love it..
Doojoon is being so nice n caring..
Update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
I found another picture of "Seoni"
I found an another picture of this "Seoni"
exomania #9
Chapter 4: you write nice