Chapter 9

Blood List





Donghae walks out of the room and leaves Jessica at peace. He drives his car and goes around the city up utl he reaches his office building where he stays.


Jessica being left in the room lied slyly in bed facing the ceiling and stared at it blankly. A sudden rush of breeze brushed off the window's curtain and caught her attention. She immediately recognized who went inside the room so she acknowldged it.


"Where have you been?" Jessica asked.


"I waited outside..." A masculine voice answered back in reply. 


The guy moved towards  the bed and went on top of Jessica directly staring at her as she lies down. Jessica looks back up directly.


"You're not doing anything behind my back are you? Taec?"


Taecyeon smiles gently.


"I promised you I won't right?" He said in reply.


"Just as I thought... Now get off me pls.?" 


Taecyeon looked at her then shifted his gaze away and stood up straight. He walked inches a way from the bed and watched Jessica as she rolled over and faced the window.


"Do you like him?" Taecyeon asked.


"Could Yes be a possible answer to you?" Jessica slyly said.


Taecyeon sighed heavily, walked towards the bed and lied down the opposite side as Jessica's. Now he was the one facing the ceiling while Jessica faces the window and shows Taecyeon her back.


"Be honest..." Taecyeon timidly asked as he blankly stares at the ceiling.


Jessica turns around and faces Taecyeon.


"You've been a goodfriend to me Taec. You have confessed to me a couple of times already and I know I have given you no answers yet but you're still patiently waiting... I just have so many things in mind at the moment and I can't actually thik straight." 


Taecyeon closed his eyes and turned around to face Jessica. He looked directly at her eyes and then gave her a kiss in the forehead. Taecyeon smiles turns back around and sleeps. Jessica did the same and faced the opposite direction, She sighed heavily and closed her eyes along her heavy feeling heart.


"I'm sorry..." She whispered.






Minho and Krystal were laughing their hearts out on Sulli's shop when they went on to talking to each other. Minho felt so happy that he almost forget he still had work to attend to. Krystal though noticed that Donghae wasn't around.


"Minho-oppa, where's Donghae-oppa?" She asked.


Minho's smile fainted the moment she asked.


"Wae?" He asked in reply.


"Nothing, It kinda feels imbalanaced not seeing him around you..."


Minho fuurrowed his brows when he heard Krystal's answer. "Really now?" He asked teasingly.




"You like him don't you?"


Krystal rises her eye brows out of shock and shooked her head endlessly. "No... you're percieving it the wrong way I jus---"


"Just tell me you like him..."


"I told you, No..." Krystal pleaded.


Minho being just across the street notices Donghae's car stop. And lthough he feels a little uneasy with his plan he immediately grabs Krystal out of the shop then across the streets. The moment Donghae gets off the car he already sees Minho and Krystal.


"Minho, what's Krystal doing here?" Donghae asked and took off his shades.


Minho kept his silence and looked at Krystal. And with all his dismay Krystal was smiling all the way.


"Minho-oppa accidentally bumped at me in the shop just across the street a while ago. I asked where you were at the moment so he grabbed me here..." Krystal directly answered.


Donghae smiles. "Well that's cool, so you were looking for me?" He asked and teasingly looked at Minho.


"Well literally, Yes I did, I thought you we're busy stalking someone so I can't help but ask. But that was from a while ago. I feel happy now that I see you safe and sound." Krystal explained and flashed a smile. "I know your jobs are quite dangerous so I'm kinsda worried."


Donghae smiles back but Minho was feeling quite uneasy on what was going on. Donghae also feels Minho's uneasy feelings so he makes quite the diversion.


"So, Krystal can I have you're number?"






Donghae sits down his desk and leans back. Minho stands in front of his table and looks at him deeply. Donghae notices him and so he gave back a reply and stared slyly. Minho sighed out loud and rubs his tou=ngue on the walls of his mouth.


"Hyung what did you just do?" Minho asked Donghae.


Donghae pulled out the paper he had written Krystal's number on and slid it towards Minho. "I did you a favor..."


Minho looks at the piece of paper Donghae slid and crossed his brows together out of confusion. "Favor?"


"Yup..." Donghae replied. " I took her number for you. I noticed that you were to silent a while ago I thought you'd forget... so I took it for you instead."


"Hyung !" Minho exclaimed.


Not for long a cadet from the main ofice called the both of them out.


"Excuse me but sir a new case has been filed from the department and the Chief wants you to check it..." He said.


Donghae and Minho exchanged looks and moved out of the room.







November 4,

Sunday 10:56 AM

Incheon, Korea



  • Name: Kim Jae Joong
  • Age: 26
  • Occupation: Waiter, Coffee Server
  • Cause of Death: Severely Bruised body as a resulting to serious Hemmorage and Blood Clotting
  • Killer: UNKNOWN




Donghae reads the report and feels his heart rate sprinting off. he stares at the file and was in shock. Minho notices his quietness and worries.


"Hyung is everything alright?" Minho asked and holds Donghae in the shoulder.


Donghae coming back to his senses immediately runs to his car and picks up Jessica's phone. He quickly dials the number in it and waits for her to pick up.


Jessica on the other hand was heavily sleeping on the hotel bed beside Taecyeon who was doing the same. Both were on heavy sleeps so they weren't able to pick the phone up as Donghae called.


Donghae ends the call up and runs back outside to where Minho was.


"Hyung the case filed is still fresh and  the murder just happened a while ago. Do you think She did this?" Minho asked.


Donghae was stuck and pasted an unwanted expression in his face. he thought an thought and tried to find answers. "Minho, I remember leaving Jessica in the Hotel this morning..."


"Ho- Hotel Hyung?"


"Yeah, It's seriously not what you think it is you little punk. I definitely left her there so she's clearly out of the case and is clean."


"So Hyung who woud you think would do such?"


Donghae was silent. He looked away and held his waist. he let out a big sigh and thought. A thought Immediately crossed his mind and he immediately went in his car and drove off leaving Minho blankly standing on the side while watching him go.


"Hyung..." Minho hopelessly whispered to himself.






Taecyeon wakes up from his deep sleep in the bed and sees Jessica  peacefully sleeping on his chest. He runs his hands towards her friends hair up until the tips and smiles.


"I would be glad and happy enough if I could spend my next thousand years with the same scene as this..." he whispered. "I'll patiently wait for your answer Jessica... I will..."


Taecyeon holds Jessica in the back tightly and hugs her. he tries to savor every moment of Jessica's sleep because it was the only time where he felt so close to her. But it did not last long when Someone went knocking on the room's door calling out for her.


"Jessica ! Jessica !" 


Jessica wakes up at the sound of her name being called. "Jessica ! It's me Donghae, are you there?Open up..."


She opens her eyes wide and stands up. Taecyeon follows and looks at her timidly after loosing the moment. She runs towards the door as she tries to fix herself and opens it. She sees Donghae directly staring at her.


"Is there something wrong?" She asked.


"Are you alright?" He asked Jessica.


"Yeah, why?" She replied.


Donghae did not know why, but he somewhat felt reliefed the moment Jessica answered. As he went into the room and was about to exhale he sees Taecyeon glaring at him and with all the forces in both his senses and surroundings that urged, he charged thoughtlessly.


"You !" He said and punched Taecyeo in the face.


"DONGHAE !" Jessica exclaimed as she sees Taecyeon fall down the floor.


Taecyeon feels insulted and bad so he stood up and fought back. now both were exchanging punches and blows at each other. Jessica hating the sight of 2 men fighting each other in the room decided to stop it. Knowing that Donghae was a mortal, she pulled him using her vampire strength and throws him off the bed and cuts the brawl for a short period of time. It gave her enough space to talk though.


"STOP IT YOU 2 ! I'M SO DONE WITH THESE FIGHTS BETWEEN YOU GUYS... I AM SICK OF IT !" jessica exclaimed and silenced the both of them. "Donghae, why the hell are you attacking him just like that?"


Donghae pants and looks at Taecyeon "You killed him didn't you?".


"Who killed who, Donghae just cut the chase..."


"Jessica, Jaejoong is dead... and i'm pretty much sure only a vampire would go against another vampire." Donghae exclaimed.


Jessica furrowed her eyebrows together and turned around to see Taecyeon glaring at Donghae.












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yongseo14 #1
Chapter 16: It made me cr but in the end.....I:m smiling:-):-):-)
jungkookismyhubby #2
Chapter 16: For me, I think minstal is a younger version of the lovey dovey haesica so I LUVED this story!
jungkookismyhubby #3
Chapter 16: For me, I think minstal is a younger version of the lovey dovey haesica so I LUVED this story!
chuchu4 #4
Chapter 16: Wow this is the second HaeSica I read and this is really good. Love this. <3
Chapter 16: Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Such a nice ending!!!! Daebak!!!!
Good job author nim!!!! More minstal and haesica story plsssss........ ^_^
Chapter 16: More plsss...!!!
TamedWildCatMel #7
Chapter 16: OMG! I love this. I didn't see the real villain at all. I so want a sequel.
EleanorJesslyn #8
Chapter 16: *love kekeke
EleanorJesslyn #9
Chapter 16: Haesica and minstal <3 what a perfect pairing!!~~~ i really lobe this fic<3
gorjesshend #10
Chapter 16: omg, i found a great haesica fanfict here,
Tommorow i have a test for my third grade, but now im stuck in this fanfict!
Awww, ajmjdpapdjaptph such a great ending! Truly really like it!