Chapter 12

Blood List




Taecyeon walks Jessica home after seeing her clinging onto Donghae like an immature little girl. Both we're silent and were somewhat awkward. Taecyeon obviously felt bad with what he just saw, but Jessica didn't notice. Taecyeon constantly takes glimpse over the zoning out Jessica besides him, hopeful that she would somewhat turn to him and look at him. Unfortunately, Jessica didn't.


It was a long night and still no word came out from neither of Jessica nor Taecyeon's mouth. After a while of walking the 2 reached the Hotel they we're staying in. They rode up the elevator and pass up numerous doors and rooms until they reached their room. Jessica took off the coat she was wearing placed it aside and jumped off to bed. "Good night Oppa..." She said delighted and pointed out Taecyeon. He looked at Jessica lying on the bed and moved towards her. Taecyeon looked at her right into the eyes, went on top of her and held both of her arms hard on the bed. 


"Do you really like him?" He asked.


"He's definitely just someone who looks like Oppa a lot..." Jessica looked away into another direction.


Taecyeon lowered his head down and brought it just an inch away from Jessica's left ear which she obviously showed the moment her head turned. "... but you like him don't you?" Taecyeon teasingly whispered into Sica's ears.


"If he'd change and act like how Oppa treated me, then maybe I will..." Jessica coldly answered and looked at Taecyeon. As she did, she now finds herself intimately sharing a piercing stare with Taecyeon. Having a distance of something like an inch, Taecyeon gulped in a lot and felt the pressure Jessica was pushing to him, but He took all of it in and moved his lips and locked it with hers.


Jessica was not at all in the mood to be doing so so she moved her head and looked away. Taecyeon, who was hopelessly looking at her sighed and unlocked his grips towards Jessica's arms. He stood up from his position and walked away. After he did Jessic turned around and covered herself with the blanket. Taecyeon looks at her and sighed. "I just don't know how many years I should have to wait to win you completely Jessica... I just don't..."






Donghae comes back to the office with no Minho around, He wondered where he could go off to so he asked, but no one seemed to know. He called him off but Minho just wouldn't pick up. "Where could this kid be?" He asked himself.


"Maybe Krystal knows..." He said and dialed her number up. 




"Yeobeo?" He said the moment someone picked up.


"Oppa? wae?"


"Krystal have you seen Minho?" He asked.


"Hmmmm, wait I'll look for him..." Krystal unwarningly said and immediately eneded the call. "Wait what, you-- Krystal? Krystal? How can she?".


Donghae got shocked with Krystal immediate and thoughtless answer. Confused with her answer, Donghae's so messed up.






After accepting Donghae's call, Krystal immediately searched for Minho. It was already 11 and the night was starting to get heavier so she tried to pick his scent up and followed it. She looked and looked everywhere but nothing seemed to lead her towards him. Krystal was about to get frustrated when she accidentally ended up in a place where the aura seemed strange.


*BANG !* goes the sound of something that bumped into a tin piece of metal.


"STAY AWAY!!!" A masculine voice screamed.


Krystal's attention got caught by the banging voice she heard, but what caught her the most was Minho's cunning smell that lurked nearby. "Minho..." She whispered to herself and ran immediately. The moment Krystal reached the place where the assault happened, she sees Minho being lifted up by a red eyed man. She hastely pushes him away dropping Minho down solid to the floor, unconsious.


Krystal holds the guy up and realizes that it was...


"Jonghyun?" She asked. Jonghyun looked at her unwantedly, so he pushed her away to the side. He then continued to attack the poor unconsious Minho, but Krystal stands back up and grabs him away. Jonghyun's thirst was completely making him insane and Minho was his target for the night. Good thing Krystal got there on time, repelled him off and tried to protect Minho from him. The noise and grunts the 2 we're making woke Minho up to his consiousness .


"Stooooop!" Minho hears Krystal's voice from somewhere as he tries to open up his eyes. "Krystal?" Minho's weak voice called out. The alley he was lying down  on was dark and shadowy. Minho can spot 2 objects moving from afar, but he was not sure who it was up until one of them got strongly pushed off to a corner where light crept. As the person lifted her head up, Minho spots Krystal, but she was red eyed. "Krystal?" Minho whispered and looks at her as she vigorously runs back to the dark side of the alley.


Krystal held Jonghyun off paralyzing him from moving. "I thought you promised me you can handle things !" Krystal screeched as she tightly held Jonghyun. "The world won't explode... if I... EAT HIM UP!!!".


"YOU'RE STUPID!!!" Krystal screamed. "LET! ME! GO!!!" Jonghyun nagged and pushed Krystal off. Krystal did fell down but she again stood up.


"Jonghyun, you promised me you're not going to do this..." Krystal called Jonghyun's attention from the sides.


"What have I ever done to disappoint you Krystal? Nothing's going to change if I him up..." Jonghyun smiled.


"What?" Minho asked. "What the hell is going on?"


Krystal's rage sky rocketed after Jonghyun defied her and so she griped him by the neck and pushed him against the wall. 


She gazed upn him closely and nagged. "If you're going to hurt him, I'll tear you up into pieces... I SWEAR!" 


Jonghyun was obviously in pain but he still smiled. "Heh, go on.. do it, show him what kind of merciless monster you are.. uurrgghhh " Krystal's grip tightened up making him choke his words.


"Krystal stop, you're hurting him..." Minho pleaded as he sees Krystal choking up someone. Krystal just can't take his gaze off Jonghyun, but he tried his best to take Krystal's grip off, she seemed to fight back.


"Krystal let go..." Minho pleaded. His words somewhat softened her down up until she cuts lose of Jonghyun.


Jonghyun immediately backs himself up and looked at the 2 of them. "You're lucky she's your friend..." Jonghyun said and immediately left.


Krystal quietly turns around and looked at the cofused Minho behind her. "You've got a lot of explaining to do to me..." Minho said.




"Don't... call me that... just please tell me what I'm thinking is wrong."


"Oppa, I know you're troubled at the moment but I promise to tell you tomorrow..."


"Why tomorrow? Why can't you tell me now? WHY?"


"Donghae oppa is looking for you already, please... I promise meet up with you tomorrow. For now just go home..."


Minho looked Krystal straight into the eyes and felt her sincerity as she pleaded. He wanted to know everything already, but she was eager to make him go home. He looked away, took a slight step and started to walk. The moment he took his 3rd step off he turned around once again and found no one there. Minho was then sure of what Krystal exactly was, but he was still confused how.






The next day, Jessica wakes up and sees a bouquet of flowers beside her. She stood straight up, held the bouquet and smelled the sweet fragrance emitted by the flowers. She looked around but no one was there to fill her expectations. She smiled unendingly at the sight of pure sweetness when he heard a masculine voice coming from behind.


"So this is where you're staying..."


Jessica turned around to see, Jonghyun standing in her room's balcony glass door. The wind was quite strong and so the curtains moved wildly, brushing its fabrics towards Jonghyun. Jessica smiled and said no word at all.


"Your staying place kinda makes you easy to find..." Jonghyun said and moved inside. "I picked up your scent the moment I passed by the building. Fortunately I was able to find you sleeping so I decided to make a surprise."


"It worked you know, but was the room alone when you came in?" Jessica asked.


"It was. You slept peacefully the moment I barged in, the room was quiet and I thought that it was y and seductive. I was to kiss you good morning a while ago, but don't you think it's quite a staright forward move?"


"It is..."


"Would like yo have coffee with me?" Jonghyun directly asked and smiled. "I'd prefer a breakfast set in this room, with you outside and completely nowhere to be seen by both of my eyes." Jessica arrogantly teased.


"Ouch... that was harsh. Are you really rejecting me now after what I did?"


"Pls, I admit the flowers were good enough to be starting the day with, thank you for that... but as you can see i'm still in the process of actually letting the fact that you're in my room sink in into my consious mind. I barely think that this is still a dream so if you may please you can now go and do your thing for the world." Jessica said and pointed Jonghyun out.


"Such a naughty, tactless, cold girl. You're mor than I thought you would be. Are you really going to play hard on me? cause if you do I'd really appreciate it."


"Sorry mr. Kim, but I prefer a rather more humane kind of person." Jessica tesingly said. She caught Jonghyun's attetion completely with her answer. "Yes, you heard me right. A more Humane guy... so please, before I do something worse with the resource I can find in this room, you may now... go."


Jonghyun smiled and raised a brow. He shook his head slightly and walked his way out of the room slowly. "He's really vulnerable you know..." Jonghyun said to Jessica as he was about to open the door.


"Then I'll make sure to be there when he needs me..." Jessica gave her reply, but Jonghyun has already left. Jessica lied back down to bed and sighed. She spread her arms out and blankly stared at the rooms ceiling.


"Falling for someone like you was never a wish I asked for. My heart just did the magic all by itself. And now that history is repeating itself, should I really make the same mistake of following my heart again?"






Donghae wakes up having the feeling of somewhat being lively. he rubbed his eyes together and stretched his arms wide. He zones out in a while because of the lag he feels and unconsiously remembers the things that Jessica did to him the night before.


"Noona~" Donghae whispred to himself and smiled. He stood up and noticed that Minho was still not in the office so he went outside and asked.


"Has Minho gone home last night?"


"He did, but then he left early this morning after he recieved a phone call from someone. He told us to tell you not to worry, he's just off to meet someone." An officer in a desk answered.


"I see... thank you officer." Donghae said and went back to the room. As he held the door close he thought to himself "Maybe his off to see his Krystal again. hahah this kid is getting busier than me...---"


*KRIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGG~* goes a long and echoing sound.


Donghae got startled and immediately searched for the ringing phone. He followed the sound until finally he came to reach out for Jessica's phone. "Why is she calling?" Donghae asked himself and picked it up.




"So do we have a scheduled meeting for today?" Jessica immediately asked through the phone without even greeting Donghae.


"Are you seriously asking me to do work with you everyday?" Donghae asked.


"Not really, Oppa I was just asking..."


"Yah I told you not to call me that..." Donghae said and scolded jessica through the phone. "Yah, you wouldn't call me noona anymore so I'm calling you oppa instead." Jessica answered.


"Are you kidding me? Yah, JUNG JESSICA don't you think your old enough to be acting like this?"


"Ani~ ahahahhah oh by the way, oppa if trouble comes to you pls, don't feel bad to call me, okay?"


"Why are you telling me that?"


"Donghae, the relationship between you and I has been catching a lot of vampires attention lately. I don't know why to be exact, but the more we work together the tighter we get in the eyes of vampires. Now you being a mortal is alarming. You're the dependent variable in this case and I won't be able to forgive myself if you get hurt. So pls. feel free to call if there's trouble, okay?"


"I can handle things myself Ms. Jung..."


"Hmmmm... " Jessica sighed and dropped the call. Donghae looked at the phone and closed it. He slowly placed it down the table and held it. "Our relationship?"






Minho sits up straight and stares at Krystal. His hands both crossed and his back leaned. Minho has one of his brows raised and his foot tapping the floor continuously. Krystal felt his strong gaze tries to get away from it so she looked away.


"Tss... Krystal, start talking..."












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yongseo14 #1
Chapter 16: It made me cr but in the end.....I:m smiling:-):-):-)
jungkookismyhubby #2
Chapter 16: For me, I think minstal is a younger version of the lovey dovey haesica so I LUVED this story!
jungkookismyhubby #3
Chapter 16: For me, I think minstal is a younger version of the lovey dovey haesica so I LUVED this story!
chuchu4 #4
Chapter 16: Wow this is the second HaeSica I read and this is really good. Love this. <3
Chapter 16: Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Such a nice ending!!!! Daebak!!!!
Good job author nim!!!! More minstal and haesica story plsssss........ ^_^
Chapter 16: More plsss...!!!
TamedWildCatMel #7
Chapter 16: OMG! I love this. I didn't see the real villain at all. I so want a sequel.
EleanorJesslyn #8
Chapter 16: *love kekeke
EleanorJesslyn #9
Chapter 16: Haesica and minstal <3 what a perfect pairing!!~~~ i really lobe this fic<3
gorjesshend #10
Chapter 16: omg, i found a great haesica fanfict here,
Tommorow i have a test for my third grade, but now im stuck in this fanfict!
Awww, ajmjdpapdjaptph such a great ending! Truly really like it!