I Cannot Forget You...

Everlasting Sunset

So, where is Shin Hye?

Ara had pulled Yong Hwa away from the bar yesterday, and Shin Hye looked at the pair in hurt. As she tried to look away, she met Jong Hyun's eyes instead, and they seem to be encouraging her to follow. She nodded and clandestinely walk away as the punk restarted the Led Apple song. 

As she got to the door, she heard Yong Hwa and Ara altercating. And what had made her upset the most was the revelation that Yong Hwa looked at her only as a friend, and that he had loved somebody else since he was a kid.

Her world came crashing down. Her hopes did too. So, was that the reason why, despite his advances, he never seemed to take it to another level? She leaned against the wall and clenched her chest. It was too painful to bear, and the only thing to do is to get away. Fortunately for her, there were a couple of girls who went out of the bar, and Shin Hye went out with them to avoid detection. As the girls walked further away from the bar to smoke and chat all they want, Shin Hye was able to escape.

She did not go back to the flower shop at Hongdae, nor at her greenhouse. She also did not go to the beef resto because she knew Yong Hwa will look for her there. She did not even go to any places that will remind her of Yong Hwa. And knowing that Yong Hwa knew where she lives, she did not go home immediately. The place that she went where she knew Yong Hwa will not find her is at Min Hyuk's pisshibang.

She turned off her phone all afternoon so that no one would call her. After spending some time at the Internet cafe, she went out to clear her thoughts near River Han. Her instincts told her to turn on her phone because her parents would be worried sick. As she her phone, there were a lot of text messages flooding in: her parents asking her where she would eat dinner; Eun Hee and Eun Gi telling her that Yong Hwa was looking for her; and Dong Wook asking her when she will be available for the flower instruction session.

Suddenly, her phone began to ring. She saw it was Yong Hwa calling her, but because of the hurt, betrayal, and shame that she felt, she hung on to her pride and left her phone ringing.

Finally, the calls stopped coming, and all that she received was a voice message.

"I know there was never us...just yet... but... silly as it sounds, I will break up with you," he said. "Forget about me and move on..."

The message twisted her stomach in knots, and her crashed her heart into bits.

Yong Hwa just.... broke up with her?

Her phone slipped through her hand like her hand was filter, and her chest suddenly got heavy. All of these were getting too much that she broke into sobs, not minding that there were a lot of people loitering around the premises. She could not take it anymore.

Yong Hwa was her first love, but her first love had hurt her with an intensity that she had never knew of.

"Yong Hwa.... rejected my love.... I am so ashamed of my own heart..."


The next day, she went to a bridge to contemplate. Her parents were worried that she'd be sick by the time she went home last night. When asked what had bothered her, she told her it was nothing. But when her eomma asked about Yong Hwa, she just smiled and turned away.

"Is...is he having a problem with Yong Hwa-ssi?" she heard her eomma ask her appa.

She could not tell them what had happened. And as for today, it was just her and her painful heart. If only she had confessed to Yong Hwa.... But if ever she confesses, will she gain success? Will Yong Hwa forget about his first love and be with her?

Her tears started to roll again.

"Shin Hye..." a voice sounded to her ears.

She turned around to see him standing a few inches, panting hard. As if he had been running, looking all over Seoul just for her. The two of them looked at each other, longing and begging for love. Then, his eyes suddenly twinkled, and his lips curved into a smile.

"Shin Hye-ya..."

Her heart melted at the sight of the guy that was her first love, and she smiled back in relief. No amount of words could explain the joy that she had felt that the guy she loved went to her.

"Yong Hwa...."

Both of them stretched out their hands to hold each other...


...until Yong Hwa's hand disappeared.


It was only her wishful thinking, and she stood there like a fool, waiting for a love that will never be hers. And her tears fell down again. She turned back to watch the waters below the bridge, and what better way to relieve one's heartache than to scream one's heart out. Screaming was all she did to get all the pain away. And after she was exhausted, she squatted and held on the beams for support. All her energy was wasted from all the drama and screaming.

"Yong Hwa.... Saranghae..." she told him in tears.

Her phone rang, and she saw that it was CL calling her. She decided to pick up the phone and wiped her tears away.


"Eonni! Go to the airport! Ppalli!" CL cut through.

"Airport?" she asked.

"Yong-oppa.... is going away," CL relayed.

Shin Hye stood up clumsily and thanked CL over the phone. After hanging up, she ran all the way to the highway to catch a cab. Good thing, a cab pulled over, and she got in.

"Gonghang-euro ga jushibshio (To the airport, please)," she requested the cab driver.

The driver nodded and started to drive. Before Yong Hwa gets away, before she regrets anything, she had to talk to him.

"I have to see you...." she vowed, holding back the tears. "I cannot forget you."



(Up next, the YongShin confrontation)


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Wendy-1977 #1
So sweet yongshin😍
rubyani #2
Chapter 21: Beautiful story.. thank you authornim
rubyani #3
Chapter 6: Aahh yonghwa n shinhye so cute♥♥♥
Sheimen23 #4
Very nice story....
Chapter 21: It was wonderful.:)~
Chapter 21: Nice one. Love it..
Golden_blue #7
Chapter 21: Thank you. It was great..
Chapter 21: Wonderful.So in love with your YongShin stories.:D