
Just one kiss.

Kyongmi is a fictional character.

"Where you going?"

"...Family matters.."

"Are you okay?"

Eunhyuk smiled to reasure Donghae. "I'll call you if i'm not okay?" Eunhyuk threw his arm around Donghae making their way to the bus stop.

The two boys have been dancing until they saw students walking home. The two boys were practicing for the summer festival which was about 3 weeks away now. The boys progressed greatly and are looking forward to the festival. 

Donghae smiled, "I had fun today."

Eunhyuk looked at Donghae who's face was almost touching his, he smiled, "Me too... but Hae?"


"Aren't you gonna ask me why I skipped school?" Donghae took a minute to think if he should really ask at the moment.

"...No.", Donghae replied. Eunhyuk was relieved.

"Why though?" Eunhyuk asked curiously.

Donghae knew this was the time to tell the truth, "Because.. I don't want to make you uncomftorable. and you wouldn't just do this out of a sudden, so your reason must be personal.."

"Thank you Hae.", Eunhyuk smiled and hugged Donghae as they reached the bus stop.

The two sat until the bus arrived, and Donghae waved good bye from the window where Eunhyuk was. Donghae truly wanted to know why Eunhyuk left all of a sudden and he knew the urge won't go away. While Eunhyuk was visiting family, Donghae decided to talk the crew and ask what was wrong.




"He left?" Ryeowook was surprised for he didn't notice all day.

"Yeah! So was I! So your saying that you don't care about us?!" Donghae playfully shouted causing Ryeowook to hit his arm.

"Yah! Don't do this...", Donghae chuckled but immediately returned to his previous state.

"Really though Ryeowook, I'm curious to find out.."

"Why? Well anyways, I don't know. You should ask Yesung.", Ryeowook pointed over to the group which the two have left to talk in private. Donghae called the group to gather at his place just to "hang out".

"Okay, thank you Ryeowook."

As soon as Donghae left, Ryeowook looked at Donghae carefully. "What's with him and Hyukjae recently.." Ryeowook shrugged it off and went to get a drink.


"I don't know Hae.", Yesung replied. Donghae sighed in dissapointment and went to ask the rest of the group. He recieved many 'I don't know's' and 'why are you asking's' but that didn't stop him from wondering.

Donghae went into the kitchen to grab a drink, but halted when he heard Kyuhyun and Leeteuk talking low.

"Should we tell Donghae?" Leeteuk asked Kyuhyun.

"..No, we shouldn't." Donghae put his ear closer to the corner when he heard his name.

"Why not? Doesn't he deserve to know? Hyukjae loves Donghae a lot, we should tell him..", Donghae gasped.

"He loves me a lot?" Donghae thought as he leaned even closer to hear the two's conversation.

"I know Hyukjae loves Donghae a lot, but we need to protect him also. Donghae can't find out.", Kyuhyun's voice lowered even more towards the end of his sentence and Donghae's mouth curled up into a smile.

" 'Donghae can't find out' my !" Donghae said quietly. He laughed as he turned back to attend the rest of group. He leaned on the wall of the hallway staring at the child photos of him and Eunhyuk, he smiled and quietly chuckled. "I really love you too Hyuk..."




Eunhyuk on the other hand was still on the bus riding to his parent's work place. The big building was not hard to miss even though Eunhyuk hasn't been there much. 

He stared out into the streets as the buildings moved passed him. He thought of all the outcomes of this meeting with his parents, he also he thought of when his parent's secretary contacted him instead of his parents themselves. He knew very well the consequences if this video doesn't get removed soon, but Eunhyuk couldn't anything about it, yet he could do everything. Eunhyuk could simply hire someone to remove it, but doing that would mean using his parent's money. If he used his parent's money, he would definately owe them, which he didn't want to do. 

The bus stopped in front of the big and polished building which his parents work in. As he walked in, the smell of the place made him cringe with disgust. The odor wasn't horrible at all, it's just that Eunhyuk really hated everything there. He hated the employees, he hated the tiny crack by the window, and he even hated the dust that floated around there.

"Oh Hyukjae!" Eunhyuk shot a disgusted look to where he heard the voice, he immediately rolled his eyes in annoyance when he recognized who it was.

"Go away.", he said bluntly. The annoying brat who called him was his ex who his parents tried to force upon him 2 years ago. Her pink accessories made his insides puke, her horrible blonde hair was just ugly, her cheap aroma was gross, and her clingy- personality made Eunhyuk want to smack her in the face.

"Aish! Oppaaaa! Don't be that way!" She hooked her arm around his making Eunhyuk look her up and down with an even more disgusted look. "What are you doing here anyway? Want to grab a drink?" Her high pitched voice irritated Eunhyuk deeply.

Eunhyuk shook her off violently. "Yah! I said go away! I broke up with you for a reason, now get away from me.", Eunhyuk raised his voice.

"Oppaaa! I miss you! How about getting back together? I've become a better woman!" Again, she clung herself on Eunhyuk's arm.

"No! Kyongmi! Go away." Eunhyuk was extremely irritated. This day couldn't get any better. "I don't like you, get it?!"

"What do you  mean?" Eunhyuk face palmed himself.

"I. Do not. have feelings for you. get it? I like men okay? I like men!" Eunhyuk was almost shouting now. Kyongmin still looked lost, but immediately caught on.

Kyongmi laughed. "You're joking right? hahahahaa!!"

Eunhyuk took a second and realized what he just said, he was shocked at his own words but instantly admitted it mentally.

"No I'm not Kyongmi.."

"What?" She dropped her grasp making Eunhyuk smirk.

"You remember Donghae right? Yeah. I plan on making him my boyfriend soon okay?" Kyongmi scoffed.

"You're gross!" Her high pitched little squeal made Eunhyuk laugh, she then ran off being the little homophobic she was. 

When Kyongmi was no where to be seen, Eunhyuk exhaled, put his hands in his pocket, and continued his walk to the place which he dreaded the most, his parent's office.


Eunhyuk walked slowly nearing the door which he dearly did not want to open.

Eunhyuk paused right before entering pacing his breathing, and just as he was about to push open the door, it opened by itself with his parent's "minions" behind it.

Eunhyuk looked up and found his father sitting in a "throne" in the middle of the room and his mother behind him. Both of them had their arms crossed with intense glares which made Eunhyuk even more nervous.

"Hi.", Eunhyuk started taking a seat on the leather couch.

"Do you know what you have done?" his father replied. 

"I know what i have done.", Eunhyuk kept his stare as intense as his parents trying to show them that he wasn't weak as they claim him to be. His mother scoffed.

"Yah! were you drunk? If you know what you've done, you should know how much is at risk!" his mother's high pitched voice rang through the room.

Eunhyuk didn't want to show any signs of weakness whatsoever. "What i'm getting here is  that you think it's my fault. It isn't. the video got released some how okay? Now can we stop scolding me and just talk about our plan!"

His mother brushed her fringe aside and his father still looked like a rock.

"DO YOU THINK THAT WE WILL STOP? I NEED TO LEARN YOUR LES-" his mother got cut off by his father.

His father spoke in a low, but strong, tone which was way more pleasant than his mothers. 

"Lee Hyukjae. Listen just this once, because I will not repeat.. We will do everything in our power to take this tape down. But i do not promise that it will be taken down quickly. So, in the meantime.. I want you to stay away from your friends,"

Eunhyuk broke down on the inside. He couldn't. He wouldn't. especially with his new found feelings for Donghae. Eunhyuk just couldn't.

"I-" Eunhyuk started but was cut off by his father just as he was about to oppose the decision.

"AND I especially want you to stay away from that Donghae." Eunhyuk's eyes screamed no.

"Father!" Eunhyuk threw away his previous plan on showing no weakness.

"I said to stay away from Donghae and that's it!"

"Why? Father, why! What good will it do?! No, you can't make me stay away from him.", Eunhyuk stood up on the verge of tears.

His mother's laugh made him cringe. "Why, Hyukjae? You're all of a sudden GAY for your bestfriend!? What? You all of a sudden felt soooo close to him because you had ?! NO. That isn't the problem here.", Eunhyuk was panicking. He didn't want to stay from Donghae. Yet he can't explain why either.

Eunhyuk clenched his fists, "I'm not staying away from him."

"Well you are going to!" his father raised his voice.

Eunhyuk looked away, as tears formed in his eyes. He scoffed with a smiled, "No.. Not happening.", He barged out of the room when he felt the tears start to flow.

He walked fast, pushing people aside. He couldn't cry just yet. Especially in public..

He ran into the bus and took the seat all the way in the back. He finally let the tears flow but he forced himself to make no noise.

I'm not staying away..I'm not going to. Nope. I love Donghae, and I don't want to stay away. But what's going to happen... My life in ruined if the video isn't going to be taken down. I don't want this.. Donghae.. just.. 









It's done! I finally finished it! After a long wait, thank you guys for not unsubscribing even thought it took me a long time!

I had personal problems to take care of and I was sad that I couldn't update quick enough. HOWEVER, I promise to not make the same excuse. kk? If i'm having personal problems, I WILL try and update faster.






remember to comment! 

I would really like to know how the story is going so far. because I feel like I've been gone too long (duh) and I am forgetting some parts that I have included in the previous chapters..

and sorry if i can't reply to your comment!!




2/14 - OMG. I keep changing the title for this fic!!! sorry If i confuse anyone! but the two original titles were Only solution, Solution?, and now I'm going to keep it to "No."




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Sami96 #1
Chapter 17: Great story! Your story has kept me very interested so far. I can't wait to see what you are going to write next.
861015 #2
Chapter 17: Thanks for updating:)
OMG thats was in long time
afiercesong #5
This is so nice ((:
Chapter 14: Thank you sooo much for the update! Im really looking forward to the next one
Chapter 14: omg an update! i totally forgot about what was the last chapter so i had to remind myself :) aww hyuk i hope he doesnt have to suffer all alone and i hope he tells hae. thx for the update! <3
Chapter 14: although i pity hae from being stuck there in the house for not knowing anything, i am more sad for hyukkie because he is facing everything alone. huhu.. i really hope he would tell hae so that hae could at least help protect him. :-(
haeyth #9
Chapter 1: I almost forgot the storyline.. Am reading all over again.