
Just one kiss.

Eunhyuk played with the file in his blazer pocket while walking to first period with Donghae. He was praying that Donghae wouldn't find the file because his friend is the nosy person he was.

"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden Hyuk?" Donghae slammed Eunhyuk into the lockers, unknowingly being a little too rough. 

Eunhyuk took his hands out of their pockets to break his fall, but as soon as he regained his awareness, the file was not in his palm. Or his pocket. Or anywhere near him.

"!" Eunhyuk muttered. Eunhyuk crawled the busy hallway looking for the file. There's no way he would let his school find out what happend. Despite his clean uniform and his hands getting dirty, he kept crawling. Dodging the students' legs, keeping a sharp eye, and trying to control himself from panicking.

Donghae picked up Eunhyuk's bag and stared worriedly at his bestfriend. "What the hell is he doing?" Donghae smiled and followed Eunhyuk from behind.

". . God dammit!" Eunhyuk kept cursing to himself as he kept looking. Donghae was laughing at his ridiculous looking friend, even though he didn't know why he was crawling.

And he saw it. Eunhyuk leaped foward and grabbed the file, slamming his elbows and chest on the floor. 

"Ouch! HAHAHAAA! got it." , Eunhyuk stood up and dusted his uniform. Donghae came and handed Eunhyuk his bag. Eunhyuk slyly placed the file in the first pouch and into the zipper within the pouch.

"What..The Hell.. was that?" Donghae chuckled looking at Eunhyuk with a warm smile.

Eunhyuk pursed his lips and spun on his heel to the direction of their classroom, "Nothing."







Donghae looked at Eunhyuk who had one hand tapping his pencil on the desk and the other in his pocket, fiddling with something. His look was intense.

Donghae threw a tiny crumpled peice of paper at Eunhyuk's temple. Eunhyuk's head shot right at Donghae with wide eyes. 

"What." , Eunhyuk replied with that uneasy expression. Donghae chuckled.

"What's with you all of a sudden? You became weird when the bell rang.."

Eunhyuk smiled, "Hae.. Don't worry. It's nothing." Eunhyuk reached out and patted Donghae's shoulder, he did his best to put a poker face on and hoped that Donghae won't see right through him.

Donghae was almost convinced but he persisted. "No. What's wrong?"

Eunhyuk knew he wouldn't win the fight, so he quickly created a lie.

Eunhyuk smiled, "I was just thinking about the project I got in.. th-third period."

"Third period? I have that with you." Donghae was not buying anything.

"Erm.. extra credit." , Eunhyuk chuckled knowing that the lie was good enough.

"PFFFFT." , Donghae pressed his laughter into his arm. His face grew red from the fact that Hyukjae, is actually doing extra credit.

Eunhyuk knew that he never did extra credit before but still, the lie was good enough. Eunhyuk successfully showed the best poker face.

"Whatever Hae." , Eunhyuk leaned back and smiled at his own success.



Riiiiing~ Riiiiing

The bell rang signaling school was now over. Only 4 weeks left for school then it would be summer vacation for the boys.

Ryeowook and Yesung were walking together to the school's dance studio where the group woud hang out to practice. Since school was ending soon, there was going to be a summer festival in the school and the royalties were going to perform, a long side with other participators.

"Did you notice Kyu was strangely quiet today?" Ryeowook said.

"Isn't he all ways quiet?" Yesung responded.

"Yes, but, he kept looking at us as if we did something weird to him." , Ryeowook crossed his arms and looked at the sky.

"We probably did do something wierd." , Yesung replied emotionless.

"...." , Ryeowook wasn't sure if Yesung was trying to be funny or he was serious.

"What." , Yesung looked at Ryeowook who was still trying to figure out his response.

"..aha. I was just unsure if you were trying to be funny or serious..", Ryeowok gave up and just laughed it off.

"Oh I was serious. Remember the party at Hyukjae's? Yeah. He filmed the whole thing, so he might have watched the videos and saw something.", Yesung still blandly replied as if it was nothing. But Ryeowook on the other hand was on the verge of a panic.

"I-I-I wanna see!!" Ryeowook dashed the remaining short distance to the studio and bursted in. Yesung on the other hand couldn't care less what he did the night of the party.

Ryeowook quickly scoped the place for Kyuhyun and saw him looking at the sheet music in "K.R.Y's" section of the studio.

Ryeowook ignored everyone else dancing or practicing their instrument and cut through all of them gaining their attention.

"Kyuhyun!" Everyone's eyes were on Ryeowook.

"Um.. Yes?" 

"Let me see the videos from Hyuk's party.", Ryeowook demanded. When Ryeowook mentioned 'video's from Hyuk's party' Eunhyuk's eyes immediately widened and he slowly slipped his hand into his pocket where the file was. Donghae was still catching his breath from dancing with Eunhyuk and he noticed Eunhyuk became tense again, so he nudged his shoulder.

"Videos?" ,Kyuhyun chuckled. "I don't have them. Apperently I was too drunk to press the record button when the naughty things started happening."

Eunhyuk eased up a bit, Kyuhyun's lie was good, yet he didn't understand why he only let Eunhyuk see the videos.

"Oh.. okay then. Sorry." , Ryeowook bowed and turned around to the studio and bowed again. "Continue." 

As Ryeowook walked away toward Yesung who just opened the door, everyone resumed their work and Donghae tackled Eunhyuk.

"Ah-ahh!!!! Lee Donghae! What are you doing!" Eunhyuk yelped under Donghae.

"I know why you kept acting weird today Hyuk..", Donghae said as he shook Eunhyuk's head which was in a lock.

Eunhyuk's voice was muffled under Donghae's grasp. "A-A-Ani!! I wasn't acting weird today?! OH! wae! wae! why do i keep acting weirrmphhhhH.."

Donghae covered Eunhyuk's mouth tightly with his arm, "Yaaa-aaH! You were acting weird today because you saw the videos huh?! I saw you and Kyu this morning apart from the group talking until the bell rang.. He showed you huh?" Donghae rolled over making Eunhyuk the one on the bottom getting crushed by Hae's weight. The group gathered around the wrestling boys and listened to the two without trying to break them apart.

Eunhyuk's voice is even more inaudible but Donghae could still make his words out. 

"You're crazy!" Eunhyuk managed to say loud enough. Donghae stood up, but Eunhyuk shot up and tackled Donghae back.

Donghae slammed on the floor but Eunhyuk wasn't wrestling him, Eunhyuk was just laying there hugging Donghae with his face nuzzled in his chest.

"What are you doing Hyuk?" Donghae tried to push him off but Eunhyuk clung to Donghae's shirt.

The group gathered around the two again not bothering to break them apart. However, Sungmin who has been practing for his acting part in the summer festival, tried to jump in even though the two were just laying there. However, Leeteuk, who had been practing his saxophone piece, held Sungmin back.

Eunhyuk got up and dusted his clothes, his face was very red. 

"You're crazy.", Donghae said as he stood up as well. The two were standing in the middle of the group and Donghae waved everyone off to go back to what they were doing.

Eunhyuk and Donghae walked over to the iPod and played the music, K.R.Y went to their corner and practiced harmonzing, Leeteuk resumed writing his sheet music, Sungmin practiced his emotions in front of the mirror, and everyone slightly  forgot about the two's little fight.


The group was practicing for the Summer Festival that was coming up. Donghae and Eunhyuk were going to dance together and they enlisted as 'EunHae', Leeteuk was going to play the saxophone, Sungmin, along side other people, was going to put on a play, and K.R.Y was going to sing. The group practiced hard until the sun went down. Around 7 pm, the group wrapped it up and instead of eating out like they usually do, they decided to go straight home.

"Eunhyuk-ah!" Donghae waved his hand to catch his best friends attention before jogging towards him. 

"Hae. I told you to just call me Hyukjae, no need to address me by my other name..", Eunhyuk replied as he put his arm around Donghae. Eunhyuk went by two names, Hyukjae is only for his close friends and family, while Eunhyuk is for other people who aren't that close to him.

"Eh.. forgot. Want to walk home together?" Donghae suggested as he put his arm around Eunhyuk aswell.


The two walked in silence holding each other in the oddly chilly summer night. Donghae didn't think of anything else except for how he was slowly falling for his best friend again. 

"Today he acted wierd, but it's cool. He's so adorable. Ahhh~ Hyukkie.. My only Hyukkie is so warm.. I hope we'll be together soon.." Donghae thought.

Eunhyuk on the other hand held onto Donghae tight as they walked home while he thought about the videos and his new feelings for Donghae.

"I hope the videos aren't nasty.. I can't believe i'm falling for this Fishy.. To be honest I tackled him back because he just made my heart flutter... I enjoyed those short seconds of hugging Donghae.. really.. I did. and now.. walking home while hugging tightly, this is amazing. I want this to last.. Mr. Fishyyy! Don't swim away too soon.." Eunhyuk thought.

Before they knew it, the two were in front of Eunhyuk's house already. Donghae was about to take his leave but Eunhyuk grabbed his hand.

"Oh! What is it Hyuk?" Donghae asked. Euhyuk didn't know why he grabbed Donghae's hand either.

"Umm.. would you like to s-stay?" He stuttered.

Donghae smiled, "It's okay Hyuk! But I would like to go home and do some of my homework. Are you alone again?"

Eunhyuk looked down as he remembered that he was alone. 

"Eh.. You're Hyukjae! You'll be alright! call me if you need anything!" Donghae patted Eunhyuk's head and took off.



Eunhyuk ran in threw his bag on the floor, ran upstairs, opened his laptop, swiftly took out the file, and plugged it in. 

He double clicked the file's icon, but to his surprise the videos weren't there.

Eunhyuk unplugged the thing and put it in again. Still, no videos, but only a document that titled 'Report-5th period'.

Eunhyuk's eyes widened.

"This is the wrong file."









anyways, I'd like to thank all of my readers for just reading! and I'd also like to thank my subscribers for not unsubscribing even though i take forever to update. SORRY.




ALSO! you should follow the twitter i made for this fic, so I can update you on here.. so much easier.

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Sami96 #1
Chapter 17: Great story! Your story has kept me very interested so far. I can't wait to see what you are going to write next.
861015 #2
Chapter 17: Thanks for updating:)
OMG thats was in long time
afiercesong #5
This is so nice ((:
Chapter 14: Thank you sooo much for the update! Im really looking forward to the next one
Chapter 14: omg an update! i totally forgot about what was the last chapter so i had to remind myself :) aww hyuk i hope he doesnt have to suffer all alone and i hope he tells hae. thx for the update! <3
Chapter 14: although i pity hae from being stuck there in the house for not knowing anything, i am more sad for hyukkie because he is facing everything alone. huhu.. i really hope he would tell hae so that hae could at least help protect him. :-(
haeyth #9
Chapter 1: I almost forgot the storyline.. Am reading all over again.