
Just one kiss.

"Are you ing serious?" Ryeowook's jaw dropped.

Donghae leaned back and stretched his arms over his head. "Hell yeah i'm serious."

"How? What lead up to that?!" Ryeowook, shaking with excitement, scooted closer to Donghae who was smiling like he was the center of attention. Even though It was only Ryeowook who was listening.

Should I really say? He thought. "...He just looked so cute while yelling at me to clean the bed, that I had to kiss him!" Donghae said as if it was nothing  compared to his insides, which were fluttering like crazy. Ryeowook squealed.

"Oh my gosh! Donghae! I will keep this a secret!" Ryeowook clapped his hands. "Gah! I hope things will go well! Especially since we are going to the city of love soon!"

Donghae ears perked up, "City of love?"

. Ryeowook thought, immediately dropping his fanboying. He chuckled. "Actua-"

"Yah!" Donghae and Ryeowook looked behind them. "Are you really bragging right now?" Yesung said with his typical cool, pissed off expression. Donghae scrambled up and bowed.

"Sorry." He apologized. Donghae respected Yesung a lot, and half the time he just didn't want to be yelled at by him. Ryeowook on the other hand skipped over to his side.

"Jongwoon-ie!! How are you?" Ryeowook said with such  happiness. He rubbed his "baby's" shoulder. Although he was very sweet at times like this, He was scared of him when his "baby" got mad. It sort of bothered him that Ryeowook was scared of him sometimes, he even had a point in his life while dating Ryeowook, he tried to not get mad at anything. Sort of like being a buddist. But that phase ended when Ryeowook noticed it, and told Yesung to be himself, and he doesn't need to change for him.

"I'm doing great.", Yesung smiled. "But hey, Only call me by my real name when it's just us okay?" He rubbed Ryeowook's hair.

"Got it." Ryeowook replied. Donghae stared at them. He liked their love story, and was pretty jealous.

"You guys are cute.", Donghae spoke up crossing his arms and smiling at the ground.

"We are.", Yesung responded as he crossed his fingers with Ryeowook's.

"But.. Me and Hyukjae will be even cuter!" Donghae shouted and immediately ran for his life in the opposite direction. He didn't know how Yesung would reply, but just to be safe, he ran.

"This crazy child.. Yah! Do you want to die?!" Yesung shouted back.

"Jongwoon-ah.. calm down. I have to tell you things..", Ryeowook said holding Yesung's shoulders.

"What is it?"

"It's Donghae, He kissed Hyukjae for the 'first time'. He still doesn't know about the tape, and I don't think he heard of the Paris trip."

"'first time'? Okay.. That's good. but the tape is spreading... Hyukjae decided to skip school today, and we need to remove Donghae."

"Remove Donghae??"

"Ah- I mean take him out."


"No no no.. I have some body gaurds that are going to take Donghae on a 'pre vacation' before our actual vacation.."


"To protect him."

"Hyukjae is staying here behind?"

"Yeah, he needs to sort his out."






Donghae was strolling around the hallways with his headphones on full volume. School was going to begin soon, and he decided to just walk around since he couldn't find Hyukjae. To be honest, the last time Donghae saw Eunhyuk was his back when he ran to the bathroom to hide after they kissed. It worried Donghae so much that he stayed up all night thinking about it. He didn't want their relationship ruined, but didn't Hyukjae say that he was giving Donghae a chance?

Donghae kept it to himself, and carlessly walked the halls, bouncing to his loud music...thank goodness too.

Donghae didn't notice, but as he was walking, there was a group of boys talking about him. They saw the tape and thought lowly of their "super cool, all mighty" senior who was so popular.

"He's disgusting."

"I hope he goes to hell."

"Yah! You dirt bag look over here!"

"Where's Eunhyuk sunbaenim?"

"Probably another guy's in the bathroom stall"

They boys laughed and Donghae didn't hear anything whatsoever. He innocently kept strolling on.

"What are you saying about my friend?"

The boys looked to their side and they scurried into a proper line and bowed. "Kyuhyun sunbaenim! We are sorry."

"That's right, That's right.", Kyuhyun walked up to the boys and made them stand up. "But uh... If he didn't have his headphones on, would you have said that?"

The boys shook their heads.

"Right, and uh... You guys are basically.. how do I say this- THIRTEEN.", The arrogant boys dropped their shoulders in embarrassment and guilt.

"...We're sorry.", one of the boys said. Kyuhyun scoffed.

"That's right, and keep running your mouth i'll really beat you fresh meat up. Who said I was scared to do that.", the boys quickly bowed and walked away. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and turned around, Donghae was nowhere to be seen.

Donghae continued strolling along completely unaware of the looks people in the hallways were giving him and gossiping behind him. He soon stumbled upon the male bathroom and decided to go inside just beacause. The bathroom was empty and he sang along to his song while checking himself out in the mirror. He heard a small thud outside and he stopped, assuming someone was nearby he didn't want anyone to hear him singing.

He fixed his fringe for the last time and turned around to exit the bathroom. But as he turned around, he bumped into someones broad  and muscular chest that was covered in a suit and tie.

He glanced up and saw it was a body guard of some sort.

Just when he was about to speak, the body guard cupped his mouth and dragged him outside.

"What the ? who is this!? Let me go! !" Donghae yelled and tried breaking free by violently attempting to thrash his arms around but they were being held strongly behind his back. His voice was muffled and in the quiet hallway, Donghae was no where to be heard.

The guard dragged Donghae out through a side door. Donghae's eyes widened when he saw the familiar limousine. He gave up trying to escape and allowed the guard to throw him inside the vehicle.

"God damn.", Donghae complained when the door was shut . He wasn't scared anymore when he saw the limo because he knew it was Yesung's parents. The symbol on the side of the door handle gave it all away.

He reached in his pocket for his phone and he stopped the music that was playing, and dialed Yesung's number. School was going to start in 5 minutes so the call had to be quick.

"Donghae don't panick okay?" Yesung immediately said once he answered the call. Donghae raised an eyebrow. "You're going on a vacation!"

"Yesung!" Donghae said raising his voice.


"I kind of have  priorities, you can't just send me on a vacation!" Although Donghae was saying this, he actually was excited to be sent on a vacation. However, he did have a festival to preform at and a special person to make his.

"Don't worry, Hyukjae will be sent after you. and at your vacation spot, you guys can practice.", Yesung replied.

".....What about school?" Donghae actually liked the plan Yesung had where his Hyukjae would follow after, but there was still 4 weeks of school left.

Donghae flinched at the phone when Yesung bursted out laughing so hard and loud. "HAHAHA, since when did you really care about school?"

"Ah really.. There is sti-"

"Hey Donghae, The bell just rang. bye.", and just like that, Yesung ended the phone call. Donghae pouted and noticed the car was already moving. 

"I don't want to do this... yet... I just don't give a either!" Donghae laughed. He stretched his arms and leaned against the shaky window of the car, he closed his eyes completely ignoring the heavy consequences and fell into a sleep.










I'm gonna apologize for this chapter. I just have been gone for too long, and I wrote this chapter feeling completely :( and not in the mood and REALLY THE LOVE YOU GUYS GIVE THIS STORY KEPT ME THE SLIGHTEST MOTIVATED.

so really, i still love you.

and i promise you better chapters from now on.

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Sami96 #1
Chapter 17: Great story! Your story has kept me very interested so far. I can't wait to see what you are going to write next.
861015 #2
Chapter 17: Thanks for updating:)
OMG thats was in long time
afiercesong #5
This is so nice ((:
Chapter 14: Thank you sooo much for the update! Im really looking forward to the next one
Chapter 14: omg an update! i totally forgot about what was the last chapter so i had to remind myself :) aww hyuk i hope he doesnt have to suffer all alone and i hope he tells hae. thx for the update! <3
Chapter 14: although i pity hae from being stuck there in the house for not knowing anything, i am more sad for hyukkie because he is facing everything alone. huhu.. i really hope he would tell hae so that hae could at least help protect him. :-(
haeyth #9
Chapter 1: I almost forgot the storyline.. Am reading all over again.