Looking good, Looking bad.

Just one kiss.


"This was not intentional. There has been an event where a private possesion of mine has been lost, then found by an unknown source who uploaded this tape. This was not intended to portray a rebelling, and disrespecting heir to the company. Please understand that I, too, have a personal life which is not meant to be revealed to the public, just like everyone else. This was a mistake, and we are doing our best to remove this video, and find the culprit who uploaded it. By any means, this was not intended to effect the company's image and reputation in this industry... Thank you.", Eunhyuk stepped off the podium and millions of camera flashes lit up the room as Eunhyuk exited the room. 

He kept his posture and suit in tack, looking tall and professional for the cameras, the press, his family, and for himself. He looked like a pro in the business world, serious attitude for an 18 year old. He kind of just grew up with these "skills" since his family has always been in the buisness.

"Mr. Lee, were you intoxicated at the night this tape took place!", A journalist yelled and pushed through the cameras and the other journalist surrounding Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk gave her a glance and slightly bowed his head, "I would not like to answer any questions right now, please." Eunhyuk responded politely. As Eunhyuk kept walking, all the journalists, cameramen, and business officials crowded him. Ignoring everyone, despite all the intruding questions being thrown at him, Eunhyuk continued walking toward the elevator.

"Who was the person you performed oral to in the video?" another journalist yelled. Eunhyuk showed no expression and didn't respond. He went into the elevator and struggled to close the doors due to over crowding journalists. They got forced out, and Eunhyuk was left in the elevator with his family body gaurd. 

The air was suffocating.

"Be thankful this was only a small press.", Bruce, the body gaurd, said to finally break the suffocating atmosphere.

Eunhyuk, continuing his professionalism, responded "Yes, but I am well prepared for the bigger ones."

"Cut the bull here Hyukjae. What happened.", Eunhyuk looked at his body gaurd, fighting every nerve to break down right then and there in the elevator.

"...We are on floor 31. press the 31 button Bruce, I want to go into my room.", Eunhyuk tried changing the subject.

"Hyukjae.", Bruce was serious. Eunhyuk was crumbling deep down, and he was hoping he woundn't break down still. Was Bruce wanting him to break down in the elevator right there? He was only a young boy, and this was his first serious scandal.

"I was drunk." Eunhyuk said. The elevator was silent. "That's all.", Bruce ignored the fact the he was underage and only patted Eunhyuk's shoulder.

Eunhyuk pressed the button to his floor and everything stayed silent only until Bruce bowed to Eunhyuk when he left. The scrutinizing walk down the silent hall to his bedroom was the walk he had to muster all his remaining strength for. He walked slow, and the voices of everyone at the press conference, the voices of his parents, and the voices of his friends rang in his head.

He opened his door, he entered his room, and looked around the hotel room. Everything was silent except for little click the door made when it closed.

He removed his clothes and burried himself in the warm covers of his bed. He sighed not wanting to cry anymore because he cried so much already. He thought about how it was only 4 in the afternoon and why was he so exausted already. His speech ran over and over again in his mind, hoping his message was clear enough for the small press to understand and not twist his words.

His parents would walk in any second now, but his mind was too cluttered to even think about fighting with them even more. His phone vibrated but he ignored it and tried to force himself to sleep.




"er!!", Donghae whined when he woke up from his 5 hour nap. "Why the am I here anyways!!! Ugh Yesuuuunggg!!!!" He scratched his head violently and kicked the blankets off of him.

He looked around the minimalistic room and grunted in annoyance when there was still nothing he could think of doing.

Donghae walked downstairs and groaned when he saw the mess he created earlier on in the day. The time now was 4pm and napping since 10am made him all disoriented and cranky. He didn't want to clean the mess, he didn't want to be there, and he didn't like being there confused and uninformed of anything.

He kicked a pillow on the floor while walking to the kitchen, hoping that food would magically  appear since his last visit to the fridge. But no.

He didn't even bother to fix his disheveled hair or check his phone for any messages or calls. He just wanted out.

Donghae hummed the song that he and Hyukjae were planning to dance to at the Summer festival for his school. He lazily danced in the living room hoping the motivation to dance would come, but still, nothing.

"I freaking hate this!" Donghae threw himself on the coach and as if thudding on the coach was an activation button for his phone to start vibrating, Donghae's phone rang against the wooden floor from when he threw his phone.

He lazily stretched his body in attempt to retrieve his phone yet stay on the couch. Barely clinging onto his phone with his fingers, Donghae managed to answer his phone before the last ring.

"Hello.", Donghae said in exasperation.

"...Donghae?" Donghae jerked up to the sound of Eunhyuk's voice. He sounded tired and breathy.

"Huh? Y-yes? What, of the month? Just disappearing after I kissed you! You have some balls for doing that!" Donghae was smiling widely and could only imagine a cute pouty face from Eunhyuk on the other side of the phone.

Eunhyuk tiredly chuckled, "Baby, don't be mad at me. I'm calling you to let you know I'm gonna be coming around 7. All right honey?" Although exhausted sounding, Eunhyuk still managed to play around with his best friend.

Donghae blushed and his chest tightened, "H-Hey! You can't j-just say th-that!" Donghae slapped himself for stuttering and Eunhyuk chuckled through the phone. "And what do you mean seven?! I'm I'm I'm- lonely without you!" Donghae buried his face into the couch. His heart was pounding fast and he couldn't belive how different it is to talk to your best friend with this kind of meaning to their words.

"Of course idiot.", Smiling tiredly, Eunhyuk couldn't help but be entertained. "I'll try to come early okay? Love you."


"Mmmmmmmuuuah!" Eunhyuk left a long kiss through the phone then hung up. Donghae's eye were wide and he was stunned. 

Did that just happen?

First, he was stuck in that house with nothing to do. And now, there he was sitting with his heart racing, his chest having that warm tingly feeling, and his body feeling jumpy.

He cupped his face, smiling like the idiot he was, and leaned back on the couch. "Errrghhh! Lee Hyukjae! I hate you for this!" Donghae laughed then immediately ran upstairs in excitement to take a shower and change clothes for Hyukjae's arrival.

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Sami96 #1
Chapter 17: Great story! Your story has kept me very interested so far. I can't wait to see what you are going to write next.
861015 #2
Chapter 17: Thanks for updating:)
OMG thats was in long time
afiercesong #5
This is so nice ((:
Chapter 14: Thank you sooo much for the update! Im really looking forward to the next one
Chapter 14: omg an update! i totally forgot about what was the last chapter so i had to remind myself :) aww hyuk i hope he doesnt have to suffer all alone and i hope he tells hae. thx for the update! <3
Chapter 14: although i pity hae from being stuck there in the house for not knowing anything, i am more sad for hyukkie because he is facing everything alone. huhu.. i really hope he would tell hae so that hae could at least help protect him. :-(
haeyth #9
Chapter 1: I almost forgot the storyline.. Am reading all over again.