Sports Festival! YEAY! .... But, ZE:A is coming?!

Gang Fights, Complicated Love and Pointless ing! (HIATUS)

~~~~~s P.O.V


I was literally pacing up and down my wonderful bedroom. I can't believe she fooled me again!

thats like the 5th timte this week!! uuurrggghhhh!

So after that WONDERFUL wake up call from Tae-Tae, I ran to my bathroom to do my normal routine- take shower blah blah blah..


after washing up, I got dressed and slipped into my uniform:

-red checkered skirt,

-white long sleve, 

-black tie

-Knee high socks 

and black blazer 

. I did my hair- It was in a side bun tied with a strawberry clip thingy, i had my full bangs.

One last check in the mirror and twisted the doorknob.


I dragged my feet towards the kitchen to make breakfast.

I was making toast with bacon and eggs-American breakfast! ^0^

10 mins later Tae-Tae came into the kitchen with our uniform except for the tie- hers' was red since she's a year younger that me.

She sat down in one of the chairs in our table, looking tired as ever.

She moved her head towards te direction of our GIAGANTIC grandfathers' clock and yawned.... she needs to stop watching anime on her sleeping hours!!

"What anime did you watch last night?" I asked she just rolled her eyes. "How do you even stay awake in school, while you don't even have enough sleep?!"

"I-I sleep in class" she mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

Just then KangMi walked in stretching, with Yurae.

"Good morning!" Yurae greeted everyone in delight.

"Sup!" Tae-Tae answered.

KangMi said nothing.

"Good morning! Right! everyone dig in!" After a few seconds when I said 'Dig in' KangMi and Tae-Tae were already eating! Gosh these girls!

Yurae prayed and thanked God for this wonderful sunny beautiful morning.


After having an american breakfast, we all brushed our teeth and headed for school.

It was only 7:46am and we all walked at a slow pace, school was only 10 more minutes walk to our apartment.


(A/N: Remember!

Teal: KangMi

Red: ~~~~~

Purple: Yurae

Green: HyoTae


"OH SHUGAR!!!" Yurae practically screamed while we walking. People were giving YuYu weird looks....Thats not very nice...

"what now?" KangMi was rolling her eyes at YuYu...

"I-I-I forgot to call m-my boss at work yesterday!!" She was stuttering like how a person would stutter.


"You won't get fired YuYu... the boss likes you.. and besides - its your first time missing out a day of work.."

YuYu lowered her head down like a lost puppy... then her head shot right back up like a bullet with a HUGE smile on her face... soo freepy...

(A/N: FREEPY is 




We carried on walking until we got up to the school gates.

The gates was surrounded by fangirls screaming there fricking heads out!

"OPPAAASSS!!!!" one girl said

" MARRYY ME OPPPAA!!!!" another girl said

" OPPAS! I DONT MIND IF YOU BANG ME!!!!" one girl's face was going pink, because of her screaming.

I mouthed to the other girls *Whats going on?*

Tae-Tae breathed in and then out... *OH NO...*

I smiled.

well this should be good...


Tae-Tae's P.O.V

Breathe in.... and.... out....

 I was preparing my throat for my future scream.

I noticed ~~~~~~ unnie was smiling.

I smirked back at her and she nodded her head.

I should probably tell KangMi and Yurae what I'm about to do next.


They listened and KangMi was smirking....

I mouthed 1 2 3 and signalled ~~~~~,KangMi and Yurae so that they can cover their ears..

They took a few steps back from me....

Just then...


I screamed at the top of my voice that it over ruled the fangirls screams.

I didn't even give a damn to those next to me....They're probbly deaf by now.... which is good...

All of their eyes were on me.

When the realised who I was, they immediately made a path in the middle of their 'Mob of fangirls' spazzing over some dudes.

~~~~~, KangMi and Yurae followed behind me.

One of the girls in the crowd wispered "B*tch."

I turned around and found the girl who said that disugsting word at me.

I instantly gave her daggers and glares and she wimpered.. she was also shaking with nervousness..

I don't have that title for nothing!

'Hwang HyoTae - ranked 5th at the baddest females in Seoul'.


Me and KangMi are ranked in the Best Female Fighter in Seoul.

I'm 2nd. KangMi's 1st.


Me, ~~~~~, KangMi and Yurae went on their separate ways, walked in to their  homerooms.


meanwhile, the girls in the gates were left alone- after seeing their 'oppas'


It's me again ^^ - MinniePancakes = BLUE!

Listening to Mazeltov!



No one's P.O.V


ZE:A escaped to the fangirls thanks to HyoTae. They ran up to the rooftop of the maths building trying to get some fresh air after a tiring run from the fangirls.

"Hyung...who was it who screamed? It nearly burst my eardrums." asked the maknae, Dongjun.

"I dunno who it was but thanks to her we got out of there alive." answered the leader, Junyoung.

"I guess...but it's like one of those voices that you can't get out of your head, it's really weird."

The 9 boys stayed quiet for a while, enjoying the cool, relaxing breeze that passed by their faces, ruffling their hair as it went by. Kevin, the oldest got up after being sat on the concrete floor; bored out of his mind.

"Yah, Kids! Let's play a game!" Even though he was the oldest, he was the one who seemed to enjoy games the most.

"LET'S PLAY NINJA!" Heechul screemed.

"Okay, it's settled. Let's play!" Junyoung said.

The boys got up and started playing to kill time, except Taehun and Minwoo. Taehun was quietly reading an english book called 'Private Peaceful' with his glasses on while Minwoo was remembering the visit he made to Kangmi and the three other girls.

He thought about how the girl he saved went to the school here and her unnie. He wished the other two girls, Hyotae and Kangmi wouldn't show up today. Or else he'll be dead meat because he didn't tell the other members.

He glanced back at Taehun who was quietly reading while making his concentration face, which is a pufferfish face. Taehun was a quiet hyung, but even though he dosen't show it much, inside he has 200% cuteness. He glanced back at the sky, hoping what he wished for would come true.

While the other members were busily playing ninja, Kwanghee, stopped to check up on his two seemingly quite dongsaengs.

"What's up with you two? Youre being awfully quiet today Minwoo. Its kinda scaring me, by now you should be running around screaming how you won the game."

Even though Kwanghee may act like an idiot sometimes, he's the most caring of all.

"Taehun's quiet too..."

"Yeah, but he's normally like that. Now c'mon, you didn't tell me why you were late yesterday either."

Kwanghee kept pestering him until he finally gave up and told him everything. Kwanghee opened his mouth into a perfect O shape, both in shock and happiness that he found his two most favourite female dongsaengs after all these years. But somebody else crept upon his mind.

"Do you know where the third one is?" He asked, hoping that he would say she was in a faraway place where they could never reach her. He was reffering to Park Chohee, the girl that pierced Junyoung's heart deeply.

Minwoo shook his head not bothering to answer. He kept his head down all this time thinking on how he should confront the girls, but of course, he knows that isn't going to be the easiest thing in the world nor is it the hardest.

Kwanghee and Minwoo kept silent just at the thought of the two girls. Meanwhile, while Taehun was reading he was also listening to the whole thing. It reminded him of his gang days, even though he wasn't usually the violent type, when he got angry his strength is seriously no joke. Kinda like a more handsome version of the HULK.

While playing ninja, Siwan noticed the three dead corpses on the floor staring up at the sky relentlessly. He came over and nudged in between Taehun and Kwanghee making it 4 dead corpses.

"So... Why we doing this?"


"HEY! Aren't you going to answer me? Hello?! TAEHUNNIE? KWANGHEE HYUNG? MINWOO!" One thing Siwan hated was being ignored, when he asks a question he expects to be answered immediately.

The four stayed like that until the first bell rung. 



The first bell rung and a herd of screaming girls ran past me, running toward the exit like crazed phycopaths. I rolled my eyes at them and continued walking towards the canteen to meet up with ~~~~~.

"HEY L.JOE! HERE! HERE! HERE!" I ran towards ~~~~~ and the rest of the crew and sat down next to Changjo.

"Are you excited?!" ~~~~~ zoomed up to my face which made me blush until my cheeks were boiling.

"W-hy? What for?"


Me and Changjo nodded our heads slowly, scared and suprised at ~~~~~'s sudden outburst.

"Okay, I'm going to the gym to cheer the girls on. I expect to see you guys there at lunch okay?" 

~~~~~ went to the gym and left me and Changjo at the table.

"Have you noticed how all the girls are freaking out today?" I asked, since I had no idea, I thought girls don't usually freak about sports day...

Do they?

"You seriously need to get more in the know. Their just like that because of the other school, competing. And hey do you have any change for £20? Noone in this school has change nowadays..."

"What other school? And no, sorry dude."

"It's ZE:A and one other dude from senior year, I barely know him, I dont think anybody does."

"DID YOU JUST SAY ZE:A?!?!" I screamed sending confused female heads to turn to me giving me glares and nasties. Girls sure are scary when it comes to boys... (A/N: LOL I AMMMM!~)

"False alarm ladies!" Changjo waved his arms signalling no.

"Did you just say ZE:A?!" I said more quietely this time though.

"Yeah! Why?"

"That former gang that ~~~~~ always talks about remember? I don't think HyoTae or KangMi are gonna be happy about this either! You know how violent those two are."

"OH YEAAAHH! I remember! HA! I can't wait 'til the Sports fest! Those two are probably gonna go all out on winning over those dudes!"

I thought about what Changjo said and remembered last time that HyoTae went 'all out' she bent an iron bar in half. 

Scary right? But I agree. 

It is going to be interesting!







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yummydonut96 #1
update please!<br />
:P<br />
yummydonut96 #2
Awwwh this is on hiatus?!!?! not fair :(
whoa... Byunhyung vs. Jonghyun.. nice!xD :D
When are you going to update? i've been waiting...
kekeIfarted #5
LOL! <br />
@Lovelyxola156 LOL ill change if you want! ^_^ it was the first thing that popped out of my head...sorry!
naomi777 #6
omg they did that to her :O
why am i bang? i wanted to be lee! thanks anyways....<br />
nice short chapter! im looking forward to more
hellokittyluvr143 #8
godd really you dongjun
naomi777 #9
ohh she lost :(
kekeIfarted #10
@ljoeismydaebak LMAO! i knoww!!! thanks for reading!!!! >.<<br />
<br />
@lovelyxola156 too bad she didn't win T_T <br />
ChoHee's past will be revealed soon! (hopefully! XD) <br />
:O lool at your friend! <br />
and yes! chanjo and l.joe both like ~~~~ but l.Joe is not sure.. so he is confused.... !! ^_^<br />
<br />
@naomi777 LOL! yeah... my friend really likes l.joe so i imagined and pictured the whole thing! :))<br />