Awkward Dinner: START! ( Short Chapter )

Gang Fights, Complicated Love and Pointless ing! (HIATUS)

Minwoo POV

I sat at the edge of the table, enjoying the free food that was given to me, I tried not to look at KangMi or HyoTae who didn't seem to mind me at all. But I know Kangmi did. Out of all people I just had to get mixed up with that girl! 

"OKAY! So do you mind telling us how you met our Yurae?"

"I think it's better if he dosen't talk." KangMi snapped. She's still probably cold about the group disbanding thing.

"Aww, why won't you tell us Minwoo? After all, you seem to have already met our KangMi too." Hyotae Teased.

"He knows you too stupid!"

"Ohh! Ohh! Tell me how you met these two!"


"He was in the gang I told you about! Remember Yurae?~"

"OH YEAH! About you and that maknae!"

"Yeah, yeah Yurae shush now!"

"OHH! So this is the famous ZE: A member?"

"Yeah, not really famous more like never have- or never will be famous."

"So how is everybody Minwoo?"

"Uhh, well there isn't as much people as before it's just me, Junyoung, Hyungshik, Siwan, Taehunnie, Kwanghee, Kevin, Heechul and Dong-"

"DONT. Bother saying his name."



"So its just you 9?"


"Still stealing and robbing off your family?"

"Well...not particularly..."

"What then? Killing the elderly?"

"KANGMI! That's enough now."


It all became silent, the only thing that could be heard were he sounds of spoons and forks being scraped against the plates. Seriously, the things I get myself into...

"So, before you go Minwoo, tell us what you do instead of being the gang you usually were."

"Well, our street is usually filled with bad people, that rob, steal and sometimes other people who come across it. We help people like Yurae get out of those situations. That is, if were aware of it."

"Pshh, probably all made up right? You were always a good liar Ha Minwoo."

Kangmi got up and left the table into another room.

"I'll probably get going too. Thanks again, for the dinner girls."

"Nooooo PROBLEM! You're welcome back anytime!"


I left out the door putting my hood up again.

She dosen't believe me?

I'll make her believe that we've changed.

Time for a plan.


KangMi POV

Seriously, that guy thinks he can just come back ater two years and face me like this without a single word? It's not like those guys were helping either.

"Hey sport! How ya doin' after that renunion?" 

HyoTae came in carrying some ice cream and waffles.

"Shut up! You act like he hasn't done anything wrong."

"Well, he hasn't to me...but to you, then yes. He's not my problem the other prick is, as in DJ."

"Yeah, Yeah. Just imagine Dongjun coming in all of a sudden and started acting like nothing happened between you two."

"Hmm...Good point."


We both ate our ice cream in silence, I dont know about Tae but I was thinking about ZE:A all night.


This is more like script than chappie!

Okay so:

Teal: KangMi

Orange: Minwoo

Red: ~~~~~

Purple: Yurae

Green: HyoTae

So enjoy if you can! :) 



~3rd April 20:04~






KangMi's P.O.V

At that night where Minwoo came to our small apartment I started thinking about the group again.

 It was 3 in the morning- i went to the kitchen to grab some chicken and some potatoes.

Then I dragged my feet towards the living room.

A laptop was on..hmmm.....

Beside the laptop- there was a can of sweet corn - with Tae-Tae's LARGE spoon.

I shuffled over to the laptop screen and found a Fairy Tail episode, just then Tae-Tae walked in with shorts and a grey big shirt.

"What are you doing?" Tae glared at me

"WHAT are YOU doing in the laptop at 3 in the morning?!" come on! I may be a b*tch but i care for my bestfriends! She needs to go to sleep! AISHH this girl....

Tae crossed her arms,"Satisfying myself by watching anime, now your turn!" 

I stopped and paused to think. Damn..... OH YEAH! i couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about THEM. Then I came to the kitchen to grab some heavenly food~ ahh~. Then I found a laptop on with Fairy Tail on the screen. Then Tae came out.







"well?" she broke the silence.

"Well.... I couldn't sleep so I went to the Kitchen to grab some food. I noticed a laptop was on then you came out."

She walked over me and dragged my arm towards our comfy black leathery couch.

"Who were you thinking about?" we sat down in the leather cold couch and started talking.

"N-No One!!"

Tae did that I-Know-who-you-were-thinking-about-so-don't-even-think-that-I-don't-know-dude stare.

It's like she knows straight away what your thinking if, look you over to her brown eyes.

I looked away from her stare. Gooshh! this girl knows me too much! Well duh! We're like childhood friends.

"ZE:A?" She used her calming voice that noone knows about.

It felt good being the only one knowing about Tae's OTHER SIDE -her very caring side.

She only uses that voice when noone's around and either my mind is in a complete mess - a.k.a I can't think straight.

"Unnie... I know you still have grudges but please, go to sleep. I know its hard but you need fricking rest! It's gonna be the sports festival tomorrow-well not actually tomorrow but later... AnyWays! go to sleep!!" she pushed my back out of the living room and into my blue bedroom.




I need to sleep... Tae was right....




I yawned and layed on my super comfy bed. I buried my face over my duvet, and wispered "umma, appa- where are you when I need you the most?".  I sobbed quietly.

I felt my eyelids drop.

Soon I drifted off to sleep




.               Tae-Tae's P.O.V

It was finally 6:30 am. I was watching anime like I normally do at 1am till 6:30.

When the clock striked at 6:30 I woke up ~~~~~~ unnie first.

I opened ~~~~~~'s door.

Tip toeing quietly, I squatted down next to her white bedside drawer.

Lightly nudging her and saying "unnie" for gazillions of times, ~~~~~~~ finally woke up.

"What time is it Tae?" ~~~~~ asked while rubbing her eyes.

... *light bulb on top of my head lights up!*

I had the Urged to fool unnie again. My last prank was , by waking her up- I ran to her room screaming "AHHHHH!!! ~~~~!!! THE HOUSE IS ON FIREE!"

Then she legged it out of the door, outside, 4 in the morning, freezing cold. The look on her face.... WAS PRICELESS!! BUAHAAHAAHAHAH!!

But then ~~~~~ forgave me since i was a 'kidd' with a very bad influenced mind. Good times...

Hmmmmm..... I wanted unnie to panic....AGAIN...

shes sooo funny when she panics. anyways, i told her it was "8:16am... why?"

*1...2....3... let the panicing begin! ^_^*


~~~~~'s eyes shot wide open "WHATT!!!!!?!?!!!!" She ran towards her gigantic white clock and grabbed it. I couldn't help myself laughing!!!




Heey guys!! Its KEKE here! ^_^ soo sorry adding only a tiny bit of the story!! GOMEN!!

Its like 11:47pm here and I really needs some shut eye...


hope you understand!! ^_^

Kamsahamnida~ <3

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yummydonut96 #1
update please!<br />
:P<br />
yummydonut96 #2
Awwwh this is on hiatus?!!?! not fair :(
whoa... Byunhyung vs. Jonghyun.. nice!xD :D
When are you going to update? i've been waiting...
kekeIfarted #5
LOL! <br />
@Lovelyxola156 LOL ill change if you want! ^_^ it was the first thing that popped out of my head...sorry!
naomi777 #6
omg they did that to her :O
why am i bang? i wanted to be lee! thanks anyways....<br />
nice short chapter! im looking forward to more
hellokittyluvr143 #8
godd really you dongjun
naomi777 #9
ohh she lost :(
kekeIfarted #10
@ljoeismydaebak LMAO! i knoww!!! thanks for reading!!!! >.<<br />
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@lovelyxola156 too bad she didn't win T_T <br />
ChoHee's past will be revealed soon! (hopefully! XD) <br />
:O lool at your friend! <br />
and yes! chanjo and l.joe both like ~~~~ but l.Joe is not sure.. so he is confused.... !! ^_^<br />
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@naomi777 LOL! yeah... my friend really likes l.joe so i imagined and pictured the whole thing! :))<br />