What happens in the past... STAYS in the past! (Part 2!)

Gang Fights, Complicated Love and Pointless ing! (HIATUS)

~~~~~'s P.O.V





I Forgot my test! Damn! And its one of those BIG test that are reaaallly important!

okay... so... DONT PANIC!

i flipped my watch and it read  ... 9:57!

Class starts at 10!I ran as fast as i could to my next class...

DAMN! please i hope im not late!


L.Joe's P.O.V

Where is ~~~~~?

Did she forget that we had a test?

Mr. Jang was handing out our test papers. The class moaned (ITS NOT THE Y WAY!!) 

Just then i noticed ~~~~ racing for the door!

"Sor-ry I'm late- Sir!" She panted. Did she run all the way around  the campus?

Mr.Jang sighed. " Its okay ~~~~, I know its been a while since you've been here in this school ~~~~~ but what's your reason for being late?"

The whole class stared at her.

"I had to take my friend to the Nurse's office because she cut her thigh -" HyoTae? i thought.

"-And also i didn't know where this room was, so i was trying to look all over the school,and found this room."

Everyone had there mouths' open! so did the teacher!


She ran around the school! The nurses office is near the gates... and this science block is like at the back of the school... woah... she sure is interesting..

"Since you made the effort to come here on time, i wont put it on the school record of you being late.....Who was your friend that cut  her thigh?" he questioned her.

"Umm.. It's Hwang HyoTae" she replied.

Everyone gasped and started wispering.... "She back on? With... Lee KangMi? I Thought they quit?"

Quit on ... what?

"Settle Down class! we dont have much time on this test. ~~~~ please go sit next to L.Joe." The teacher fixed his glasses and went back on his neat desk.

She ran to the seat next to me while everyone else was filling out their details. 

"Hey." she wispered.

"Hi. Who's Lee KangMi?" i mentally face-palmed myself for wispering that!

"Umm.. I'll tell you about it in lunch" She grabbed a pen out of her flowery back and started writing.

"You have 1hr and 30minutes on this test. Good luck." Mr Jang sat down on his comfy chair and leaned in his desk, to mark some homework. 

------------ 1hr and 30mins later------------

~~~~~~~'s P.O.V


"Ok! I'll collect you test papers near the door!" The teacher started walking up to the door and students were heading out  side and  giving their test papers in.

Finally!! DONE!!! I walked out of the classroom and started heading to the canteen. I kinda know my way around this school now.

L.Joe tapped my shoulder "So do you know who Lee KangMi is? Alot of people have been talking about them, with Hwang Hyotae."

WHATT??!?! people have been talking about them?!!? OMG IM SOOO GONNA PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE!

"Yeah! You've met them before havent you? they were there, the first day i enrolled to this school."

His brown orbs widened. Aww he is so cute...

"I'll you my past in the canteen okay? Remember we made a deal.."


We were walking home from school. 

"Can I ask you something?" L.Joe asked

"Okay! what?"

"How did you meet your friends? The 3 girls? They seem to be around you quite alot..."


i got a tray in the canteen and started to grab a pasta salad kinda thing.

i payed my lunch and so did L.Joe.

We sat on a table near the bcak where it wasnt over crowded.

He started munching on a french fry. "so who do you want to know about first?"

"umm lets see.... Hyotae."

"Araso.. well it was when..."








"It was when she was in a gang..."

"A gang?" His eyes windened a bit at the sentence that I just uttered. 

"Yeah...Have you ever heard of ZE; A? Well Kangmi and her were in that for as long 5 years..."

"Wait, KangMi was in the gang too? And for 5 YEARS!? No wonder they've got such bad tempers..."

"We'll talk about KangMi later!"

"Okay, okay...go on. Continue!"

He urged me too go on, despite my grumbling stomach beckoning for food, I ignored it.


"Well, she did what a typical gang member would, she fought, she stole, she beat up people and that was practicaly her life for 5 years... Except when one of the group members' parents found out about the gang and reported the police. Everyone was disbanded, well, they say that nine members are still around in Seoul somewhere... Anyway, after they got found out, each and every one of them got a criminal record... but since HyoTae was so agitated that her only meaning of life was taken away she got sent to..."

"To...? C'mon ~~~~~ this was just getting good! It's like listening to a drama plot!"

"Well, basically...she got sent to rehab...Oh and she was on the TOP TEN list of baddest females in Seoul along with KangMi"



"Ohh, sorry...is there more?"

"Yup! When she got sent out of rehab she wandered the streets of Seoul until I took her in and put a roof over her head. I know, I know I'm an amazing kind hearted person..."

"Yeah, modest too."

I kicked him under the table for oh so obvious sarcasm...

"Okay! Can I eat now?"


"NO NO! Not yet! I still haven't heard about KangMi yet!"

I helplessly put my hotdog down and began telling him KangMi's past.

( I'll continue tommrw sheebba... tired TT - TT 27 th March )

( I'm BACK!~ 29th March BAYBAYYYY! )

"Fine, fine. Why do you wanna know anyways? You seem so eager. . . It's kinda pedo-ish. . ." 

KEKE! I love messing with this guy! He just never bothers to fight back or do anything else! 


"What the hell ~~~~~?! It's merely because I barely know ANYTHING about them and they seem to be around you everyday . . so might as well!" 

Pssh, he's ing on my dongsaengs! ADMIT IT YOU PEDOBEAR IN DISGIUSE!!! But. . . now that I think of it I never told him anything about them or even bring it up. . .guess he has a right to know. 

"Yeah, whatever. *COUGH* Pedo. *COUGH*" 

"GEEZ! Just carry on." 

"Okay, okay. Well, like HyoTae she was in ZE: A and stayed there for five years as well. And. . . since your one of my closest friends I'll tell you this one thing she dosent want anyone to know. She used to smoke and-" 

L.Joe POV 

And since your one of my closest friends. 

I couldn't help but smile at what she just said I couldn't help but- Woah, what?!?! 

"WOAH! WOAH! Smoke?! That's. . . well. . . She dosent look like the one to smoke. . . I mean she hasn't got yellow teeth or nothing." 

KangMi looked too innocent to, well maybe not innocent but- Innocent but tainted? Anyway she's still too young to smoke, so ah must've illegally smoked. 


(A/N: :O )

"Idiot. Let me finish! ( So I can eat! ) As I was saying she USED to smoke. She stopped after about 2 months. I also took her in when I took HyoTae in. She was violent, she was hot tempered, well she still is. She's also got a habit of just making fun of people and she's got a really weird obsession about potatoes and chicken. So does HyoTae about chicken in general those two are like food worshippers ( XD ). I swear me and YuYu are the only sane ones in our house! You should see their room! KFC buckets hanging around EVERYWHERE! But YuYu has got a thing for ice cream. . . Explains why she works in an ice cream shop. And don't even get me started on how they sleep!" 

"I won't. You really have to stop getting off the point like that, it's how you failed your English test!" 

"Psh. The teacher was just asking too many questions. Anyway, that's all about it for Kangmi. Alright who's next?" 

"But. . . Tell me one thing, why does she hate teachers so much? She's always dissing her elders. . . Mostly me. . ." 

"Maybe she dosent like you?" 

Yeah, I already know that. . . TT - TT 

~~~~~ POV 

"I know she dosen't like me." 

"Yeah, yeah I know too. She tells me how I shouldn't hang around you because your too much of a nerd." 

I don't listen to her of course. 

"I know that too. She tells me that everyday, but that still dosen't answer my question." 

I sighed, I guess I had to tell him, since he practically forced me too.

"Well, when KangMi was about 8 her parents left her to who-knows-where. She had to live with her grandparents but soon enough her grandad died three years later, her grandmother was now unfit to look after her. She was too frustrated and refused to go to a foster home so she had to run away for her own sake. That's when she joined ZE: A. She's had a tough life so far, so she dosent tell anybody anything anymore."

( LOL. Loads of any's )

"Ohh, I never knew the girls had it so tough." 

( Not like that dude...not like that... )

I sighed again, it felt wrong telling L.Joe my dongsaengs secrets but he's my best friend! 

"Hey dudes and duddettes!"

( Lame way to describe females! )

I looked up and saw Changjo walking toward us with that hobo grin on his face. 

I waved him over and offered him a seat. 

"Hey dancing boy, come here sit down. I was just telling L.Joe about the girls." 

"Ohh, the past thingy? I had to go through that too dude. It's pretty depressing."

Changjo had the same curiousity as L.Joe, when I first met him he nagged me to tell them about the girls that were living with me. 

"Yeah, I know. Where were we? Yurae?"



L.Joe's P.O.V

"Yurae. She was an orphan. She didn't know who or where her parents are right now."

That must be sad not knowing who your mom or dad is, and where abouts they are...

"But once she had an a-accident..."

~~~~ stuttered after saying that word... She must find it hard saying these things to me.

"After I found her and put a roof over head, I spent weeks, even months trying to find her foster home so that I could find her parents and know what happened to her. Gwanju foster care (A/N: I just made that place up! I own that! HA! :P..... okayy... moving on...). I went inside I got hold a file about her. As i flipped through the pages there was an accident report -with her name on it. Apparently when she was 12 and still living in the foster home, Yurae was coming from school. She was shocked devastated when her grandma died of lung cancer. Yurae crossed the road-but before that she checked if there was any cars, and started walking slowly and she stopped-"

~~~~~ was tearing up... was it that bad?

"-she got run over by a drunk driver who was speeding!"

I was shocked.

"And because of that, she had amnesia. She couldn't remebering anything... and thats why she lived in the streets..."

~~~~ wiped her tears and quickly ate her food.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She let out a small reassuring smile.

Gosh... I'm MELTING!

Her smile kills me! 

"What's her hobby?" I asked  

"Why do you wanna know that?!" She questioned

"I wanna know if she beats people up!" 

She started giggling! Cute!

Changjo was smiling... 

~~~~~ calmed down after what I said.

"Well... she's a prodigy at computers.... she can hack in to any file..I MEAN ANY!"

 I winced when she said any.....O_O (<------ YOU KNOW WE DON'T ALLOW ANY SMILIES!- Pancakes D: )




-By MinniePancakes and kekeIfarted-


~30th March~

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yummydonut96 #1
update please!<br />
:P<br />
yummydonut96 #2
Awwwh this is on hiatus?!!?! not fair :(
whoa... Byunhyung vs. Jonghyun.. nice!xD :D
When are you going to update? i've been waiting...
kekeIfarted #5
LOL! <br />
@Lovelyxola156 LOL ill change if you want! ^_^ it was the first thing that popped out of my head...sorry!
naomi777 #6
omg they did that to her :O
why am i bang? i wanted to be lee! thanks anyways....<br />
nice short chapter! im looking forward to more
hellokittyluvr143 #8
godd really you dongjun
naomi777 #9
ohh she lost :(
kekeIfarted #10
@ljoeismydaebak LMAO! i knoww!!! thanks for reading!!!! >.<<br />
<br />
@lovelyxola156 too bad she didn't win T_T <br />
ChoHee's past will be revealed soon! (hopefully! XD) <br />
:O lool at your friend! <br />
and yes! chanjo and l.joe both like ~~~~ but l.Joe is not sure.. so he is confused.... !! ^_^<br />
<br />
@naomi777 LOL! yeah... my friend really likes l.joe so i imagined and pictured the whole thing! :))<br />