The Return Of The Empire Boys... Well, One Of Them...

Gang Fights, Complicated Love and Pointless ing! (HIATUS)

Yurae POV

The bell finally rung and everyone jumped up from their seats and ran for the exit anticipating the weekend. As for me, the weekend dosen't start at 3:30 at a friday afternoon, it starts after work at 7:45. You may think having a job is all work and no fun but for me it's like my own personal heaven!

I work part- time at an ice cream shop and yes, IT MEANS FREE ICE CREAM! Even though most of it is finished by Tae and Mi...

I took a shortcut this time, seeing that it would be easier.

I happily walked to the ice cream skipping while humming to Infinite's song Nothing's Over...when I saw an unfamiliar figure approaching me....

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing clearly, and no, I wasn't...

The figure had disappeared from my sight. Creepy! Really Creepy!

I quickened my steps as I was nearing the Ice cream shop. I felt like light tiptoeing was going on behind me, as I walked faster so did the steps that were following me.

When did this turn into a bad horror movie?!?

By the time I was halfway to the shop, I rested on the bench that was conviniently by the side of the street. I sat down, trying ot relieve myself that nothing was there and nothing happened...

All so I thought, as I was about to get up I felt a big, dirty hand placed upon my shoulder. At that moment I had no idea what to do. I felt my cheeks redden and my head get warmer, I wished that Tae or Mi were here so either of them can kick this guys *ahem* behind...

The 'stranger' suddenly covered my eyes, through natural instincts Tae would've probably kick they guy in the nuts by now, but me... I just screamed my little head off. At that moment he covered my mouth too.













I started mumbling random words to at least catch one person's attention, but that just made him grip my face even tighter. AHH! IT HURTS!

He muffled my cry and released his other hand from my eyes, he held my arms back with his suprisingly strong hands. Is this...B-B-BURGLARY!?!?

The thought of being mugged made my head even warmer, I wiggled and struggled to escape his grasp and run away as far as possible.

Geez, where's my bodyguards when I need them? I never had trouble going to work before! Why does everybody target young school girls? Do I look that vulnerable?

( Continue later TIME TOO EAAATTTT!!! - MinniePancakes )

( KAY IM BACK!~ YUMMY Roast Potatoes! )

I saw him go for my backpack, he grabbed it and ran away pretty quickly glancing back at me making that dirty smirk that es make.

Goodness, there's some horrible people in this world!

I've never had trouble going to work before and this is the first time I've experienced this... It's quite a petryfying feeling, having your belongings being taken away by the matter of 15 minutes.

I felt a hot tear trickling down my now- gloomy face. I watched as the burglar ran away, laughing evilly, making stupid hand movements, being tackled down by a stranger, him fighting back, the stranger hitting him...?

I squinted my eyes to see what was happening. A tall dark figure was vigurously hitting him non- stop, punch after punch the pedo held it in until the stranger finally did a side kick sending him flying to the other side of the street, wincing at the sudden man's attack.


I ran over to where the mysterious man was and bowed at him, I mean all-the-way-down-to-the-wet-concrete-floor down.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I tried to sound as greatful as possible.

"C'mon, get up. You're making a fool out of yourself." He grabbed my hand and easily pulled me up from the cold ground and dusted me off. What a nice ahjussi! 

"Just don't get yourself into anymore trouble girlie. The streets of Seoul is no place for a pre-schooler to be roaming around after school. You should know that this street is nicknamed 'Pickpocketter's Tranquil', It's not named that for nothing."

 Okay, maybe not...His voice changed, it became more appa-ish, cold and disciplined. AND HEY IM NOT A PRESCHOOLER!

"HEY! I'm old enough to work! I never went down this way before, so I didn't know I would get mugged!"

I should just take the normal way next time...

"Well, make sure not to do it again. Now, go on run to your mommy and daddy, I'm sure their worrying about you."

Yeah, I wish...

"For your information, I don't have any parents."

He paused for a bit before answering me again.

"So... you're like me then?"


"Whatever, just go home or something." He was walking away in a bad boy attitude, putting his hood up so noone can see his face.

"WAIT! I DIDN'T GET YOUR NAME!" I shouted at him, which made him stop and look back.

"And, why do you wanna know?" He stared at me blankly, taking his hood of, revealing his badboy smirk.

"Well, I want to know..."

"It's...Minwoo...Ha Minwoo, now you know. So dont bother me again." He started walking away in that badboy manner of his.

"WAIT!" I stopped him again, trying to find the right time to ask him...


"It's ok, I won't ask now. Since your mad at me."

I started walking away, hoping my almighty trick would work on him. I've been using this trick since I was with halmuni, so now I'm a master at it!

"OKAY! Fine! What then?"

"Where are you going Minwoo?"

"What? Why?!"

"Just wanna know."

"Well, I'll just be roaming around the streets for a couple of hours and it again I suppose."

"Aren't you going back home?"

"No. I have no home. Doing this just kills my time."

"Oh, then, would you like to have dinner with us? It's the least I could do for you, since you got my backpack back."

"R-really? Well maybe- Wait. I'm suppose to be on night watch tonight. I can't go anywhere."

"You can go for a break can't you? C'mon! Im not taking no for an answer."

I didn't bother to let him reply and just dragged him to the apartment.

"W-wait..I didn't...I-Im not suppose too be leaving! I don't take offers from random strangers!"

"One hour wouldn't hurt! My unnie's making curry tonight! YUM! And it's ok, my roommates won't mind!

"CURRY?! *ahem* Well, maybe an hour or two wouldn't hurt...and...roommates? Theyre probably going to scold you for this."

"YAAY! Now c'mon walk faster! I'm sure they won't mind and ~~~~~ unnie always makes too much for us too eat anyway."


Minwoo POV

She started dragging me away pulling and tugging on my arm like I was some kind of rag doll. Why did I even agree to this?! Gosh, curry, why do you have to tempt me? Junyoung is gonna hunt me down like a wild boar and kill me there and then. Aish, this girl is so pushy! 

"Yah! Mind letting your oppa go now? He needs to do his job before lounging around preschoolers houses."

She paused before turning around at looked at me with an intimidating gaze.

"I said I wasn't going to take no for an answer. The least I could do is invite you over to dinner! You saved me back there. And oppa? How old are you? You look the same age as me. C'mon keep walking the curry's gonna get cold."

She dragged me again, I looked at her, throwing her a confused look. The more I looked at her, her uniform seemed more familiar to me. Red tie, red checkered skirt, black blazer with a schools badge on it...

"W-what are you looking at?"

"H-huh? Oh, it's not what you think! It's just your uniform seems familiar..."

"Oh... Do you go to Nopeun Seungchwi highschool? I've never seen you before..."

"Yeah I do, school. So many brainboxes that only care about books and learning. It's like a death trap."

"It's not that bad! I go there since ~~~~~ unnie goes there. And what year are you in? I've seriously never seen you before."

"I'm in my second year of being a senior, so I'm 19. What are you? 12?"

"Im 17 as a matter of factly! And do you hide under a rock or something at school!?"

"I've never come across any 17 year olds who talk like you. And I only show up for registration and then skip for an hour and probably come back at afternoon lesssons. Probably why you don't see me."

"Ah, okay..."

The rest of the walk was awkward and quiet. At least she wasn't dragging me anymore.
She took big steps in front of me while I was following her from behind. Does this make me look like a stalker?
We came across a big building covered in hundreds of windows and terraces. Does she live here? Well, its not much, but at least she's got somewhere to stay unlike me. I put my hood up just in case noone who knew me would notice me.
This is risky, buy I'll do it for the curry! 

She opened the door and put in the passcode for one of those key pad thingies.
The inner door opened and we entered the escalator. Again, awkward and quiet.
But it seemed like I could smell the curry from here...
The smell engulfed me as I was soon drifting off to some kind of dream land...
"Here we are!" she spread her arms as wide as she can, as she opened the door to a small apartment. It was really small but it looked cozy.
"Just sit down there and I'll get the unnie's over so we can have dinner."
I sat down on the 4 seater leather couch as she went away into some other room.
YOUR TURN KEKE!  I can't be asked to do anymore...just write about how they found out minwoo was in their house.
Fine... I'll continue since you didn't reply TT- TT
-Still MinniePancakes-
I've got to say they've got quite a nice house!
I got up and somehow got myself into the kitchen where a big pot of boiling hot curry was placed...I couldn't help but approach it and inhale the enchanting aroma. I AM GONNA EAT YOU LIKE THERE'S NO TOMMOROW!
I heard footsteps coming in from the other room that girl went to, I panicked and sat down on the counter, I didnt want her to think that I was smelling their curry, it'll be a little freeloader-ish. Little did I know that the counter was wet so I nearly fell out from the window.
I did a chinup and climbed back in, I was halfway in when a short girl with a baggy shirt and short-shorts and red tip highlights came in rubbing her hair with a towel.
She looked up and stared at me with her big brown eyes that neraly made me fall back out of the window, I stared at her for a while before she dropped her towel and screamed, "OH MY ING GOD! A BURGLAR! KANGMI GET THE BASEBALL BAT! ~~~~~! YURAE! GET YOUR ASSESS OVER HERE!"
"No! No! I'm not a burglar! I just-"
Before I could explain, she ran up to me with a rolling pin in both her hands I jumped in the kitchen and ducked down everytime she tried to hit me with it.
"WHAT BURGLAR?!" The other girl came in with pepper spray in her hand almost ready to spray it at me. She looked at me and sighed before putting the spray down and took the rolling pin from the short girls' hand.
"Tae- Tae, this is the guy that got my backpack back when I got burgled while going to work. I invited him for dinner."
"WHAT?! WHY?! You invited a stranger over to our home?"
"He has a name! And he had no where else to go, so I could've at least have him something to eat before he goes again!"
I watched the two argue for at least 2 minutes and it went on for another 5.
"U-umm, I can just go if you want..."
"What's all the yelling about?!"
A petite girl with shoulder length hair stepped into the kitchen wearing an apron.
"Unnie, this is the guy that got me my backpack back, I invited him over for dinner."
"OHH! So this is the guy? Just wait 15 minutes for it too cool down!"
"Are you seriously going to let this huy stay here?!"
"There's no harm in it! He helped our Yurae anyway."
She lead me to the living room where I saw another girl with a towel on her head drying it furiously while sitting down on a chair. Okay, so 4 girls sharing an apartment... If anyone sees me now for sure they'll think im a stalker or some kind of pedo!
KangMi POV
Stupid shower. Has no hot water. Made me ing cold.
I sat down on the chair that was nearest to me and dried my hair with my towel. Brrr! It's still cold!
I took my towel off and saw a not so familiar figure sitting on our couch. Hood up. Arms spread across the top of the couch and legs crossed like some kind of badman. I approached him/her/it
and tapped him/her/it on the shoulder him/her/it turned around and yeah, I kinda figured out it was him...
"Uhh... Can I help you?"
"Yeah, what the hell are you doing in our house?"
He stood up and took his hood off and- HOLY MOLY MACARONI!!!!
"Y-you...w-why the are you here for?"
Minwoo POV
"Y-you...w-why the are you here for?"
I stared at her in disbelief... does this person know me? I looked at her more closely as she backed away from me. Mid-length hair, brown, hazel eyes and very short in height...No way...So the other person must be...OMFG! GJIDIPOJDIPOJIGHUIHGRIUGHIGUNIJOQPIEWIRPOQKI!
*Random Flashback Moments*
"Hey guys these are our two new members. HyoTae and KangMi. Welcome and treat them like there our own from now on."
The day I met her.
"Is this how you punch Minwoo?"
"Yeah! That's it! Your getting it KangMi! And mind calling me oppa for a change?"
"Not likely."
"Arrasso. Just keep practicing and use your knuckles like this."
The day I taught her how to fight.
"KangMi your breath smells horrible!"
"Duh. It's the tabacco."
"You should stop you know, your still young so this is illegal."
"Yeah, and stealing from passerby's is too, but I don't see you stopping."
"Fine. You got me."
The day she first smoked.
"What did you steal this time Minwoo?"
"I stole David's motorcycle."
"Who? Your stepdad?"
"Yeah, I'd rather not call him that."
"I might try it some time. Stealing."
The day she decided to steal.
"Hey Minwoo."
"Still not calling me oppa?"
"Not in your life. Hey, can I ask you something?"
"Yup. Anything."
"Were not going to disband...are we?"
"We'd probably be old and grey before that happens."
"I hope so."
The day I lied to her.
*Random Flashback Moments End*
A random flood of images ran through my head, all of when I met Kangmi...
Kangmi POV
"K-K-Kangmi?" He still manages to utter my name after all these years, even though I wish he didn't.
"I-I just came..too uh..." 
HyoTae came in carrying 5 rice bowls tightly in her hands, she saw me clenching my fists and came up to putting the rice down and put my fists down as well.
"This guys just here because he apparently helped Yurae, dont worry he's not a burglar or nothing."
"Why? Do we know him from somewhere?"
OMG Tae...
"I'll give you a hint. PRICK."
"He dosen't look like Dongjun..."
"Yeah. Now hurry up and kick him out."
"Woah, woah, woah, woah! This guy is staying for dinner whether you like it or not!"
"No BUTS! Kangmi-"
Seriously this kid isn't taking this in seriously, he's just lucky that I cant attack him when my unnies here.
We all sat down on the table, which only had four seats so he had to sit at the edge next to Yurae.
Let the awkward dinner begin.
Thank you kekeIfarted for letting me do a chapter all by myself... TT - TT
And do you mind if I just do a short chapter about their dinner then you can do yours ^^
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yummydonut96 #1
update please!<br />
:P<br />
yummydonut96 #2
Awwwh this is on hiatus?!!?! not fair :(
whoa... Byunhyung vs. Jonghyun.. nice!xD :D
When are you going to update? i've been waiting...
kekeIfarted #5
LOL! <br />
@Lovelyxola156 LOL ill change if you want! ^_^ it was the first thing that popped out of my head...sorry!
naomi777 #6
omg they did that to her :O
why am i bang? i wanted to be lee! thanks anyways....<br />
nice short chapter! im looking forward to more
hellokittyluvr143 #8
godd really you dongjun
naomi777 #9
ohh she lost :(
kekeIfarted #10
@ljoeismydaebak LMAO! i knoww!!! thanks for reading!!!! >.<<br />
<br />
@lovelyxola156 too bad she didn't win T_T <br />
ChoHee's past will be revealed soon! (hopefully! XD) <br />
:O lool at your friend! <br />
and yes! chanjo and l.joe both like ~~~~ but l.Joe is not sure.. so he is confused.... !! ^_^<br />
<br />
@naomi777 LOL! yeah... my friend really likes l.joe so i imagined and pictured the whole thing! :))<br />