
Who Can Win My UNBREAKABLE Heart?

A/N: Hello! Im back from my trip! Thank you for being so very patient with me! Luv you all and enjoy this chappie! I'm also trying to keep writing in present tense... I keep on changing tenses. :L



I trudge my way to school unwillingly, my footprints leaving deep tracks in the snow. As I near the school gates, I spot HyeJin, looking out for someone, who I guess would be me. And I knew exactly what she wanted to know about. She turns her back to me, and I take that chance to enter from the side gates. I chuckle quietly to myself, seeing that HyeJin doesn't notice. After making sure I am well hidden behind the school building, I check the coast for Sehun. I really am not in the mood to see him and is really delighted to find him out of sight. I walk slowly and comfortably, but bump into someone.

"Oh hi _____." Luhan greets me cheerily. I nod and is about to walk off when Luhan tells me that Sehun would be waiting for me at the back of the school after school hours. I smirk.

I probably shouldn't go. 

I shrug and shuffle away. 

By the time I arrive at homeroom, my legs are freezing with cold, even though I am wearing long black socks. I let out a sigh, air vapours escaping my mouth. Suddenly, I topple over as somebody tackles me to the floor.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I am dying to know about the you-know-what." HyeJin practically screams in my ear. The teacher glares and scowls at both of us, and sends us out of the classroom. We both erupt into laughter once we're out of the classroom. HyeJin wipes away tears and then looks at me, demanding a full reccount of yesterday. 

"Aw do I have to?" I say with a pleading tone creeping into my voice. I give her my puppy eyes, which only she has ever seen, besides my family. HyeJin caves in and rolls her eyes.

"Fine, you don't have to tell me." I smirk in sastification. 


I stand staring at the back of the school, wondering whether I should go to Sehun or not. I mean, it's not like he will actually be there, right? I shrug and walk to my empty house. As I arrive home, I dump my bag in my room, before changing into warm casual clothing and eating instant noodles while lounging in the living room. After about 1 hour and a half, I begin to wonder if Sehun is still behnd the school, waiting faithfully and patiently. Eventually curiousity gets the better of me and I head out to the school. I arrive at the school casually, and immediately facepalm, seeing that Sehun still there, stomping his feet to keep out the cold. 

"Aigoo... SEHUN! WHAT THE HELL!?" I yell at him. His hand snaps up and a thin smile spreads on his blue lips. 

"So you came here for me?" He manages to whisper. Guilt began eating me up, starting to gnaw at my ice cold heart. 

"No. I came here to... Get assignment papers." I lie through my teeth. Being Sehun, he shrugs and decides to follow me into the building. I went to the office and ask for a random assignment paper, before leaving, Sehun still trailing queitly behind me. I suddenly notice that it was a bit to quiet for Sehun. I turn and see him, face pale, blue lips and sweating. I growl softly and drag him to my house. Sehun doesn't seem to realise, only semi-concious to the world. I force him down onto the couch, just in time before he faints. 

Thank god no-ones home...

I stare at his face for a moment, deciding to take care of him, even though I'm supposed to be cold. I really don't want a sick guy in my house, especially when he looks like he's gonna die. I collect a bowl filled with cold water and a wash cloth as well as medication and a cup of water. Gently, I begin patting his face with the damp cloth. The front door clicks open and slams shut. I wince at the noise and find my umma staring at me curiously. I felt myself turning bright red. 

"Here, he's got a cold. You can take care of him. I'll make dinner instead." I dump the cloth in her hands, while she grins wildly, sorta scaring me. She probably thinks Sehun's my new boyfriend or something. And that I've recovered from last time. Well, you're wrong umma. Sorry. I pick up the knife and chop vegetables, planning on creating a simple soup and rice. 

I step back and place my hands on my hips, before knocking my head against the wall.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." The soup is fine, but I burnt the rice, letting it over cook. And they were the only ones left in the house. Umma comes in to investigate the racket I am causing. She spots the rice and hands me a bowl of chicken. 

"Don't burn the chicken. And by the way, Sehun is concious again. I sent him up to take a shower. And he's going to eat with us." Umma informs me while heading back to the living room. I almost drop the bowl. I smack my head against the wall one more time, and then cook the chicken. I set the table.

UMMA! Why on earth did you invite Sehun to dinner?

I scream loudly in my head.


The noise startles me, and I hurry into the living room. A loud gasp emmits from my mouth. Umma is lying on the ground, with the bookcase on top of her, books scattered everywhere, umma's fine brown hair spread around her like an island. I dash for the phone just as Sehun comes down. I choke everything out to the operator and he tells me that they'll be there fast. Fast isn't good enough for me. Devastation spreads through out me. I fling open the front door as the emergency officers arrive. I watch them take away umma, the pressure for tears forming and growing stronger. One of the officers offers to take me to the hospital so I could hear the report of umma's condition later. I accept. I tell Sehun to look after the house and wait for appa to come home. As we drive off, I watch Sehun still standing by the front door, watching the car disappear around the corner. 


9:38pm. And I'm still sitting, waiting, waiting for umma's report. The doctor arrives.

"Ahem. Miss _______, your umma is fine, in a stable condition. She has only broken her tailbone. She will be discharged within a few days. You may go home now." I give the doctor a small bow, and take the bus home. As the bus pulls up by my house, I see a grim looking Sehun. He catches my hand as I walk past.

"Your dad... He's at the hospital... He was involved in a car crash." He whispers. That was it. Sehun's words trigger the tears, charging themselves from my eyes. 

"It's all your fault! You just have to come along and ruin my life! I hate you!" The words burst out of my mouth in my anger. I don't care whether he is still sick or not, I'm only thinking about my poor parents. Sehun flinches and steps back. 

"I'm sorry..." He says sincerely. I only stomp my way into the house, slamming the door in Sehun's face. I fly up the stairs and bury myself underneath the covers of my blanket, crying my heart out. 

Everything is ruined.

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lol. i dont need a man~ chincha?! lol did u base it off that or created it by scratch? cos thts smart man XDD
Chapter 4: wahhh.. updating so much! cant wait to see whats gunna happen next!!