I bet...

Who Can Win My UNBREAKABLE Heart?

"No." I rejected yet another guy. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, getting me even more annoyed. I turned around.

"N-O. I will not go out-- EW!" I exclaimed as I realised it was HyeJin who I was talking to, not some other guy I didn't know. HyeJin stared at me, shocked. 

"Hey, its not my fault." I said and walked to homeroom, leaving HyeJin dumbfounded. I still had no idea why guys were asking me out. HeyJin suddenly rushed to my side, panting. 

"I --gulp-- found out why/the reason... It's cause you rejected Kai. Now every dude wants to try and see who can win your heart." I gasped. 

Are you serious!?

"Fine then. But I don't care. I'm probably going to reject every guy soon. I can wait." I said, sticking to my rules. I stomped off. I saw Sehun eyes follow my every move. I didn't care. At the moment, I was too determined to make sure I won't fall in love. I slumped into my seat. 

"Ugh..." I uttered, and started to consider writing "TAKEN" on my forehead. 


I scribbled notes messily into my science book, revising for exams. I dropped the pencil and breathed in and out (Lol, I'm listening to Breath by B2ST atm), relaxing for a moment. I heard footsteps thud against the ground and looked up to see who was coming. I only saw Sehun, and started to write again without greeting him. 

"Hi ______." Sehun peered over my arm to see what I was writing. I nodded in reply to his greeting. I switched the pencil to my left hand. 

"Are you both handed? That's impressive." Sehun smiled. I looked at him for a moment, and gave him a small smile. He seemed surprised at my reaction, but remained silent, smiling to himself.

"Thanks." I muttered, eyes scanning over the page one more time. I slammed my book shut in content, sastified with my efforts. I leaned my head back against the wall and sighed. 

"So, can you tell me more about your story...?" Sehun asked out of the blue. I stared at him.

"What story?" 

"You know, the one about your reason for being cold. I can tell there's more to it than what you say." Sehun casually said. I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Personal." One word escaped my mouth. Sehun still kept on staring at me, wide eyes and all. I became self-concious and insercue. I coughed awkwardly. I raised my hands, surrendering. 

"Personal vow. 3 rules. Not saying anymore, ok?" I clamped a hand over Sehun's mouth before he could utter a single word. I took my hand off and he grinned widely.

"I see... I bet you I can make you laugh and break you 'unbreakable' heart." He promised. I raised both of my eyebrows questionally. 

"Good Luck with that." I said, shaking my head.

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lol. i dont need a man~ chincha?! lol did u base it off that or created it by scratch? cos thts smart man XDD
Chapter 4: wahhh.. updating so much! cant wait to see whats gunna happen next!!