New Attitude, new look

Who Can Win My UNBREAKABLE Heart?

I stare at my puffy red eyes, wondering how on earth am I going to get to school looking like this. And having to face Sehun, dearly wishing that I never screamed those words in his face. I admit, I was way too harsh with him. I splash water onto my face, trying not to think about last night. 

"It's all your fault! You just have to come along and ruin my life! I hate you!"

The words echo in my ears yet again. I stumble back into bed, losing the will to go to school, if I had any will at all.

I am just pathetic. Maybe even more than pathetic. 

My phone vibrates suddenly. I simply ignore it, too dead to do anything at all. I lay in bed, staring up at the plain ceiling, unable to make sleep come, no matter how much wishing I do. I know it isn't Sehun's fault that both of my parents are currently in the hospital, but I had to take my anger out at someone. I flip onto my stomach and punch my pillow. Twenty times. Eventually the salty water flow steadily out. My phone vibrates irritatingly. Unable to ignore the soft buzzing sound, I pick it up hesitantly. 

"_____! Where ha---" I cut HyeJin off sharply.

"Sorry HyeJin, but I'm sort of dying here... Don't worry about me." I hang up just as I hear her mumble directed towards me, and I'm quite sure it isn't nice words. I slump back into my bed, feeling flushed with misery. Suddenly, HyeJin bursts into my room, startling me enough to make me grab my pillow and chuck it at her with full force. Jinnie ducks as the pillow flys out the door and down the stairs, where it crashes into something. Most likely a vase or something as a shattering noise is heard. HyeJin ignores it completely and points an accusing finger at me when she sees that i'm just depressed.

"I really thought you were dying!" She exclaims.

"Hey, you know if you say 'Canda' under your breath really slowly, it sounds like 'gullible'?" I say. HyeJin raises her eyebrow, but can't resist trying it out. That brightens my mood a bit when she falls for the trick. I smile cheekily when she realises that it isn't even true. 

"You are so gullible, Jin."

"Shut up." HyeJin says and jumps onto my bed. I stifle a laugh, returning to my state of depression as the happiness drains out of me, going down the sink. HyeJin pokes me repeatedly. 

"You. Can't. Stay. Like. This. Forever." HyeJin scrunches up her face with each word that she announces. 

"I. Don't. Care." I reply in the same manner and throw the sheets over my head, annoy and partially disgusted by myself.

"Hm... Will you come out if no-one will recognise you?" I peer over the blanket at HyeJin suspiciously.

"What do you mean...?" 


Two hours later, I see what she means. I mean literally, I see it. I blink at the person in the mirror, surprise clearly marks itself on my face.

HyeJin had taken me out to the hair dressers, pushing me to the front of the line, declaring that I am a V.I.P. Technically I am, since I fangirl over the slightest BigBang things. But that didn't stop me from feeling sorry for the other costumers. There at the hairdressers, a pretty lady gave me a new hair style, simply by cutting part of my dark straight hair into a thick side fringe and giving it hazel brown streaks. She then procceeded to give my hair ringlets, with the use of a special brush only. Of course, then I still could recognise myself a bit, but HyeJin dragged me to the shopping mall and began choosing accessories and a new sense of fashion. I had never seen HyeJin so energetic and fashionable. By the time we had arrived home, I was loaded with enormous shopping bags. And Jinnie wasn't helping me much with carrying. 

"I can hardly recognise you! You're so much prettier!" I shoot a glare at her, taking her remark as an insult. HyeJin's face fell.

"I didn't mean it that way! You were pretty before as well!" HyeJin covers up her mistake hastily, but I'm hardly listening. I twirl the ringlets that fall from the height of my chin down to just below my shoulders, looking so natural in my hair. I pull up my panda sweater, which is too baggy for me, but HyeJin insists that it suits me. HyeJin smiles in content and checks her phone. 

"OH MY GAWD, it's already 3!? I guess I don't have to go back to school... Pointless if I do anyways." 

"How did you get out of school anyway?" HyeJin blinks. 

"I lied. Duh. I told the teacher that I needed to go to use the toliet." I give Jin an exasperated look. 

"Next time, I think that you will never be allowed to get out of the classroom by yourself." I roll my eyes. Typical HyeJin. I begin to wonder. First my cold attitude, and now a new look. At least I can recognise a bit of me. I start to worry. What if I'm not me anymore? And I'm a completely different person, a stranger to myself? The fact that the cold attitude is only towards strangers is a bit comforting, but I depise the idea of being someone else still.

Aigoo, I'll just have to see for myself and who I am later, not now. 




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lol. i dont need a man~ chincha?! lol did u base it off that or created it by scratch? cos thts smart man XDD
Chapter 4: wahhh.. updating so much! cant wait to see whats gunna happen next!!