Softening just a touch

Who Can Win My UNBREAKABLE Heart?

I sat calmly and emotionalless in history class, ignoring the loud groans which rose to the air when the teacher announced a new assignment. She handed out the information sheets and instructed us all to go over the sheet. I didn't bother and just stared out the window as the teacher continued on with the lesson. 

--Bring Bring--

I closed my book and was the first to exit the classroom. I slipped through the back entrance, and sat against the wall of my newly found hiding spot. This part of the building was isolated, no-one came near it. This secret part of the building was practically paradise though, with the wild blooming flowers and shady trees. I positioned myself in the rays of the sun, warming up. The only other person who knew about this place was HyeJin, but she hardly ever came as well. I stared up at the clear blue sky and relaxed, closing my eyes. Suddenly, a shadow blocked the beautifully warm sun from me. I looked up and glared at the intruder. 

"Hey _____~" Sehun sang. 

"You're blocking the sun..." I growled. 

"Oh, sorry." He said and moved out of the way, before sitting down beside me. I huffed and closed my eyes once more.

"So, do you hang out here often? I usually come here when I need time off from the girls and... when I need to think." Sehun said, trying to strike up a conversation. I turned my head and studied him for a moment.

He has the looks but... what about the personality...? Can I trust him as a friend?

"I come here often, I guess." I shrugged and stared at a yellow flower. 

"Can I ask you something...?" I didn't reply. He asked anyways.

"Why are you so... different...? Like you're friendly to friends but to strangers... you're just... cold..." I shot him a glare and stood up. 

"How do you know? Anyways, that's personal. I don't want other people in my business." I said sharply. I heard him wince. I spun around and walked off. I couldn't help but think if I was too harsh on him as I entered the cafeteria. I shook my head and sat down at a random table. 


I glanced at Sehun, feeling slightly guilty, but still kept being cold. 

--After School--

I tapped Sehun lightly on the shoulder. 

"I guess I'm sorry about earlier." Guilt just had to eat me up and make me apologize. He shrugged and grinned. 

"Its alright. But still I'm curious..." I chewed my lip for a moment and sighed. I guess I could treat him as a friend...

"Tomorrow, I promise."

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lol. i dont need a man~ chincha?! lol did u base it off that or created it by scratch? cos thts smart man XDD
Chapter 4: wahhh.. updating so much! cant wait to see whats gunna happen next!!