New School, Fresh Start

Who Can Win My UNBREAKABLE Heart?

I stepped inside the school gates, and looked about curiously. Hushed whispers surrounded me.

"Is that the new girl?"

"She's really pretty~!"

"I wonder what her name is..."

I blushed slightly, not really used to the attention. 

Mm, c'mon _____, remember your heart is covered with ice!

I cheered myself on and walked silently through the crowds of people, my eyes darting around, looking for a certain someone. Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who~" A voice cooed. I immediately broke into a grin.

"Hey HyeJin~!!!" I said enthusiastically and turned around to greet her. We laughed and hugged. HyeJin was like a sister to me. She had moved schools a few months ago, but we still talked to each othr everyday. HyeJin's face suddenly turned serious. 

"I heard what happened... I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to bash up the jerk.' HyeJin growled, refering to Jiyong. I shook my head.

"It's alright; don't feel guilty. Anyhow, I have a new plan." I started to explain to her my little personal vow. After I finished explaining, HyeJin raised her eyebrows. 

"That's going to be pretty hard here since... We have the hottest kingka's ever~!" She squealed. I scoffed. 

"Oh c'mon Jinnie. Are you serious? You know I can stand any guy." I said. Suddenly, HyeJin pointed at something in the distance. 

"There they are!" She whispered excitedly. I turned around, my eyes greeted by the sight of 12 amazingly good-looking guys, swarmed with fangirls. I stood there for a moment, gawping at them.


I blinked. Once. Twice. 

"HYEJIN! What did you just do!?" I yelled. She waved her phone in my face, showing a picture of me gaping at the guys.

"I posting it on Facebook~!" HyeJin giggled. I reached for the phone.

'Yah, delete it, NOW.' I demanded. She shook her head and ran off, still taunting me. 

"Aigoo... This girl..." I muttered and was about to chase after her when someone tapped my shoulder.

Uh-oh... Time to switch to cold mode.

I turned to see the group of kingkas standing right in front of me. I immediately took a step back, alarmed. I hoped it didn't show.

"Yes...?" I asked carefully. A guy stepped up. 

"Hey, you're the new girl, right? I'm Suho and this is Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol, D.O, Baekhyun, Kris, Xiumin, Lay, Chen, Tao and Luhan." He introduced everyone. I bowed to them.

"Mm, nice to meet you. I'm _______." I replied blankly, although I was starting to get comfortable around them already. My eyes caught HyeJin, who was up on a tree branch, taking more photos. 

"Excuse me, but I need to do something..." I dashed off without an explanation and started to try and pull HyeJin off the tree by her leg.

-Bring Bring-

The bell went. Now I was relying on HyeJin to me to the office, since I left the school map at home. Jinnie led me to the office, and handed me my timetable. 

"Here. Your homeroom is located in the block right next to here, ok? I need to go unfortunately, otherwise I'll get a dentention. See ya!" HyeJin ran off.

"But Jinnie!" I tried to yell after her, but failed. So I went to my homeroom. Eventually I found it. I entered the room, where the teacher made me go up to the front and introduced myself. As I made my way to the front, I scanned my eyes at the students sitting at the desks. I realised that three kingkas, Sehun, Xiumin and D.O, were also in my homeroom. 

"Hey. I'm _______. I'm new here and stuff so I would appreciate it if you could sometimes help me around the school." I said, staring blankly at the class.

"Sehun? Could you please help _______ here around the school? You seem to be in all her classes." The teacher said. Sehun turned to me and grinned.


-Bring Bring-

"Ok, so since we have the same classes we better stick together." He said and peered at his timetable. 

"Ah~! Maths! Are you good at it? I ... Always failing." Sehun exclaimed and started to drag me to the Maths block. I felt a smile tug at the corner of my lips. But I forced them down again.

Maybe HyeJin is right... It's going to be a tough trip ignoring these guys...Especially this happy chap.

"You can sit next to HyeJin." The teacher instructed me. I nodded and sat down next to her. HyeJin welcomed me warmly, though I gave her playful glares for ditching me this morning. I copyied down everything from the board and finished my worksheet quickly. Soon I was just sitting there, staring lazily up at the ceiling and protecting my sheet from a copycat HyeJin. I sighed when a scrunched up piece of paper landed neatly on my table. I glared around the classroom, trying to catch who did that.I reached for the paper and read it.

Are you already done!? Wow, you must be a good student~


I glanced over my shoulder and spotted him with a pen in his mouth, staring into space. He caught me staring and flashed a cheerful grin. I just turned away silently and re-read the note. I didn't understand. Why would a kingka want to have to do anything with me...? Is it because I'm a new girl? I just sighed and slumped down onto the desk, just wanting to sleep.

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lol. i dont need a man~ chincha?! lol did u base it off that or created it by scratch? cos thts smart man XDD
Chapter 4: wahhh.. updating so much! cant wait to see whats gunna happen next!!