
Who Can Win My UNBREAKABLE Heart?

Sehun pulled me excitedly over to a store full of cute objects. He peered through the window and pointed at a soft plushie penguin. 

"That toy reminds me of you!" He giggled. I frowned. 

"How? Is it cause it's fat and stocky?" I said, insulted.

"Nooo~ It's cause its cute and icy, just like you!" Sehun laughed and entered the store.

Aw that was so swe-- Shut up stupid heart!

I browsed some of the toys inside. I found a Pikachu one, and immediately fell in love with it. I pinched it's furry cheeks.

"Ah~ So cute!" I exclaimed. Sehun appeared behind me and stared at the plushie. I hurriedly wiped the smile off my face.

"You think that's cuter than me!?" He yelped. I nodded.

"Definitely." I replied. Sehun took out his phone and narrowed his eyes at the screen. 

"Heh... Just wait here for a moment. Don't go anywhere!" He said as he slipped out of the store. I blew my bangs away from my face.

"I don't want to stay here..." I said to myself and let my eyes wander all over the place. I spotted a hat store just across from here and skipped towards it. 

"Well, at least I have something to do now!" I began examining the newly realesed hats from forgien countries. 


"_______?!" Sehun yelled frantically. I looked up from a rack of beanies and walked out casually. 

"Yea?" I asked, yawning. Sehun took one look at me and practically jumped on me, hugging me with relief. I coughed awkwardly.

"Er dude... Elbow space." I said, pushing him off. Sehun glared angrily at me. 

"I told you to stay there!" He scowled at me. I shrugged.

"Meh." Sehun sighed tiredly but brightened up. 

"Anyways, I have a surprise for you!" I cocked my head to the side. 

"I don't trust you..." I said, shaking my head from side to side. He ignored me and ran off. 

"Yah! Wait up!" I said, and immediately began running after him. I stopped after losing him in a crowd of girls. I stopped to catch my breath and tried to recognise where I had ended up. I barely had time to take in my surroundings when someone grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me to a dark room. I gulped and felt around for something. Anything. I didn't manage to find anything, but did crash into a wall. I lost my balance and fell backwards.

"Gotcha." A pair of sturdy arms lifted me back to my feet.

"Where am I!? I demand an answer!!!" I hollered.

"Aish... Chillax." Suddenly the lights lit up, illuminating the room with a beautiful warm glow. I remembered that rainy day... And how those little starry lights gave me so much comfort... I sighed and looked up to see Sehun and looked around the room. The room was decorated with flowers of all types and there was a table for two in the middle, loaded with food. 

"So, have i broken that ice yet...?" Asked an eager Sehun. I shook my head. 

"Not yet~" I teased and sat down on one of the chairs. Sehun pouted. 

"But... I went through all this... and still no?" He complained. I sighed. 

"Fine, you've melted one layer. 99 more layers to go." I smirked. Sehun shrugged.

"At least I've made some progress..." He began eating and so did I. Soon the room was filled with a comfortable silence. I finished eating my fill and placed the knife and fork neatly onto my plate. Sehun copied me. I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Are you trying to annoy me?" Sehun looked at me for a while but then mimick me in a squeaky voice.

"Are you trying to annoy me~?" I rolled my eyes and checked my phone. 3 pm. 

"Hmph, only 3." I mumbled. 

"C'mon, lets go shopping! Kaja!" Sehun announced happily and ran out of the room. I followed, trying to look as reluctant as ever, but felt a feeling stir in my stomach. I ignored the feeling and began singing 'Uncommited" by Junsu quietly.


Sehun dropped me off at my front door.

"So did you enjoy today?" 

"It was... alright." I answered, keeping a straight face. Sehun muttered inchorent words to himself.

"Fine, I'll try harder next time. Hwaiting Sehun!" He cheered himself and pedaled off. A secret smile appeared on my cold face. 

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lol. i dont need a man~ chincha?! lol did u base it off that or created it by scratch? cos thts smart man XDD
Chapter 4: wahhh.. updating so much! cant wait to see whats gunna happen next!!