The Beginning

Who Can Win My UNBREAKABLE Heart?

The tears fell from my eyes endlessly. My hands curled into fists, my nails digging into my skin. I couldn't feel anything; just a tingly numb feeling all over, except for one thing: a bleeding heart. My room was motionless, silent and lifeless. I felt dead. I glared out the window, looking up at the stormy sky.

Are you here clouds to cry out your pain and sorrow just like me...?

I looked away from the window as the clouds begun to shed their heavy tears down to the world.

Pitter, patter...

The rain made soothing noises as it made impact with my window, calming me down slightly. I looked at the pot by my wall with white willow tree branches sticking out in random directions. Small starry lights entwined around the sticks, snaking up and down. In one motion, I flicked a switch. The little lights lit up, just like stars and provided a warm glow to the cold room. I shifted closer to the little tree, staring at the lights dazily, losing myself into another world. Yet the tears still ran down my sticky face mercilessly.

You should be ashamed of yourself _____, Get a grip on reality. Forget about him. Quit dreaming. Go back to the real world. 

I punched the timber floor, my knuckles going from white to red to purple. I let out a loud anguish wail.

"Why...? Why...? WHY!?" I screamed to the ceiling.


I strolled around the park, watching wisps of air go out of my mouth and evaporate in the cold air. I was happy and content with my life, watching kids have snowball fights and enjoying life. I pulled my beanie further down my head and wrapped my coat around me even tighter to prevent the cold from reaching my body. Then, I saw him. No, actually not him, them. There he was, having a heated makeout session with another girl. And the girl happened to be my so called 'friend'. 

"Jiyong...?" I said, hoping that I had just mistakened the people. The man turned and smirked. It definitely was Jiyong. 

"Hey _____." He greeted casually. I pointed a shivering finger to my ex-friend, SuBin, demanding an explanation. 

"Oh, I see you've met my girlfriend. You see, we were never real, you just merely another toy for me, you know. Now go away, can't you see I'm busy? Or are you blind?" Jiyong scoffed and turned away. I stood there, drinking in what just happened. 

So... It was only a one-sided love...

-End of Flashback-

I groaned and examined my bleeding knuckles. I then turned to stare into the mirror, peering at the girl who stood in front of me. i tugged at her long straight hair. I watched her ears dry up, leaving only a tear-stained face. 

It's time to get a makeover, and no-one is getting in my way, especially Jiyong...

I smirked as I got ready for bed, happy with my new plans. I gazed at a picture of me and Jiyong. I threw it carelessly into the bin.

Puh-lease, this girl is never going to need a man. EVER. Not with my new RULES.

-Next Morning-

"Hey Umma... I was wondering if I could transfer schools... You know..." I asked.

​"Of course!" She replied immediately, knowing what I had been through. I smiled at my success and hugged her.

First step done. Next step, cover my heart with ice for strangers only.

A/N: Hello~! Hows the first chappie? I hope you enjoyed it!

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lol. i dont need a man~ chincha?! lol did u base it off that or created it by scratch? cos thts smart man XDD
Chapter 4: wahhh.. updating so much! cant wait to see whats gunna happen next!!