Trimester 1: The Gun Unit

Hi, I'm a S.I.T

"Congratulations SooMee!" My mom yelled when I arrived at the Headquarters. She hugged me.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"You're promoted! You're now officially a S.I.T Level 6!"
"That's great! Thank you so much!.. But..what does level 6 mean??" I asked my mom.
"It means that you're allowed to train in the Gun Unit!" She said happily.
"GUN UNIT?!" Do you mean that I'm gonna learn how to use guns?!"




"The Gun Unit consists of two departments." My dad explained to me when I arrived at the Gun Unit, "It consists of The Shooting Range and The Arena.
In The Shooting Range you're going to be taught how to use a gun properly and you're going to be shooting on some dummies. But The Arena is completely different. In The Arena you're going to battle against other S.I.Ts.."
"With GUNS?! Like, REAL GUNS?!" I yelled at my dad. I couldn't believe that I had to shoot on people with REAL GUNS!
"No of course you're not going to use real guns! I don't want people to die here! You're going to use paintball guns."
"That's awesome! If somebody shoots me, I'm going to die very colorful."
"Very funny." My dad said sarcastically. "Now follow me please." My dad said while he walked away.
"Where are we going?" I asked while following him.
"You're first going to train in the Shooting Range, so we are going there first." My dad explained.




When we arrived at The Shooting Range, I was pretty impressed. There were other S.I.Ts that were shooting at dummies and they looked pretty skilled.

"So.. When can I start shooting at those funny puppets, dad?" I asked. I was starting to get nervous, but I also wanted to try to shoot.
"Well, you can start shooting on these "funny puppets" immediately." He said.

I followed my dad to the Gun Storage, which contained all the guns that were available for training and missions.

"That are a lot of guns, dad!" I said to him.
"I know. Impressive, isn't it? He said, I could tell from the look on his face that he was very proud.
"Hell yeah it is." I said while looking around in the room. I don't know how many different guns there are in this room, but it sure are a lot!
"I want to use THIS GUN!" I said while taking the biggest gun in the room, it was pretty heavy.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" My dad said while taking the gun from me, "This one is way to dangerous for you!"
"Okay, Okay.. Tsss, calm down!" 
"Why don't you try this one first?" He passed me a handgun.
"But this one is so tiny!" I complained.
"Trust me, the first time is always hard so you better use a tiny gun." My dad said.

And he was right, I was struggling a bit with the gun.

"Don't hold it like that, or do you want to shoot someone in the head?" My dad asked me when I was trying to aim on the dummy.
"Well.. eventually.." I said.
"You never shoot someone in the head! Unless you don't have another choice, of course.."
"Can you show me how to use it right, dad?" I asked him while passing him the gun.

He showed me how to use it and then gave it back to me. I tried to shoot and, surprisingly, it went well.

"That went great, you shot right in the dummy's heart!" My dad said, "You can take a break now before you're going in The Arena."
"Thanks, dad!" I hugged him before I left.




"In all these years that I've been training here...I never knew that we had a cafeteria." I said to my mom.
"That's because you always went straight to home when you finished your training." My mom said.
"Why?" I asked while eating some ramen.
"You wanted to hang out with your friends."
"Oh, from now on I will take my training much more serious!"
"You will?" My mom asked.
"Yes I will, I promise!" 
"That's nice of you. How is your training going? Do you already know how to shoot with guns?" She asked curious.
"YES! It was so awesome, mom! Dad said that I did really well, I'm going to The Arena later today."
"Really? Then your dad must think you're really good at shooting, normally you only are able to go to The Arena when you practised a bit more." She told me.
"I guess I'm just very talented." I joked. 

"Ziiiiiiiing" I got a Spy Message.
"What does it say?" My mom asked.
"It sais 'Come to The Arena, it's time for your practise -Dad'." I told my mom




"I shall explain the rules of The Arena." My dad said once I arrived.
"In The Arena, you only have one goal: survive. By 'survive' I mean that you will have to be the last person in The Arena. If somebody shoots you, you are eliminated and you'll have to leave The Arena. The winner of the match is the one who is the last person in The Arena. You understand?"
"Yes, I do." I said. 
"Okay, then you need to change clothes now."
"Change clothes? Why do I need to chage clothes?"
"So you think you can run with those shoes?" My dad asked while pointing at my wedges.
"I guess you're right."
"I'm always right." My dad walked to some sort of closet, at least, I looked like a closet.
"Take these clothes and this helmet, you can change yourself in the room next to this one." My dad said while giving me the clothes and the helmet that he got out of the closet.
"Where can I change?"
"In the room next to this one."

I went to the other room. 
I looked at the clothes my dad gave me, it weren't just normal clothes. It was a suit, with camouflage colors.

"It looks like I'm from the ARMY!" I yelled at my dad once I came out of the dressroom.
"Exactly, these colors are really good when you need to hide yourself in the bushes or something." My dad commented.
"The bushes? Are there bushes in The Arena?"
"Of course, The Arena is a reconstruction of a forest. It has hills, trees, bushes, rocks, it even has caves to hide from your enemies."
"Impressive.. So, I have to shoot with a paintball gun, right?" I asked my dad.
"Yes, do you have any preference on which color of paint would you like to have?" My dad asked.
"Uhm.. I would like the color red!" 
"Because, when you shoot someone, it looks like blood?" My dad asked.
"No dad, it's my favourite color."
"I think it's time for you to enter The Arena. The next match is about to begin, just walk to this door and you arrive into The Arena." He said while passing me the paintball gun.

I walked through the door and entered The Arena. I took a good look around before the match started, The Arena was so big and beautiful! It really felt if I was outside even though everything is reconstructed, I believe I even could feel wind. One by one the other S.I.Ts entered The Arena, all wearing a helmet and an army suit. Suddenly, I heared my dad's voice through a speaker.

"All S.I.Ts please form a large cirkle in the clearing."

And so we did. I couldn't see who the other S.I.Ts were, I was very curious.

"When you hear the bell, the match begins." My dad said through his microphone.
"3..2..1.. RIIIIIIING!"

The match started. Some of the S.I.Ts immediately started shooting but I didn't, I thought it would be a good idea for me to hide first and to shoot later.
I ran into the forest, I was only thinking about one thing: hide.
While the others were shooting, I ran off. I hided myself behind a tree and closely watched the other S.I.Ts.
Someone already got shot on the heart.

"S.I.T number 3 is eliminated." I heard my dad saying through the speakers.

Suddenly, somebody came very close to the tree where I was hiding. I prepared myself to shoot him, I aimed at his heart.
But then he saw me, he aimed at me and shot with his paintball gun. I quickly dodged the green paintballs by hiding behind the tree.
Then, I came from behind the tree and shot him on the heart.

"S.I.T number 7 is eliminated."

I ran deeper into the forest. I saw another S.I.T walking very cautiously and I decided to follow her.
She suddenly stood still, did she know that I was following her?
She quickly turned around and tried to shoot me but she was too late, I already shot her.

"S.I.T number 2 is eliminated."

When I looked around I saw two other S.I.Ts running, they were shooting at eachother and they both shot eachother at the same time.

"S.I.T number 5 and 9 are eliminated."

There were only four S.I.Ts left that had to be eliminated..

"S.I.T number 4 and 6 are eliminated."

I mean two S.I.Ts..
I continued to explore The Arena a bit more and searching for the other S.I.Ts.
Minutes passed and I still had not seen the others, until... I heard somebody yelling at me.

"Please help me!" She yelled.
"What's wrong?" I asked. I was very cautious, she could shoot me any moment.
"I'm trying to escape from S.I.T number one." She explained.
"Why? Is he dangerous or something?" I asked curious.
"He's just very good at shooting! I don't want to lose this!" She said.
"Let's go look for him." I said, "You go first."
"Okay." She said.

So we walked through the forest, looking for S.I.T number one. I wanted her to go first so I could keep an eye on her, in case she wanted to shoot me.
I expected that she would, I just had the feeling that this wasn't right..

'Did you already see him?" She asked.
"No, I haven't seen him anywhere."
"Maybe because you aren't looking high enough." A familiar voice said.

I looked up. There was someone hiding on a tree brench. It was S.I.T number one.

"Quick! Shoot her!" The girl said to S.I.T number one.
"What?! You two work together?!" I yelled.
"No we don't." The guy on the brench said. Then he shot the girl in the heart with his black paint.

"S.I.T number 8 is eliminated."

The guy jumped of the brench. 

"So.. do you like the colour black?"He asked me.

But I didn't respond, I started running instead. I needed to escape from him, I wanted to win this match.
I guess I was right about the girl, well.. almost right. The guy tricked her, he told her that they could work together to catch me. But instead, he used her to get me and when we arrived he wanted to shoot us both. But I was fast, I arrived at the clearing again.

"You're fast." I heard a voice behind me, I turned around.
"You're pretty fast too." I said.
"You didn't answer my question, that was pretty rude of you."
"Which question?"
"Before you ran away, I asked you if you liked the colour black."
"Not really, I prefer red."
"I know.."
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Don't you recognize me, SooMee? Or at least my voice.." He asked curious.
"... Yesung?"

He shot me in my stomach.

"If it wasn't you SooMee, then I probably would have shot you in the heart." Yesung said.

"S.I.T number 10 is eliminated. S.I.T number 1 is the winner of the match!"



Author's Note:

Hi everyone :)
Thank you for reading so far, I really appreciate it!
I hope you're enjoying my fanfic so far, even though the chapters aren't that long.
It's my first official fanfic ever, so I'm still a Rookie!
But don't worry, I have a lot planned for this story so please continue reading it!

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petitebluehawk #1
Chapter 13: Woahhhh, spy mentor? I'm looking forward to your next update! Its an awesome story!
Chapter 9: Taemin & SooMee will do homework together?! Haha...hell will broke - Yuki
Chapter 8: Yesung still love SooMee XD - Yuki
Chapter 6: It seem Taemin hate SooMee!!! - Yuki
Chapter 5: O>M<G what a FUNNY class SooMee had XD - Yuki
Chapter 4: Only Girl in Class?! Haha :p - Yuki
Chapter 3: Wow ~ story time XD - Yuki
Chapter 2: I hope you can make long chapter in next update!!! - Yuki
Chapter 1: Dafuq Cha SooMee can't fall in love?! - Yuki
cool story,description & foreword!! - Yuki