October 22. of second chances...


*picture not mine, credits to the owner.

Al's POV:

"yeoboseyo?" A familiar voice spoke from the other line. "hey Al! it's me Bae! sorry to bother you on a busy monday morning but...i'm here!" Bae discreetly exclaimed. 

Startled, Al took her cellphone from her ear and checked if it was Bae that was really calling on the other line.

"yah! Al???" 

"uh, yeah, yeah..arasseo, how'd you get my number?" Al curriously asked. 

"hahahah..you know me, i have my ways.." he boasted. "aissshh...you never change eh?" Al replied with a smirk. "oh yes...your right!" he continued as he laughed from the other line.

"since when did you arrive? and where are you staying right now?" Al inquisited and agitatedly juggled the pen in between her fingers.

"uh, just now, actually i just arrived a few hours ago, i'm staying here at a good friend's house. and oh, if you have nothing to do after work later, can we meet up? have dinner with me?" he let out with a giggle on the side.

"mwuh rah go?" Al asked unsure of what she just heard. "oh Al, can we meet up after your work? I insist." Bae firmly spoke.

"uh...well, yeah! for good 'ol time's sake!" Al replied in shock. "arasseo! i'll text you where later okay?" he said. "ne! see you!" still in a daze of what she just said and put down her phone.

.....uh-ohhhh, Al, what did you just say??????!!!!..aisssshhhh~~~~....Ani...aniyoo...I have to tell __you__ about this, I have to warn her that Bae is here!!! omona!!! eotteokaji???!!! yah Al! you can do this! you have to protect your friend no matter... Al said at the back of her mind, she can't concentrate on her work after that call with Bae. She then checks the time and sees that it's already lunch break, ah perfect time to check on __you__ she thought ang grab hold of her phone and speed dialled your number.

Your POV:

"yah al!" I shouted excitedly hearing Al's voice from the other line.

"yah! __you__ keep it down will you?!!...." Al howled irritably and being the honest, plain-spoken friend all of a sudden blurted out "....Bae's here."



"Was I right when I heard Bae's here coming exactly from your mouth????!!!" I anxiously replied and seemed to got stuck from where I was sitting.

"NE." Al firmly replied leaving me more stunned with my legs now frozen from the news she just brought.

"omona..Al...eotteokaji???!!! Teuk can't know about this!!!"

"I know..Bae called in a few hours ago and insisted that we meet tonight after work.." Al started, "and what did you say to him????!!!" I asked still quite shocked.

"I...I said yes...ugh...mianhe chingu-ya but it was a sudden answer, I, I didn't know how to react..but yeah...mianimnida..." Al muttered, afraid I would yell at her.

"Aissshhhh~~~why did you say yes?! don't you know where that could possibly lead?!" I surprisingly replied in a calm tone.

Surprised, Al said "I know...my bad..but please do understand to that Bae and I used to be good friends too since that thing that happened to you and him...anyhow, don't worry, it's good that we get to see each other tonight and catch up, that way I get to know his moves and whereabouts here..." she assuringly finished her sentence.

I placed a hand on my forehead not knowing what to react... "arasseo, if that's what you think is right, I trust you, do well! keep me posted okay?" I lowered my head and sank down on my chair.

"ne! of course I will, now, for the meantime, lets focus on our work first and hope for the best later!" Al shouted and I replied back with a simple "okay" and put down the phone.

Random thoughts entered in and out of my mind, I checked on the time and I still have a few more minutes to digest everything Al said, why in the world is Bae here? of all places? what if he & Teuk accidentally bump into each other? OHHHH EOTTEOKE???? I grasped the piece of paper peacefully lying down in front of me and crumpled it in irritation. Aisssshhhhh~~~~TT.TT

6pm sharp. Al's phone rings, a text message from Bae. "Yah, Al, let's meet at the dumpling restaurant on the 24th street, see you!" Al let out a sigh and replied, "arasseo,see you."

Around 20mins. had passed and for the nth time Bae checked the clock hanging at the wall across him, its almost 630, where could Al possibly be? he thought and just as he was about to slid his hand inside his jacket's sidepocket to get on his celphone the restaurant door flew open.

"hey Bae! mianhe for arriving late..." Al started

"ah, aniyo,aniyo it's okay, I was just worried that you might not come..." He said and gestured for Al to sit down beside him.

"ummm...I know...but without much further ado, let's get straight to the point..." Al courageously spoke which made Bae fidget in his seat.

"wh...what do you mean?" his mood suddenly shifted and shot a straight look at Al.

"What made you come back here?" Al frankly asked.

"uh..oh...that? well of course I miss home! what else could I possibly doing here?" Bae put his hand at the back of his neck and pretended to look outside.

"uh-uh, and then what else?"

"oh c'mon Al, what are you doing? I was hoping for a quality time with you....but..." Al interferred with what Bae was saying  and said, "don't get me wrong and i'm pretty much sure that you know already about Teuk's military enlistment from the news and all, so...." Al paused to catch her breath from hurriedly speaking.

"waaaa.wwwaaiittt...what????!!! Leeteuk's enlisting soon?" Bae surprisingly asked confirming once again as he held Al's hand. "what? don't tell me...." Al all of a sudden froze from her seat and looked straight at Bae's eyes checking if he was being true.

"of course not! how the hell was I supposed to know when in fact since the day I left this country, I shut out all media, communication lines I know, not until now that I arrived here." he said which made Al feel in all honesty that he was sincere when he explained.

"oh...." was all Al replied. "hahahahaha!!! Al, look at you, all flushed up now, hmm...so that was it, you were afraid that I came back here for her (you) am I right?" Bae took the chance to ask back.

uh.weird.he is damn right.how could he know about my thoughts. Al thought at the back of her mind. "aissshhh~~~okay, i'll be the one to be honest...yes, that was what me & __you__ thought immediately. cheosonghamnida." Al replied with a now startled look.

"hmmm, fair enough, well I admit part of coming back here was to see __you__ but, we'll see.." he sarcastically replied.

"and what do you mean by that?!" Al raised an eyebrow to the man now smirking at her.

"hahaha..and why are you so protective of your friend?" he gushed.

"because I can't and will not let her get hurt again! specially if that guy happens to be YOU!" Al shrieked and almost toppled the teapot after slamming the table with her fist. That's it, i've had enough of this, this him-trying-to-deceive-me thing is not working, I better stop him of what he's planning to do before anything else happens to my friend.

"yah! Al! please..calm down!" the tensed Bae spoke trying to maintain his posture.

"uh...let me clear things up..." Al started and cleared , "....I know you, I mean your attitude towards things like this, I do hope your mature enough now to know your boundaries and limitations when it comes to situations pertaining to __you__. You had feelings for her but that was before, and now that she's in a much better place, I am crossing my fingers that as much possible you do stay away from her. *phheeeewww..." Al ended and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

After hearing it, Bae was caught speechless. "I...i...whooooo..you got me shot straight in my heart there Chingu! well, are you done with your piece?" he asked courteously. Al, who is now gasping for air to breath nodded her head from side to side, giving Bae a sign that he has now all the right to speak his thought.

"uh...well, first and foremost, I didn't expect those words to come out from you, I must say, you indeed are a true friend not only to __you__ but to me as well. I knew many times when __you__ cried almost every night 'cos of me, you were always there to comfort her, I thank you for that. The reason I left town was mainly becuase of her, but as time passed by, I came to a realization that what's not meant to be won't really happen. Now, I come back as a better version of myself and I promise you that I have no any bad intentions for __you__. What I have in mind now is to regain the friendship we all had once before. I know it won't be that easy for her part but I do hope with you I'll get a positive response." Bae sighed and managed to show a half-smile.

Al was stuck on her seat after hearing what Bae all had to say. It was now her turn to be caught dumbfounded. Boy this guy can also be dramatic, in fairness he was all out and spoke in pure honesty, Al thought.

"uh, is that all? hmm..well.. then..let's see, if you are really true with your words, i'll be fair with you. let's give this friendship another chance." Al wryly responded.


"yes, do I have a choice?!" Al can't contain her emotions and let out a laugh.

"ohhh thank you so much Al!" Bae responded by grabbing Al's hand and gave it a light squeeze in mere happiness.

*HAPPY 2013 YEOROBUN! IT'S BEEN AGES SINCE I LAST UPDATED THIS FIC! WELL HERE'S MY NEW YEAR'S GIFT TO ALL!!!! enjoy reading! comments are highly appreciated at this point.KKK. ;)





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Hey subscribers! Hwait for the upcoming chapters! Patience is a virtue. Ne? Will post it this weekend! Saranghae~~~~


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Chapter 24: Nyaaawww... :3 eeteuk-ssi is such a cutie! So to anyone whose trying to break them apart, better back off now! I mean it! Eeekkk it's really sweet! Eeteuk leadernim jjang!!! :D
Eonnie! me and yb? hahaha!!! he better get things straight or else i'm gonna tie his braids to his nose hair!!! hahahaha thanks for the update huggies dear! and i shall continue to write my yb fic too hahaha :D
Chapter 21: Aigooo... Merry Christmas huggies-unnie!!! You definitely made an ear splitting smile on my face while reading this!!! I can just imagine my road trips on Sunday mornings.. You can still remember when I took you there right?! Eeekkkkkk!!! I miss writing masi fanfics tuloy!!! Kkkkkk thanks so much huggies!!!
Chapter 19: Oh my, so that's what happened before masi and al were such ers kkkkk
Anyways, you kept my toes curled as I read along!!! Waaahhh asfgsjagshshshah!!! Well done Teukie leader-nim! Please make me the godmother of your baby!!! Waaahhh kilig! Congrats huggies :D
Chapter 14: You..you huggies you! I cannot unsee what you did write there! Wahahaha :D
I was squealing in front of my lappy that mama had to knock on my door to check me, wahahaha :))
Al and Wonnie are such ers! Go Teuk! You can do it! Will play Hot Times for you two if you want to kkkkkkk =))
Fighting unnie! :D
Chapter 14: I want to know the details~ *Q*
Chapter 11: aawww, why am i so close to crying with chapter 11...
but you gave me sooo much feels at chapter 9!!! you silly you unnie!!! i love it :D
i'm giving you a big virtual hug! :D
Chapter 6: okay Siwon's giving too much info there :)) *blush* *blush*
aigoo huggies! you never fail to make me kilig hihihi :D
what a sweet and caring eeteuk-shi right there :D
Chapter 5: Can i give you a big virtual hug right now? I swooned imagining siwon's outfit...and it had to be white vneck with blue stripes? My favorite!
Anyway, i really love the update :D grinning from ear to ear here :D