October 20. Happy 7th year anniversary!


*picture not mine. credits to the owner.

*readers! be warned, this'll be a long chapter as a tribute to SUPERJUNIOR's 7th Anniversary celebration. nonetheless, HAPPY READING & CHUKAHAE!  :)

"where are the others?" I asked and placed an arm over Al. She looked back and answered,"I just got a text from Masi saying they'll be arriving a little late cos they had to do an impromptu perf for their ELFS..."

"aigoo...well..that's good, means more time for us to prepare eh?" my mouth formed a big smile and excitedly grabbed Al's hand. 

It's Super Junior's 7th Year Anniversary Celebration today. The boys had planned a gathering for their beloved ELF fans, and as their beloved better-halfs as we claim it, Al, Ez and I planned a mini-after party surprise for them. Of course they need some quality time for each other since they've become so busy lately with their in & out of town perfs, shows, dramas, plays, etc. So we thought of celebrating it by having a Neoraebang night!

We didn't want it to be extravagant, the music should be plainly more of a chill & feel good sound. And since it was all planned in a short notice us girls decided it to be held at Al & Ez's humble abode. 

"unnie what time did Siwon say they'll be coming?" Ez repeatedly asked her sister, carrying a box of cake and placing it on the feast table.

"9 pm." Al answered slightly agitated.

"what's wrong with you? I was just asking....." Ez rolled her eyes and turned around.

"YAH! I saw that!" Al yelled and walked to Ez' direction....

"yah! calm down!!!" I butted in and ran at the middle of the 2 bickering dongsaengs.

"how come i'm the only one who you guys ask about them? it's not like you don't have your own oppars too!" Al shrieked to both me and Ez.

"woahh...easy Al.." I stated, "remember we can't be obvious so it's better that you be the one contacting them..er..Siwon...since he's been busy lately too and he just reunited with them this day...arasseo?" I explained in a calm tone.

"aisssshhhhh~~~~~" Al sighed..."i know...mianhe..it's just that...."

"just what?" Ez asked with an arched brow.

"masi and I have not been communicating lately, you know..he's been busy and all....I just took this risk of lending you guys a hand since I know how important this is to all of us." 

"aigoo unnie, you should have told us that earlier that way either me or __you__ would've done that!" Ez hugged her sister.

Tears formed from Al's eyes I, too, felt her pain and joined in on their sisterly hug..

"aww..thanks guys..but really, it's okay, I just miss my masi soo much..sorry for being my emotional self lately.." she  answered and held a slight grin.

"don't worry after tonight, you guys will be reunited once more...hahaha!" I whispered to Al and gave her a mysterious wink.

Al chuckled and poked me, "unnie! don't be such a tease! and besides i'm not expecting anything, his presence is more than enought..." Al ended.

"hahahah! you guys are soooo..holy!..hahahah!!!" I let out a laugh and asked her "by the way, how did you tell him about tonight?"

"I told him that after their anniversary celeb, he should come here and tag the others with him before they had back to their dorm." explained Al.

"ah...do you think he suspected that we're up to something?" I inquisited Al.

"ani...you know Siwon, he's not that super sensitive when it comes to things like that.." Al replied and exageratedly rolled her eyes.

"hahahah!!! good...that's good then..." I gave her a thumbs up sign. "well, then what are we wating for? we still have approximately 30mins to prepare! ka ja!" I said in excitement.

"ne! okay unnie!" both replied in unison and we all rushed upstairs to get dressed up before the boys arrive.


Siwon was the last to enter the van and as he closed the door he counted the members...

"ok..ok..complete!" he faced everyone, "I have a favor, Al called and asked us to come over at their place uh if I remember, and oh, teukie-hyung, (he turned to face Teuk) if i'm not mistaken Al mentioned that __you__ is there too..." Teuk now stared at him blankly after hearing your name.

"mwwwu..hhh???" his voice raised.

"ne hyung, Al called in a few minutes ago, I didn't want to bother you back there since it's one of your last appearances..so..there." Siwon said.

"wae what happened?" Teuk responded worriedly.

"I dunno, she didn't tell me the reason."

"Aigo..arasseo, i'll call her, gomawo." Teuk hurriedly got his phone from his pocket and speed dialled 1.

Hae, Hyuk & Kangin all seated beside him turned into his direction, waiting also for an answer.

"aishhh...." he shook his head and closed his eyes.

"what?" Kangin poked him.

"I can't contact her.." he answered in dismay.

"maybe there's no signal or her phone's dead..or...." Kyu butted in.

"or what?!" Kangin toppled his the maknae's head. "Yah!" he looked back at Kangin "..she's sleeping..." he replied and shoot a sharp stare at his hyung.

"Yah maknae! i told you to not in if your not being asked arasseo?!!!" Kyu got a taste from his ferocious hyung.

"uh...ok..mianhe hyung..." he answered back & rested his head on Sungmin's shoulder and pretended to sleep.

"Siwon-ah, can you try calling Al?" the worried Teuk asked.

"ne hyung," Siwon then also speed dialled 1 on his phone while Ryeowook, Yesung & Shindong all seated beside him are now the ones waiting for an answer from him.

"no answer too.." he sighed and looked at the others in frustration.

"alright then this'll be our last resort, I'll call Ez.." Kangin firmly said and after 10 nerve-wracking seconds....

"YAH! WHERE ARE YOU?" Kangin shouted getting everyone's attention.

"I'm here inside a convenience store" (Ez on the other line managed to think quickly of a white lie)


"I'm buying something, what elsoe would I do here?" 

"Go home now, i'll be there in a few...." he commanded which caused his temper to cool down at the same time "...oh, btw, where's Al and __you__? we can't contact them."

"Uh...I don't know..I guess they're just at home..sleeping?" Ez slapped her face while hiding her laughter.

"jinjja?? arasseo, we're near your house btw, palllliiiii!!!" Kangin whispered.

"okay!...see you my kangbear!" Ez answered in between giggles.

End of phone call.

"where is she hyung?" Eunhyuk asked.

"she's inside a convenience store." Kangin replied as he brushed some sweat from his forehead and wiped it back on poor Eunhyuk's forehead.

"YAH! hyung!!!! what...the..." he looked and down and shook his head in dismay since he can't revenge back.

"hehehehehe...." Kangin smirked while the others laughed along.

"Yah Siwon-ah what could be happening with our girls? I'm getting worried..." Teuk broke the happy atmosphere surrounding them.

"hyung, will cross the bridge when we get there...." Siwon gestured his hand in order for his hyung to calm down. "arasseo..." Teuk sighed and calmed down from his seat.

After around 20mins. the van pulled to a stop.

"hyung! wake up!" Hae shaked Teuk who fell asleep worrying.. Teuk barely opened his eyes and stood up immediately bumping his head to the ceiling of the van. "Aigoo..hyung" Hae caressed his hyung's head and assisted him get out of the van.


"unnie!! shush!.. i think they're here!" Ez called after her sister as they both took a peek from her room window.

"they're here!" __you__ shrieked while gasping for air after that fast break run downstairs.

"omona! unnie have u turned off the lights downstairs? and have you left the door unlocked?" Al shakingly asked.

"relax! and ne! all we have to do is stand by behind the wall on the tip of your stairs! ka ja! ka ja!!!" I whispered to them in excitement.


"Yah Siwon-ssi! you sure they're here? there's no or sighn of anyone inside." Yesung all of a sudden spoke and broke the silence as he got out of the van.

"we shall see..." Shindong answered and took the lead in walking towards the gate.

"hmmm...it...it's open! ta da!" Shindong bellowed grabbing everyone's attention.

"well...that's weird, why would they leave the house open..and...look! Al's car is not here!...hmmm..." Siwon put a thumb on his chin and thought.

"AISSHHH~ what are we all waiting for?! let's go inside and check on them!" Kangin aggressively pushed everyone towards the gate leaving poor Shindong squished in front. "YAH! Kangin hyung! i'm here!" Shindong shouted in pain.

"aigo..mianhe..mianhe.." Kangin shouted from the back pulling everyone back beside him. "Aishhh hyung are you on drugs?!!!" Kyu annoyingly asked.

"hahaha! you evil maknae! ani! you're all so dramatic, anyway, ka ja!" he shouted and galreed at Shindong in front signalling him to pull open the gate. 

Shindong entered first followed by Teuk, Siwon, Ryeowook, tugged behind him was Yesung, EunHae, Sungmin, Kyu and lastly, Kangin.


Shindong turned the door knob, "it's open!" he looked back at the members leaving them all surprised.

Kangin whispered impatiently from behind "open it!" and without much further ado, Shindong forcefully pulled open the door...


"SURPRIIIISSEEEEE~~~~~!!!!!" Al, Ez and __you__ jumped in excitement from where you guys were hiding.

"WOAH!!!!" the boys screamed in return, shocked and all showing stunned faces.

"love!!!" teuk was the first to run inside. "Ne!" I shouted and ran towards him, similar to a scene from a romantic movie wherein a couple reunite after not seeing each other for almost a year, or so...kkkk.

They were all smiles as they enter one by one, admiring the entirety of the place. Seeing their precious smiles made my heart melt. Epic! it was like seeing them win their awards at MAMA or something...kkkk.

"CHUKAHAE boys!!!" Al, Ez & __you__ shouted in unison.

"kansahamnida!" they all answered back and automatically formed their line and as always leader Leeteuk lead them in their introduction "URINEUN SUPERJUNI-OR~~~!!!" Teuk shouted with glee. He even let out a big grin after seeing the billboard size tarp stuck on the wall that Al designed.

"Aigo..uri gurls..." Kangin happily said and grabbed Ez by the waist and gave her a hug. "I know hyung..." Siwon added while staring at Al who is now blushing with a matching teary-eyed face.

"hyung! what are you waiting for? go on..." Kyu tried his luck and pushed the prince hyung, breaking their perfect SJ line.

Siwon now dumbfounded didn't know how to react, he gave his head a scratch and grinned as he walked towards Al.

"unnie, be brave, arasseo?" Ez whispered at the back of her sister's ears in which Al responded with a nod.

"aigo.." Teuk whispered and looked at my direction, i caught his gaze and gave him a thumbs up sign.

"masi-ah.." was all that came from Al's mouth as Siwon finally reached for her hand.

"jeongmal mianhe..." Siwon bowed and placed Al's hand on his face. Al couldn't help the sudden burst of emotions as tears ran down her face.

"uljima, i'm here now.." Siwon muttered as he wiped Al's tears using his bare hands.

"i know..i know...I just missed you sooooo much...." and without hessitation she wrapped her arms around Siwon.

"AWWWW...." everyone gasped after seeing the couple reunited after a couple of weeks of not being together.

"ka ja!!!! let's give the royal couple some quality time!" this time, Kyu was the one who broke the sweet atmosphere.

"Kyu's right! noona! what is this all about anyway?" Sungmin butted in and turned to face me and Teuk.

"ne love, what's with all these humungous billboard,surprise,we're so clueless.." Teuk added crossing his arms.

"Ahhhh...this..is our mini surprise celebration for you guys! we all know how much you spent your time being passionate about your work so in return, this is our little token for all of you, it's sad that the other SJ members couldn't join us now..." I explained.

"aigoo..gomawo noona!" Sungmin replied, opened his arms and gave me a warm nice hug.

"eh...ehemmmm..." Teuk faked a cough at the back causing Sungmin to feel awkwrd and let got from the hug. "mianhe teukie hyung...you know stuff like this always gets the emotional part of me..." he giggled while Teuk seriously looked at him.

"ATTACK!!!!!" a hungry Shindong all of a sudden shouted and was the first one to run to the feast table we especially prepared for them. 

"wow!!! uri noona's prepared well for us!" Ryeowook excitedly exclaimed as he pointed on the sumptuous dishes surrounding him. "Ne! everything's perfect!" Kyu exhaled and showed an evil maknae grin. "uh-uh-uh...whatever it is your thinking, spare it maknae!" yesung pleaded and shot a stare at him. "uh, mianhe hyung, i'll do it tomorrow morning instead...daebak! kkkkk!" he joked and looked at all the other hyungs still holding his evil grin.

"Siwon-ah! Al! what're you waiting for! come over here! we can't start without you leading the prayer!" Kangin shouted as he placed an arm around Ez.

"ne unnie! pali! we can't have them starving all night remember?! the mini program we prepared after?!" Ez added and winked at her unnie's mesmerized face.

"arasseo! coming!" Al shouted from across the room tagging Siwon along with her left hand.

"ok brothers&sisters let us put ourselves in the presence of the Lord.." Siwon composed himself as he continued with his prayer ".....in Jesus' name...Amen." and together, they opened their eyes. 

"now, let the feast begin!" Teuk announced in his MC-tone voice.

"NE~~~!!!!" they all shouted.

"yah,love..." Teuk whispered behind my back after passing him his plate... "ne?" i turned my back and handed him a glass filled with water. "tell me, who's plan was this?" he held my hand and lead me to a corner. "Us three!!!!" I answered with a big grin. "hahahah! thank yoi so much love, you don't know how much this means to me and the rest of the members..." he kissed my forehead and toppled my hair. "yah! of course! you guys really deserve this! specially you leader-nim!" I returned by biting his arm.."aissshhh~~~look!" Teuk exclaimed while doing a quick ninja move of balancing the plate he was holding.

SILENCE filled the place..after 10 mins....

"Yeorobun!" Kangin stood up from his seat and called on everyone's attention. He raised his glass now filled with wine "CHEERS! Happy 7th Year Annivesary to us! let's continue this forever!" he proudly stated and tapped his glass with a fork, everybody clapped and cheeered. "Teukkie hyung, wanna say something?" Kangin called on his hyung proudly.

As predicted, Teuk stood up, swallowed the last piece of meat he was munching and composed himself, "Ne, chukahae to us! who would've thought we would reach this far?...." he started "...and since this'll be one of my last speech allow me to thank each and everyone of you for the hardwork, passion, love and dedication. Hyung is very proud to see all of you grow up to become the individuals that you are today and see the fruits you have reaped for your respective families. I have only one request, when hyung enlists, please take care of each other arasseo? specially when the time comes that you find yourselves quarreling or hating someone over a leftover meal, always think of how we started, think of how much we are loved by our fans, think of the members whom we miss the most, and of course think of me more while i'm inside the training camp. Protect one another as I've protected you..hyung loves you very much, and, oh... please do also take care of uri noona __you__ since i'll be away for quite some time. Be at her side and protect her at all costs, remember what happened to Al, when she and Siwon-ah we're just starting right? the sasaeng fans? (with this Siwon grabbed Al's hand and caressed it while the others are seen listening intently and were already half-teary eyed) Always remember that i'll be praying over you and the success of each and everyone. Hyung loves you!" 

Everyone stood up and clapped for him whiled he did his signature 90-degree bow again. The teary-eyed Jung soo then turned around me. aigoo...my poor crying baby, I gave him a hug and whispered "love, you did great! this wouldn't happen if it weren't for you being a great leader to them." giving him a moral boost. He nodded and wasn't able to reply since he can't contain his tears. I hushed him and his back...

"Teukie hyung! don't worry we will do our best and be a more united super junior...we promise you that as long as you promise to be safe and stay healthy while inside the army okay? I'll protect your spot no matter what, you did well hyung, we are so proud of you...we love you more!..." Eunhyuk blurted out of nowhere but he wasn't able to finish his speech cos he too, unexpectedly burst out in tears..Donghae, startled placed an arm around him, tugged him close and wiped his tears. "Ne hyung, I will miss you so much, you've been the brother, father and mother since trainee days. Be well okay?" the soft spoken "5-yr.old" dongsaeng stated.

"Teukie hyung will do good, I promed you that, he's been a great leader, he'll be a great leader there too." Kangin boastfully declared, assuring everyone.

"Ne and K.R.Y. will deffinitely dedicate our Japan concert for you!" Kyu butted in leaving everyone a good laugh.

"What?" he asked clueless of what he just said.

"nevermind, your still an insensitive kiddo..." Sungmin tapped his back.

At the back of my mind, my emotions were all up, it was like watching a drama movie scene where all the actors are huddled in a bonfire while sharing their innermost feelings under the moonlight. Or a scene from an 18th debut party where the debutante listens to her well-wishers in her 18 candle ceremony.

"love!" I snapped back when Teuk placed his hand on my cheek.

"uh..ne?" I mesmerizingly asked. "you have anything to say?" he instantly asked.

"what? ME???" I asked shocked.

"ne..." he batted his lashes and showed his killer dimple smile still in between tears.

"hahahah!!!...aniyo..." I was caught dumbfounded.

"yah noona! say something!" Hae bellowed after recovering from his emotions. "YAH" the rest of the boys joined in including Al & Ez.

Honestly I didn't know what to say, this wasn't part of the program or something..but what the heck, i've been with these people for a couple of years now...so...here goes nothing! "ummmm...first of all, I want to thank you yeorobun! for being here tonight. We all know how important this day is for you guys that's why this is out tribute to all of you in return..and of course...love (I turned around and faced Teuk his eyes and ears are all smiled now, he nodded in response and held my hand) we've been through it all...I admit the the first part of our relationship were full of struggles but we managed to surpass it all. We proved that our careers will never be a cause of conflict..(it was now my turn to be teary-eyed) We proved that a relationship between an idol and a fangirl can really happen and we are a living proof of that. I wish nothing but the best, safety and good health for you when d-day comes. And as a promise to you, I shall take good care of your dongsaengs. They're no different to me since the day we first announced our relationship to them. I'll be the one to scold, if neither of them goes astray. aisssshhhh~~~~there..that's all...the rest, you'll know...tonight..hahah!" I managed to pull a joke. 

The boys cheered and applauded "noona! your such a tease!" Hyukkie exclaimed.

"But of course! that's how much I respect and love your Teuk hyung"

"Ne Eunhyukkie that's why find a girl like noona arasseo?!" Hyukjae nodded and curled his lips and put an arm around Donghae, "like this hyung?!" and smirked. "AISSSSHHH~~~!!! you dongsaeng!" everyone bursted out laughing at the eternal EunHae couple.

"what are you guys waiting for! boyse!!! kindly find your places..." Al stood up behind Siwon

"we all know the life of an idol is not easy so now allow us to be your entertainers for tonight.." Ez announced and winked at Kangin. He then responded by giving Ez a flying kiss. Ez Blushed and went on with her speech.. "so, just sit back and relax..."

"And since this is one of your favorite bonding activities...lights please!" I said and at my back a spotlight was what seems to be something covered with white cloth, Ez pulled the cloth, revealing a karaoke machine! "WELCOME to NEORAEBANG -filled night!" I said, the boys all shouted in excitement after seeing the thing they missed doing as a group when not in the limelight scene. "wooaahh!!! how'd you guys managed to pull this thing off?!" Yesung, one of the groups balladeer inquired in much enthusiasm. "simple. we befriended the ahjussi who owns a neoraebang place a few streets away.hahaha" Ez replied handing him the microphone. "do the honor Yesung-ssi." 

The night started with Yesung-ssi singing a couple of his favorite songs. Everyone had their turn in taking place over who sings next. The smiles on their faces were all priceless. Time flew so fast when I checked on my watch it was almost 2am. I walked over to where Al was sitting and asked if it was okay if the boys sleepover here. She nodded abruptly and stood up and called on to her sister Ez who also stood up and went to us.

"what is it unnie's?" she asked.

"let's set up the rooms upstairs, we'll let them sleep here since they're still all glued on with their neoraebang selves. hahah!" Al joked and grabbed her sister who's eyes are still on Kangin.

"ne! it won't take long..." I added.

After a few minutes the three of us went down and returned to our places, beside our beloved oppars.

"love, what took you all so long?" Teuk whispered and placed an arm around me.

"uh, we fixed the rooms upstairs for you guys later." I answered and placed an arm around him giving him a tight hug in return.

"ah yes, your also going to let me sleep here? how bout you?" Teuk worriedly asked with a smirk.

"of course i'll stay here too! I'll help Al and Ez clean up after we tuck you boys to sleep later...hahah" I pinched his side leaving him to grunt in pain.

"thanks love, you really are the best!" Teuk tugged me close to him and gave me a soft smack on the lips.

*HELLLOOOO READERS!!! jeongmal mianhe for the late post of this chapter! it took me days to finish this...kkkk! waiteu for the next chap. okay??? saranghaeyooo for being patient in hwaiting! :))) comment back! ^^




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Hey subscribers! Hwait for the upcoming chapters! Patience is a virtue. Ne? Will post it this weekend! Saranghae~~~~


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Chapter 24: Nyaaawww... :3 eeteuk-ssi is such a cutie! So to anyone whose trying to break them apart, better back off now! I mean it! Eeekkk it's really sweet! Eeteuk leadernim jjang!!! :D
Eonnie! me and yb? hahaha!!! he better get things straight or else i'm gonna tie his braids to his nose hair!!! hahahaha thanks for the update huggies dear! and i shall continue to write my yb fic too hahaha :D
Chapter 21: Aigooo... Merry Christmas huggies-unnie!!! You definitely made an ear splitting smile on my face while reading this!!! I can just imagine my road trips on Sunday mornings.. You can still remember when I took you there right?! Eeekkkkkk!!! I miss writing masi fanfics tuloy!!! Kkkkkk thanks so much huggies!!!
Chapter 19: Oh my, so that's what happened before masi and al were such ers kkkkk
Anyways, you kept my toes curled as I read along!!! Waaahhh asfgsjagshshshah!!! Well done Teukie leader-nim! Please make me the godmother of your baby!!! Waaahhh kilig! Congrats huggies :D
Chapter 14: You..you huggies you! I cannot unsee what you did write there! Wahahaha :D
I was squealing in front of my lappy that mama had to knock on my door to check me, wahahaha :))
Al and Wonnie are such ers! Go Teuk! You can do it! Will play Hot Times for you two if you want to kkkkkkk =))
Fighting unnie! :D
Chapter 14: I want to know the details~ *Q*
Chapter 11: aawww, why am i so close to crying with chapter 11...
but you gave me sooo much feels at chapter 9!!! you silly you unnie!!! i love it :D
i'm giving you a big virtual hug! :D
Chapter 6: okay Siwon's giving too much info there :)) *blush* *blush*
aigoo huggies! you never fail to make me kilig hihihi :D
what a sweet and caring eeteuk-shi right there :D
Chapter 5: Can i give you a big virtual hug right now? I swooned imagining siwon's outfit...and it had to be white vneck with blue stripes? My favorite!
Anyway, i really love the update :D grinning from ear to ear here :D